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The built-in cookie calling code of zblog

Tianxing Studio 2020-06-19 20:23 Zblogphp Tutorial two thousand seven hundred and seventy-one 0 Comments

Zblog has a built-in cookie function, which makes it easier to set cookies and call cookies. This article will share the calling code of zblog's built-in cookies.

js cookie:

Get the cookie according to the key:


Set cookies:

 zbp.cookie.set(sCookieName,  sCookieValue, iExpireDays)

The three values of the set cookie are "cookie name", "cookie value" and "cookie time", which can be set according to your own requirements.

Take a chestnut:

Click the "btn" button to write a cookie named "bg" with a value of "1" and a time of "365" days. The code is as follows:

 $(".btn").click(function(){ zbp.cookie.set("bg", "1" , 365); });

php cookie

PHP uses PHP native functions to obtain and write cookie values.

Cookies are written using“ setcookie ()”;

"$_COOKIE ['']" is used to obtain cookies;

For the specific usage of these two functions, please visit the official PHP documentation:

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