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Zblog global settings: development mode, security enhancement, gzip compression, etc

Tianxing Studio 2020-02-21 Zblog settings three thousand four hundred and seventy-five 0 Comments

In the last section, we talked about zblog website This section describes the global settings in the zblog website settings.

All configuration items of zblog global settings are shown in the following figure:

 Zblog global settings: development mode, security enhancement, gzip compression and other code highlighting development mode global settings zblog settings zblog settings page 1

The old rules are introduced one by one.

Site Time Zone : The time zone in which the time contained in the website is calculated. It will be automatically obtained by default, but you can also select it manually;

Website Language : Select which language to display the site text. Now there are three languages to choose from: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English. Ps: The background setting here will take effect immediately. The foreground depends on the theme you use Template Whether this function is supported;

Types of files allowed to be uploaded : As the name implies, it is to set which files can be uploaded directly. By default, it includes some common pictures and file formats. If you have files in special formats to upload, you can add the file format suffix here;

Size of files allowed to upload (in MB) : zblog allows up to 2M files to be uploaded by default, which can be modified by yourself. It should be noted that the server also has a limit on the size of uploaded files, so if you find that this option is still not available after setting it, you need to set it in the server;

Development mode : It can be understood as a strict mode. Generally, developers need to enable this configuration when developing applications to reduce application bugs. In addition, when users use zblog Error prompt Please open this item first. Then the error prompt page will have a detailed error reason and the file that caused the error, which can handle the error faster and better. Ps: Please do not open this item at other times;

Security enhancements : After opening, some security restrictions will be loaded. The most intuitive thing is how long there is no operation in the background before the automatic exit. For detailed security mechanism, please browse the official upgrade instructions. Ordinary users are recommended to enable this option;

GZip compression : A compression technology that can reduce the size of your web page and make the page open faster. If your server supports it, it is recommended to enable this option;

Code highlighting : If your website needs to share code, it is recommended to open this configuration, so that code blocks can be displayed and processed in the style of "code editor" familiar to programmers, which is more intuitive and beautiful. On the other hand, if you don't need to share code, please turn off this option, because more css and js will be loaded after opening, wasting resources.

Close website : You can turn on this option when you need to close the website but do not want to delete the website file completely. When you want to open the website again, you can close it again. It's so intuitive

Finally, please remember to click the Submit button to save after setting.

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