Helping the GNU Project and the Free Software Movement

Saying no to the use of a nonfree program or an onlinedisserviceon even oneoccasionhelps the cause of software freedom. Saying no to usingitwith othershelps even more. And if you tell them it isfor defense of your freedom and theirs, that helps even more.

Beyond that, you can also help by volunteering to do work. This pagelists many kinds of work we need.

For general questions about the GNU project,mail<>and forquestions and suggestions about this web site,mail<>.

Help develop the GNU operating system

Please let the GNU VolunteerCoordinators<>know if you start a new package that you found in those lists.We want to keep track of what tasks are being worked on.

When writing software for GNU, please follow theGNU Coding StandardsandInformation for Maintainers of GNUSoftwaredocuments.

We are sometimes offered software which already doessubstantially the same task as an existing GNU package.Although of course we appreciate all offers, we'd naturally liketo encourage programmers to spend their time writing freesoftware to do new jobs, not already-solved ones. So, beforestarting a new program, please check theFree Software Directoryforfree software that does the job already.

We can offersomeresourcesto help GNU software developers.

The GNU VolunteerCoordinators<>canassist you if you would like to help developing GNU software. They willbe able to put you in touch with other people interested in or workingon similar projects. When you have selected a task from our tasklists, please let them know you're interested in working on it.

Important new small-to-medium programs needed

Help support GNU development and use

This list is ordered roughly with the more urgent items near the top.Please note that many things on this list link to larger, expanded lists.

  • Help withSavannah. We areespecially looking for technical sysadmin volunteers to help withunderlying infrastructure support. Volunteers to help with pendingproject submissions are also very welcome. Please see thisgeneralinformation on how to become a savannah hacker. Pleasecommunicate with us on thesavannah-hackers-publicmailing list.
  • Organize a newGNU/LinuxUser Group.
  • Volunteer as a GNU Webmaster. Start by completing thewebmaster quiz.
  • Translate the GNU Web site into otherlanguages. Each translation team needs several members that are native speakers of the target language (and fluent in English), but it also needs at least one member that is a native speaker of English (and fluent in the target language.) More information about the issue can be found at theGuide to Translating the Web Pages. Write to<>if you want to help.
  • We need native English speakers with agood command of the language to proofread English text written by GNU package maintainers and other volunteers. These texts can be articleson various subjects related to free software, documentation, or sometimes GNU manuals that need to be prepared for printing. To help with this task, please subscribe to the low-trafficGNU documentation proofreaders list.
  • When you are talking with people that don't value freedom andcommunity, you can show them the many practical advantages of freesoftware (seeWhyOpen Source / Free Software? Look at the Numbers!for someuseful evidence). But keep mentioning the ethical issues too!Don't let their pressure change your voice into an open-source voice.
  • Make sure that essaysfrom ourphilosophy sectionand other GNU URLs are linked to often in the appropriate categories.If you'd like to help us with this task, please contact theGNU Volunteer Coordinators<>.
  • Donatehardwareto theFSF.
  • If you or your company worksupporting or developing free software in some way, you can listyourself (or your company) in theService Directory.
  • If you run a company that needs to hire people to work with freesoftware, you can advertise on ourFree Software JobPage.
  • Volunteer to contact companies and suggest that they use ourFree Software JobPageto publish their job postings. If you would beinterested in this, please contact<>.

Spread awareness about GNU and the Free Software Movement

Help improve is a repository that contains information about how wellparticular hardware works with free software.

Help is needed in:

For other ways to help,see communicating with users/developers, usetheirmailinglists.

Volunteer with and donate to the Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Foundation is the principal organizationalsponsor of the GNU Operating System. The FSF also helps to spreadawareness of the ethical and political issues of software freedom.

Like GNU, the FSF also gets a lot of its strength from volunteers.It's a great place to volunteer and a great community to join,especially if you don't have the technical background to contributedirectly to free software development. Check out the FSF'svolunteering pageto get startedor thehomepageto learn more aboutthe organization.

Support the FSF and the GNU Project financially by becoming an FSFassociate member,donatingto theFSF,purchasingmanuals, t-shirts,stickers, and gear from the FSF, or byselling freesoftwareand donating some of the proceeds to the FSF or anotherfree software organization. By funding development, you can advancethe world of free software.