Proprietary Software Is Often Malware

Proprietary software, also called nonfree software,means software that doesn'trespect users' freedom andcommunity. A proprietary program puts its developer or ownerin a position of power over its users.This power is in itself an injustice.

The point of this directory is to show by examples that the initialinjustice of proprietary software often leads to further injustices:malicious functionalities.

Power corrupts; the proprietary program's developer is tempted todesign the program to mistreat its users. (Software designed tofunction in a way that mistreats the user is calledmalware.)Of course, the developer usually does not do this out of malice, butrather to profit more at the users' expense. That does not make itany less nasty or more legitimate.

Yielding to that temptation has become ever more frequent; nowadaysit is standard practice. Modern proprietary software is typicallyan opportunity to be tricked, harmed, bullied or swindled.

Online services are not released software, but in regard to all thebad aspects, using a service is equivalent to using a copy of releasedsoftware. In particular, a service can be designed to mistreat theuser, and many services do that. However, we do not list instances ofmalicious dis-services here, for two reasons. First, a service(whether malicious or not) is not a program that one could install acopy of, and there is no way at all for users to change it. Second,it is so obvious that a service can mistreat users if the owner wishesthat we hardly need to prove it.

However, most online services require the user to run a nonfreeapp. The appisreleased software, so we do list maliciousfunctionalities of these apps. Mistreatment by the service itself isimposed by use of the app, so sometimes we mention those mistreatmentstoo—but we try to state explicitly what is done by the app andwhat is done by the dis-service.

When a web site provides access to a service, it very likely sendsnonfree JavaScript software to execute in the user's browser. SuchJavaScript code is released software, and it's morally equivalent toother nonfree apps. If it does malicious things, we want to mentionthem here.

When talking about mobile phones, we dolistoneother malicious characteristic, location trackingwhich is causedby the underlying radio system rather than by the specific software inthem.

As of December 2023, the pages in this directory list around 600instances of malicious functionalities (with more than 710 references toback them up), but there are surely thousands more we don't know about.

Ideally we would list every instance. If you come across aninstance which we do not list, please write to totell us about it. Please include a reference to a reputable articlethat describes the malicious behavior clearly; we won't list an itemwithout documentation to point to.

If you want to be notified when we add new items or make other changes,subscribe to themailing list<>.

Injustices or techniques Products or companies
  1. Back door:  any feature of a programthat enables someone who is not supposed to be in control of thecomputer where it is installed to send it commands.
  2. Digital restrictions management, or“DRM”:  functionalities designed to restrictwhat users can do with the data in their computers.
  3. Jail:  system that imposes censorship onapplication programs.
  4. Tether:  functionality that requirespermanent (or very frequent) connection to a server.
  5. Tyrant:  system that rejects any operatingsystem not “authorized” by the manufacturer.

Users of proprietary software are defenseless against these formsof mistreatment. The way to avoid them is by insisting onfree(freedom-respecting) software. Since free software is controlledby its users, they have a pretty good defense against malicioussoftware functionality.

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    GM is spying on driverswho own or rent their cars, and giveaway detailed driving data to insurance companies through databrokers. These companies then analyze the data, and hike up insuranceprices if they think the data denotes “risky driving.”For the car to make this data available to anyone but the owner orrenter of the car should be a crime. If the car is owned by a rentalcompany, that company should not have access to it either.

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    Surveillance cameras put in by governmentA to surveil for it may be surveilling forgovernment B as well. That's because A put in a productmade by B with nonfree software.

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  • 2023-11

    Microsoft has been annoying people who wanted toclose the proprietary program OneDrive on their computers,forcing them to give the reason why they were closing it. Thisprompt was removed after public pressure.

    This is a reminder that angry users still have the power to makedevelopers of proprietary software remove small annoyances. Don'tcount on public outcry to make them remove more profitable malware,though. Run away from proprietary software!

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    Newag,a Polish railway manufacturer, puts DRM inside trains to preventthird-party repairs.

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