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Comparison of server panel software selection: Which should be selected for Plesk and cPanel

For many of our friends, if you choose an independent server or an ECS, you can generally build a pagoda like panel or LNMP environment installation package. Is that right? But recently I met a netizen who was quite special. After he bought the server, he wanted to install a cPanel or other panels to manage the host. Laozuo thought he was selling virtual machines for use at first, but finally found that he was using them himself. Is that strange.

Of course, I also told him that both Plesk and cPanel panels need to be paid. He actually knew that it didn't matter. In short, these are other people's affairs, and I don't want to be too disorderly. Therefore, I will only compare which panel he chooses. Among them, Plesk and cPanel are mentioned. This panel has also been used by Laozuo, of course, when using the virtual host.

First, the difference between virtual host interfaces

 Comparison of server panel software selection: Which one should be selected for Plesk and cPanel? Page 1

Let's take a look at the Plesk panel first.

 Comparison of server panel software selection: Which one should be selected for Plesk and cPanel? Sheet 2

Let's look at the CP panel that we may also be familiar with. The operation of the panel is similar. It's just that we add information such as sites and databases, and then manage the sites.

Second, system compatibility options

Many of our netizens may have used the cPanel more. This is only compatible with Linux systems, so we see that most LINUX virtual hosts use the CP panel. However, we may say that the Plesk panel has been used in the WIN system, so this panel supports the WIN system. In fact, it is not like this. In fact, Plesk also supports LINIUX, but the virtual host of the WIN system we see is the Plesk panel.

Third, how to choose

Here, I personally suggest that if we really need to choose. If you want to use the CP panel for the Linux environment. For Windows panel management, use the Plesk panel. But I finally suggested that he should not install such a complex, not sell the host business, but use our common one button package environment.

The panel selection of our server is the same. If we have to choose commercial software, the panels on the market, especially those made in China, are enough. If you are an independent server and want to sell hosts, we need to use the combination of financial system and panel system. For our own host management panel, the regular one is fine.

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