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Zblog added xss security update. If an error is reported, please update the file in time

Tianxing Studio 2018-07-18 20:40 course sixteen thousand and fifteen 0 Comments

Recently, zblog has been strengthening its security functions. The "security enhancement" mode is enabled by default in the background website settings, and the new“ xsshtml ”Function.

First, what is xss? The following introduction is from Baidu Baike

XSS attack: The full name of XSS attack is cross site script attack, which is not confused with the abbreviation of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), so cross site script attack is abbreviated as XSS. XSS is a computer security vulnerability in web applications, which allows malicious web users to inject code into pages provided to other users.

The xsshtml file of zblog is used to prevent this attack. Of course, our ordinary users don't need to know the specific principle of this thing, just update it.

Of course, if such errors occur during the use of your website:

 QQ Picture 20180718204738.png

Be sure to update the xsshtml file immediately.

Update steps:

Open the zblog background -- open the application center -- click system update and verification -- click update button -- click automatic file update in sequence, as shown below:

 QQ screenshot 20180718205738.png

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