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Method of adding website copyright under zblog article content

Tianxing Studio 2015-12-17 23:32 course seven thousand two hundred and eighty-seven 0 Comments

Recently used Tianxing Studio Zblog template When asked this question by students, it is actually a very simple question, but without specific steps zblog It is not always possible for people to handle the label. So I promised this student to write this tutorial.

As the old saying goes, zblog now points zblogphp and zblogasp We will explain the two versions at one time.

Added under the content of zblogphp article website Methods of copyright:

1. Find the corresponding subject Template The file "post single. php". See the tutorial for how to find this file“ How to modify the zblogphp template? ”, find the "{$article. Content}" tag after finding the file, and then add the following code below:

 <p>This article is from the<a href="{$host}" title="{$name}">{$name}</a>reprint, please note</ p> <p>Address of this article: {$article. Url}</ p>

2. Save the file, and you can see the effect under the background home page update cache.

How to add website copyright under the content of zblogasp articles:

1. Find the template file "b_article-single.html" corresponding to the theme. See the tutorial for how to find this file“ How to modify the zblog theme? Zblogasp topic modification method ”, find the "<# article/content #>" tag after finding the file, and then add the following code below:

 <p>This article is from<a href="<# ZC_BLOG_HOST #>" title="<# ZC_BLOG_TITLE #>"><# ZC_BLOG_TITLE #></a>Please note if it is reproduced</ p> <p>Address of this article:<# article/url #></ p>

2. Save the file, and you can see the effect by "File Reconstruction" in the background or "Update Cache" on the home page of the background.

If you have any questions, please comment on the block and ask questions in this article.

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