Provide zblog template_zblog them_wordpress template download and customization


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Collection of zblogasp1.8 common plug-ins: ytcms1.8 xiaoyi_FirstIMG、 NOBIRDArticleSEO

Recently, a customer wanted to make a set of zblog templates with zblog sp 1.8. Why didn't he use zblog sp 2.2 or the latest zblog php? The answer is only 1.8... Well, all right. 1.8 I haven't touched it for a long time, and I encountered many problems in the process of doing it. Some plug-ins to be used have been removed from the official shelves and haven't been downloaded, so after solving them one by one, I want to package some common plug-ins to people who need them to download them

resources 2016-11-06 seven thousand three hundred and ten 2 Comments

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