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Simple understanding - six WEB server software environments that may be used by webmaster users

We can choose and use virtual hosts, VPS and servers. For the former, we can use whatever environment our businesses give us. At most, we will ask whether there is a Windows system or a Linux system, which is compatible with our website programs. After we switch to VPS host environment, all environments need to be configured and built by ourselves.

Generally, we will use the Windows IIS WEB environment, or install the WEB panel in the Linux system environment, as well as LAMP, LNMP, LNMPA, LLSMP and other combinations of one click installation packages, or even manually compile our own configuration environment architecture website. In all the processes here, the most important difference we need to make is WEB server Environment selection, such as Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, or LightSpeed.

If we are a simple environment application, it is not necessary to study deeply. It is enough to basically run. In the process of learning, Lao Zuo uses Apache, Nginx, Lighttp, LightSpeed and other web environments at most. But for the purpose of sorting out this article, we try to find and include as many as possible the six currently commonly used web environments WEB server Software environment.

First, IIS


Internet Information Server (IIS), which most users are familiar with, even if we do not use or use Windows VPS/server, at least our local computers still have a WIN system, The WIN website environment is based on Microsoft's IIS server environment. Although there are many one click software to build WEB tools, if we use the server personally, we recommend adding sites directly on IIS, which can also ensure system security and save resources.

Second, Apache


We use more Apache server environments. No matter how to configure the virtual host or VPS environment, it may be easier to build and deploy the site environment using this server, especially the pseudo static settings. However, the Apache WEB server environment occupies a high amount of memory and consumes a large amount of server resources such as CPU. We can use it for small traffic sites, but not for large traffic sites.

Third, Nginx


Nginx, It is a lightweight WEB server. Its stability and configuration are relatively simple. It occupies and consumes less resources than the Apache mentioned above, and has more concurrent connections. Its memory and CPU resource consumption are relatively low. It is suitable for medium and large website projects. From the perspective of some netizens contacted by Lao Zuo and the environment in which he uses it, LNMP (Nginx) has tended to be used by more users, whether it is web panel configuration or one click package installation, such as LNMP of military brother , as well as the One button package LNMP provided by LINUXEYE The environment is easy to use and has many documents for reference.

Fourth, LiteSpeed


LiteSpeed, The LLSMP one click package environment, which is deployed in LiteSpeed+PHP+MYSQL, is the most widely used environment by the old left. It occupies very low memory and can directly read the configuration information of Apache. For example, the. htaccess pseudo static rules can be used. For example, the website environment can be built on VPS hosts stored in 128MB and 256MB. LiteSpeed is a paid version with a concurrency limit of 150. We can also use the free version of OpenLiteSpeed without limiting the concurrency.

Fifth, Lighttpd


Lighttpd, It is an open source web server software licensed by BSD. It was originally developed as a command for high-performance websites, providing a secure, fast, and compatible web server environment. Lighttpd occupies very low memory and CPU, and has rich modules that support FastCGI, CGI, Auth, output compression, URL rewriting and other functions.

Sixth, Tomcat


Tomcat, This web server environment is a core project of the Jakarta project of the Apache Software Foundation, which was jointly developed by Apache, Sun and other companies and individuals. With the participation and support of powerful SUN, it has been well demonstrated in both technology and application promotion, and is widely used by JAVA enthusiasts.

To sum up, we mostly use the above six kinds of WEB server environments, and others are Jetty, Zeus, BEA WebLogic, etc., which are not commonly used by the public. For our ordinary users, we can be familiar with the use of 1-2 user wide WEB panels, 1-2 one button package installation, or we can manually configure the installation environment combination, which is enough for us to play with the website. Unless we are high-end people engaged in development and pursuing technology, we need to study more deeply.

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