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CloudXNS is about to cancel the free DNS service and transfer existing users in advance

At present, who is our common third-party DNS resolution service provider? DNSPOD、CloudXNS、 Alibaba Cloud resolution, DNSLA, etc. We should be very impressed with CloudXNS merchants. One year ago, they suddenly failed to parse, and they need real name authentication to start parsing in succession. This is also a response to policy requirements. A few days ago, Lao Zuo saw a netizen mention that CloudXNS free users will be canceled.

Today, Lao Zuo contacted CloudXNS online customer service to confirm the matter. The information he got may be that on or about July 15, it will be determined that free users cannot continue to use CloudXNS resolution services. If we have websites that access free DNS services here, we can consider transferring out in advance.

 CloudXNS is about to cancel the free DNS service. Existing users are transferred in advance - Page 1

Whether this is true or not needs to be confirmed officially according to the actual situation. This is just a question about the response from online customer service. If we have websites, especially those that may be important, we need to consider in advance. Some domain name changes will take some time to take effect, and we can't wait until the website can't be opened to get busy.

At present, there are many businesses providing free DNS services, such as DNSPOD, which is currently owned by Tencent, and DNSLA, which supports downtime switching.

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