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Views on selecting domain name registrars, new domain name suffixes, and domain name website building and investment

Most of our webmasters and netizens who like to toss around the website host have passed by overnight wealth. For example, when we first started to surf the Internet, we registered more short QQ numbers and kept them, and then sold them in a few years. For example, Lao Zuo saw that a netizen bought a 5-digit QQ number and said that he would pay more than 5-digit costs. If we had registered more than a dozen QQ numbers? For example, when we first started surfing the Internet, we registered more digital, single spelling, and pinyin domain names, which can be saved until now. As a result, we have reached the peak of our life as early as possible, because four digital domain names have been promoted to five digit values for some time ago.

 Views on selecting domain name registrars, new domain name suffixes, and domain name website building and investment

Looking back, have we lost many opportunities to become rich? So many of us who missed the opportunity kept telling ourselves not to lose the opportunity, and then thought hard every day to see if there was an opportunity to miss the registration of domain names, or see the emergence of various new suffix domain names, and then go to register to wait for their winning. But in fact, whether we will find that the domain name industry is still relatively deep, When we register, we can see various value introductions. When we find buyers, we can only see that there is no market.

At the end of last year, Lao Zuo held several three figures The BIZ and. ME domain names also took the lead with that trend. Although they did not reach the high price advocated, they were satisfied with the profit of about 100 times the cost. Now let's look at the luck of the first move, because there is almost no interest in it now, and we can only hope for the next wave of luck.

I. About Domain name registrar

Whether we use it to build a website or invest in registering a domain name, we all want to minimize costs, free transfer operations and other needs. On the one hand, we can reduce costs, and on the other hand, we can quickly realize after transactions. From Lao Zuo's personal experience, if we are a domain name used to build a website, we just need to find a stable service provider, such as several large domestic Domain name registrar : Aliwan, Xishu, Aiming, etc; I am accustomed to using Namecheap, Godaddy, Namesilo, and other businesses abroad.

Among them, I am used to choosing overseas service providers for website building domain names. Although the price is a little expensive sometimes, I always feel used to and reassured. If it is. CN domain names are used to being placed in domestic registrars such as and aiming. If our domain name is used for investment and transaction, if the transaction user is in China, it is recommended to directly use it in the domestic registrar platform, so that the transaction transfer is relatively simple. Last year Lao Zuo had one The ME 3 digital domain name was only sold for US $300 on the Godaddy platform, and 20% of the service charge was paid. It was really not worth a lot of money after calculation, and then it was directly killed by 4000 yuan on the domestic platform. Therefore, the choice of merchants is quite important.

Second, about the suffix of the new domain name

Now all kinds of strange domain name suffixes have appeared, including foreign registration bureaus and domestic registration bureaus. From the perspective of value, the emergence of various new suffixes can make money for registration bureaus, domain name hype and investors. For example, the value of various reserved domain names will be magnified in the later period. The real domain names that we novices can register are rare, and slightly better numbers, words, single spelling, and even double spelling are reserved by the registration bureau.

In fact, in my personal judgment, if many area codes, single spellings and double spellings are reserved, I think there must be Chinese people involved in this registration office. Otherwise, how can we keep so many prefixes we are used to. Lao Zuo also communicated several times before Domain name investment However, if it is true that registration is open and ordinary users can register after meditation, it can basically be regarded as a foil, with no market value.

PS: As for using a new suffix as a website, my personal understanding is that it is OK to build a website for demonstration or personalization. If we really want to hold a certain brand value for a long time, we still choose a regular suffix. Of course, if we have a shorter prefix, it is still valuable, but generally we can't register it.

Third, about Domain name investment view

Lao Zuo did not have experience in domain name investment, and now there are few opportunities to find out. At the beginning, when he saw new suffixes coming out, he also searched for options and holdings, and found that most of them were retained or registered. If we are professional domain name investors, we must be more timely about domain name information, because most friends, like Lao Zuo, will not know until domestic businesses start various publicity and public registration, which is too late.

Even if we have some potential domain names in our hands, we can either realize them or see the opportunity. For example, we met a friend last year and talked about that he accidentally registered more than a dozen 4-digit domain names, which were being renewed and almost thrown away. It happened that the digital domain names were popular and then realized. Therefore, for most domain name owners, they do not register to a domain name, and then evaluate their own potential, and then go to various forums and QQ groups to sell. Basically, there are more dealers and fewer buyers in these places, unless they can easily sell when a wave of enthusiasm comes.

In conclusion, especially the above mentioned view of domain name investment may be too one-sided, but for non professional users, what we can do is to follow the trend, because we can't control the domain name pattern, but sometimes if we follow the right path, we can still get lucky, but we should not be too obsessed.

Domain name host preferential information push QQ group: six hundred and twenty-seven million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and seventy-seven Get preferential promotion from merchants.
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