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NameCheap domain name transfer discount Only 48 yuan for COM transfer

This morning, when Lao Zuo looked through his email, he saw that the Namecheap merchant had released the domain name promotion again. A few days ago, the promotion was carried out with a newly registered domain name. This time, it was a domain name promotion. Recently, NC merchants have been promoting constantly. It is not clear whether it is because the epidemic is hard to live, or whether the merchants hope to attract more users through intensive promotion when there is no promotion in the periphery.

The activity of Namecheap transferring to domain name is up to the end of this month, for example, what we like COM domain name transfer only costs 48 yuan. If we have domain names that need to be renewed from other domain name registrars, we can renew them through transfer in, which can certainly save money.

Activity address:

Preferential code TLD20TS3 is required. Each user can only transfer to 100 domain names. Generally, we have enough. Where can so many domain names be transferred.

 NameCheap domain name transfer discount Only 48 yuan for COM transfer

What I am slightly dissatisfied with is that the renewal of Namecheap's domain name is relatively expensive, and Laozuo needs to transfer to other businesses every time he renews his domain name. Of course, there's nothing wrong with the transfer process, it's just taking some time, nothing else. Of course, dozens of yuan can be saved.

Domain name host preferential information push QQ group: six hundred and twenty-seven million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and seventy-seven Get preferential promotion from merchants.
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