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Berry - Phoenix OpenVZ 64MB memory 2GB hard disk 150GB monthly traffic $6/year

Berry, Founded in 2014, it is a VPS host brand belonging to EpiDrive's ultra-low price OPENVZ architecture. At present, the data center is in Phoenix, and several special annual VPS still attract many users. Today, Lao Zuo saw that this VPS issued a discount on LEB. After using the coupon, he will give 50GB more monthly traffic than usual when buying a machine. The annual payment for the 64MB VPS is only $6.

First, Berry merchant part scheme

  • CPU: 1 core CPU
  • Memory: 64MB
  • Hard disk: 2GB
  • Traffic: 100GB
  • Port: 1Gbps
  • Architecture: OVZ
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • Price: $6/year (click to buy)
  • CPU: 1 core CPU
  • Memory: 96MB
  • Hard disk: 5GB
  • Traffic: 200GB
  • Port: 1Gbps
  • Architecture: OVZ
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • Price: $8/year (click to buy)

Berry only has Phoenix data center at present, using coupons leb-addbw 50GB monthly traffic will be added to the original configuration, and the price will remain unchanged.

Second, Berry data center test IP


Third, Phoenix data center PING speed measurement

 Berry - Phoenix OpenVZ 64MB memory 2GB hard disk 150GB monthly traffic $6/year

Fourth, MTR trace route test

 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |                                       WinMTR statistics                                   | |                        Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last | |------------------------------------------------|------|------|------|------|------|------| |                    -    0 |   18 |   18 |    1 |    2 |   15 |    1 | |                    -    0 |   18 |   18 |    4 |    6 |   22 |   10 | |                  -    0 |   18 |   18 |    8 |   11 |   25 |   16 | |                    No response from host -  100 |    3 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 | |                   -    0 |   18 |   18 |   12 |   14 |   28 |   14 | |                   -    8 |   14 |   13 |   98 |  117 |  136 |  122 | |                    No response from host -  100 |    3 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 | |                  -    0 |   18 |   18 |  207 |  249 |  269 |  249 | |                  -    0 |   13 |   13 |  210 |  256 |  280 |  258 | |      -    0 |   18 |   18 |  240 |  303 |  331 |  293 | |    -   12 |    9 |    8 |  264 |  283 |  318 |  318 | |     -    0 |   18 |   18 |  231 |  275 |  299 |  276 | | -    0 |   18 |   18 |  224 |  265 |  285 |  267 | |                   -    0 |   18 |   18 |  233 |  277 |  301 |  277 | |                    No response from host -  100 |    3 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 | |        -    0 |   18 |   18 |  243 |  277 |  314 |  279 | |                -    8 |   14 |   13 |  236 |  270 |  284 |  284 | |________________________________________________|______|______|______|______|______|______| WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
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