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What should I do if the zba format template uploaded by zblog background theme management cannot be installed?

Tianxing Studio 2018-06-15 21:03 Zblogphp Tutorial six thousand five hundred and fifty-six 0 Comments

Tianxing Studio I've written several articles about Zblog Theme Installation 's tutorial, but caused Zblog template There are still many kinds of problems that cannot be installed, so this article does not mention the reasons but only the solutions.

If you get the theme package in zba format and upload it directly in the background -- theme management, but can't install it anyway, you can follow this article.

First, download“ Zblog special file.zba decompression tool download ”After the downloaded tool is unzipped, we get a "zba. exe" file. We can drag the zba format theme package onto this file and release it. Then we can unzip the zba format theme package into a folder.

Now we will ftp the folder extracted in the previous step to you website In the "/zb_users/theme/" folder, as shown below:

 What should I do if the zba format template uploaded by zblog background theme management cannot be installed? Zblog installation template zblog topic installing zblogphp tutorial page 1

Then open the theme management in the background of your website, and you can see the theme successfully installed.

PS: If you still have problems according to this step, please describe your problems in detail in the comment area of this article, and Tianxing Studio will reply one by one when it has time.

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