GNU Audio and Video

 [A gnu listening to music]

Here you can watch video or listen to audio recordings of speeches andother events related to the GNU Project. Many of these recordings are madeby volunteers who attend our events, and we thank everyone for sendingthem in.

Speeches and interviews that are intended for the general public arelisted in the categoryGNU Philosophy and History. Some of them are in Spanish or French, anda few of the recordings have been transcribed and/or subtitled. Thetranscriptionsarepublished in the Philosophy section.

Beside speeches and interviews, GNU Philosophy and History lists otherinteresting audio and video material that a selection by type (at the topof the list) will help you discover.

Resources dealing with more technical subjects are listed separately.For example,

Audio and video techniques

Modern web browsers, such as GNU Icecat 3.5 or later can playthese files natively, but more information for everyone is availableatPlayOgg, a campaignof the Free Software Foundation.

Recordings are typically made using theTheora(video) andVorbis(audio) codecs in the Oggcontainer, but some videos are in theWebMformat instead. Their audiotracks are usually encoded in Vorbis, but occasionally inOpus, a low-delay format, well suitedfor real-time communication.

The documentation page provides some basic information on

All recordings are made available for verbatim copying anddistribution, and many are also available under the terms of theCreative CommonsAttribution-NoDerivative Works3.0 license or later versions.


If you find a problem with the audio-video server or have a speechrecording to contribute, please report toMake ataskfor maintainers of the project or fill asupport request.

Come visit theAudio-Video project page on Savannah.

Add yourself to the low trafficaudio-videomailing list.