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TmhHost merchants added Hong Kong CN2/South Korea CN2/Japan Softbank line ECS

TmhHost, A domestic host company established in 2016, providing cloud server and independent server products. Moreover, product lines and computer rooms are also constantly expanding and optimizing lines. At present, we have seen the addition of Hong Kong CN2, South Korea CN2, Japan Softbank and Los Angeles cera cloud server products. The product of the TmhHost merchant is also the first contact on the website, but this merchant has seen it in some blogs next door before. Today, we are going to have a simple experience to see the merchant's product.

 TmhHost merchants add Hong Kong CN2/South Korea CN2/Japan Softbank line ECS - Page 1

According to the official introduction, the CN2 VPS in Hong Kong, China, uses the two-way CN2 of China Telecom and the direct connection between China Mobile and China Unicom. In addition, the VPS host supports adding multiple IP addresses if we need multiple IP addresses. For the line VPS of Softbank in Japan, the monthly VPS defaults to 50Mbps bandwidth, and the quarterly VPS defaults to 100Mbps bandwidth. This is somewhat different.

First, TmhHost Hong Kong CN2 configuration

According to the official introduction, the machines on the Hong Kong CN2 line use the uplink 3Mbps/downlink 5Mbps bandwidth bidirectional CN2 for telecommunications.

  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard disk: 20GB
  • Flow: unlimited
  • Port: 3Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • Price: 35 yuan/month (Hong Kong CN2)
  • CPU: 2 cores
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard disk: 40GB
  • Flow: unlimited
  • Port: 3Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • Price: 70 yuan/month (Hong Kong CN2)

Lao Zuo saw that there were also Hong Kong NTT machines and mobile optimized lines, which were weaker than CN2. The public still chose CN2. If you need multiple IP addresses, you need to purchase them separately.

II. Some configurations of TmhHost Korean CN2

According to the official introduction, the uplink bandwidth of the Korean CN2 line is 3Mbps/downlink bandwidth is 5Mbps, but the configuration is slightly lower.

  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard disk: 20GB
  • Flow: unlimited
  • Port: 3Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • Price: 50 yuan/month (Korean CN2)
  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard disk: 40GB
  • Flow: unlimited
  • Port: 3Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • Price: 100 yuan/month (Korean CN2)

The Korean CN2 machine cannot add multiple IP addresses, only a single IP address.

Third, TmhHost Japan Softbank configuration

According to the official introduction, the machine uplink of Japan Softbank line is 50Mbps/downlink of 100Mbps bandwidth.

  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard disk: 20GB
  • Flow: 500GB
  • Port: 50Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • Price: 50 yuan/month (Softbank)
  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard disk: 40GB
  • Traffic: 100GB
  • Port: 50Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • Price: 80 yuan/month (Softbank)

The above two lines are Japanese Softbank lines, which have flow restrictions and are the calculation standards for double line flow.

To sum up, today Lao Zuo shared the TmhHost activity information package configuration of this merchant for the first time, and later started a CN2 Hong Kong and other machines for testing.

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