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How to select overseas website server? Recommend several well-known overseas website server businesses

Why do we choose overseas servers? Generally, more overseas servers are used for foreign trade business, overseas e-commerce business or we media business. In the past, we used to choose overseas hosts for foreign trade business, but now Lao Zuo sees many friends choose overseas servers for short video business. about Overseas website server There are still many merchants. There are more merchants than there are in China.

Since the entry threshold for overseas servers is very low, we can see a lot of host companies built by individuals, the so-called ONE MEN businesses, and we can see that domestic businesses, including domestic businesses, package official websites into English and then sell overseas hosts. What problems should we pay attention to when selecting overseas website servers and how to select them.

1. Select brand

We suggest to choose brand businesses with good reputation and popularity. For new businesses, we are not saying that we cannot choose, but we must be cautious. At least, the probability of running away and instability in selecting major brands of mainstream service providers is relatively low. However, we still need to back up data regularly. For new merchants, we will pay short-term fees and check the stability before long-term use.

2. Configure price performance

In fact, the price difference of servers from overseas host companies is quite large. We can see that there are VPS hosts that are as cheap as a few dollars a year, and there are also VPS hosts that are as expensive as tens of dollars a month. These differences are sometimes IQ taxes, but in many cases they are proportional to the cost performance ratio. It is not recommended to choose the ones that are too cheap and have low configuration. Let's not just look at the price.

3. Line and network

The difference between network and line is also the basis for deciding whether the business can choose. When we choose overseas servers, we should not only look at the price and configuration, but also the network and lines, including bandwidth, which is the key to the stability and suitability of our project.

Here, Lao Zuo recommends several well-known overseas website server vendors that we also use.



Megalayer, This is a Hong Kong host company established in 2019, mainly providing servers and VPS hosts for computer rooms in the United States, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Singapore. Independent servers are their unique products, such as video card servers, large bandwidth servers, and station cluster servers. At the same time, Megalayer overseas website servers access a variety of international high-quality lines, which are divided into mainland optimized bandwidth, omnidirectional bandwidth and international bandwidth, which can effectively improve and enhance the server access speed.



RAKsmart, An old Chinese service provider. Merchants mainly sell independent servers, VPS, and cloud servers. The machine rooms include many machine rooms in the world, such as Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and so on. The same scheme covers a wide range of advanced anti DDoS servers, large bandwidth servers, station cluster servers, CN2 servers, cloud servers, bare metal cloud servers, and so on.

Recommended reading  The latest RAKsmart discount code can enjoy 10% discount for any order and activate the tutorial image and text The latest RAKsmart discount code can enjoy 10% discount for any order and activate the tutorial image and text RAKsmart merchants have made great changes and adjustments this year. Previously, they only operated their own computer rooms in San Jose, the United States, and the lines were ordinary. Sometimes, Laozuo would also deal with sharing activities. However, for most of our netizens, either more will choose cheap VPS hosts, and the speed is generally enough, similar to some businesses we see [...] Updated: 2021/1/4 read the whole passage



Since its establishment in 2014, the VULTR business has been rising all the way. From the original early computer rooms, there are now more than 20 computer rooms, which is one of the businesses with more computer rooms among the current mainstream businesses. In addition, there is a free $100 experience gold for new customers, which is not available in this grand general business. Merchants are not only characterized by multiple machine rooms, but also by a variety of products, including ordinary cloud servers, independent servers, high CPU servers and large hard disk servers.

Recommended reading  Sorting out the latest available Vultr discount codes/coupons in 2024 (limited time new users' money saving benefits) Sorting out the latest available Vultr discount codes/coupons in 2024 (limited time new users' money saving benefits) Nowadays, whether we choose goods online or offline, we are used to asking whether there are preferential activities. If there are, it will accelerate the purchase desire. Similarly, if we are ready to choose Vultr merchant ECS, we will also ask whether there are Vultr discount codes or coupons. Indeed, Vultr merchants sometimes have needles [...] Updated: 2024/5/6 read the whole passage

VULTR is also one of the choices of many game users and multimedia video businesses.

In conclusion, for overseas server vendors, if we are engaged in production business, we suggest to choose old and stable service providers. For common business needs, you can select Cheap service provider

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