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The reason and solution for the zblog installation prompt "Failed to create c_option.php"

Tianxing Studio 2019-03-07 20:55 Zblogphp Tutorial five thousand eight hundred and twenty-three 1 Comments

Some zblog users responded that when installing the last step of zblog, they were prompted "Failed to create c_option.php", as shown in the following figure:

 QQ screenshot 20190307205743.png

This article explains the causes and solutions of this problem.

Causes of the problem:

C_option.php is the database configuration file of zblog. When the installation is completed, the program will automatically create this file. If your host permissions are insufficient, the program cannot create this file, and this prompt will appear.

So the reason for this problem is that your host permissions are not enough.

Solution to the problem:

First, you can directly create a "c_option. php" file locally according to the prompts on the error page, open the file, copy and paste the following code into the file, and then save it. Finally, upload it to the "root directory/zb_users/" folder.

PS: This method treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. You will still encounter various problems caused by insufficient permissions in the subsequent use of zblog. Therefore, the following methods are strongly recommended.

Second, set your host permissions to "777"!

This method is simple to say, but many small white users don't know where to start

Because everyone's host environment is different, some are Windows+iis; Some are Linux+Apache; Some are Linux+nginx; The setting method is different in each environment. So please first determine which kind of environment you are, and then use "environment name"+"permission setting" as the keyword to search Baidu to find the corresponding tutorial.

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yes one Comments from netizens:

  •  Netizens of Tianxing Studio

    Netizens of Tianxing Studio Six years ago (2019-03-24) reply

    Finally, I found a solution to the error. Thank you

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