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Zblog function GetCategoryByID: Obtain classification object data through classification ID

Tianxing Studio 2022-07-24 20:38 Zblog function nine hundred and fifty-four 0 Comments

Introduced before“ GetCategoryByName ”Function to obtain the data of the classification object through the classification name. However, the classification name may be duplicate, so it is more recommended to use the "GetCategoryByID" function to obtain the object data of this classification through the classification ID. The classification id is unique and not prone to errors.

GetCategoryByID The function is constructed in the "zblogphp. php" file at about 3300 lines.

Function parameters:

$id: integer type, which is the classification id of the data to be obtained;

Function output:

Output an object object whose contents are all values of the specified classification.

For example, output the name of the classification whose classification ID is "1":


It is better to judge whether the classification ID exists before use:

 if($zbp->GetCategoryByID(1)->ID !=  0){ //There are classifications with ID 1 }

Then we can get other classified data. Other data values are as follows:

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