Documentation of the GNU Project

GNU and other free documentation can be obtained by the following methods:

GNU documentation principles

We believe the reader should be free to copy, update, andredistribute GNU documentation, just like GNU software.

Originally, all our documentation was released under a shortcopyleftlicense, orunder theGNU General PublicLicense (GPL). In 2001, theGNU Free Documentation License(FDL)was created to address needs that were not met by licensesoriginally designed for software. For more information on freedocumentation, please seeRichardStallman'sessay, FreeSoftware and Free Manuals.” ATexinfo version of that essayis availablefor inclusion in manuals.


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GNU Press:another way to contribute is to help usexpandbookstore availabilityofGNU Pressbooks. For this or anyreason, you cancontact GNU Press.