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Use Alibaba Cloud RDS to configure WordPress to separate the local file management database

Lao Zuo opened it at the end of last month Alibaba Cloud RDS , and the MYSQL database we commonly used was launched. At that time, the goal was that a netizen needed to solve the problem of cloud database. Because he had not experienced it before and did not dare to make trouble, he opened it for a month to try. In fact, the operation is simple. You can directly create database users in the panel, as well as intranet and internet addresses. The authorized whitelist can be used.

Generally, we have some projects and software, but it is not because websites use cloud databases more often. Most of our personal websites use local server configuration databases, but some netizens' databases need higher performance. I met several netizens who use all the cloud databases of WeChat before. Before the expiration of this test cloud database, it will also play other functions under the waste heat test. Today, we test that we use the cloud database when installing the regular WordPress website.

First, Alibaba Cloud database creation and whitelist

If we really need to use the website production environment, according to previous netizens' suggestions, it is best that the ECS and the cloud database are in the same region, otherwise the database connection delay timeout problem is likely to occur. In this article, the server tested by Lao Zuo is non AliCloud, so the internet connection is used here.

When configuring the site database, we need to set the whitelist and create database users. For database user creation, refer to“ Experience Alibaba Cloud RDS activation and MySQL cloud database setup tutorial "。

 Use Alibaba Cloud RDS to configure WordPress to separate the local file management database

Here we first open the Internet address and set the white list.

 Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB Add IP Whitelist

When we configure the website database on the virtual machine, we need to add the IP address of the ECS to the white list.

After that, we have prepared the Alibaba Cloud database Internet address URL, database user and password information, so that we can configure the database when installing the WP program wizard.

Second, configure WordPress to import cloud database information

Here we normally download the WP source program, bind the domain name, and open the domain name with an installation wizard. Only when entering database information, we do not use our local server database, but use the database information created by Alibaba Cloud database.

 Configure WordPress to import cloud database information

Here we are based on the Alibaba Cloud Database Fill in the information. The database address we saw before was Localhost, and here is our internet address. If the Alibaba Cloud server we use can use the intranet address, the intranet speed should actually be faster. You can install it normally later. As long as the database information is correct, it will be OK.

 Use Alibaba Cloud RDS to configure WordPress to separate the local file management database

Later, we successfully installed the common WP website.

Third, Alibaba Cloud RDS database management

Whether we are building a website or using it in other projects, the database should be more important than the file. For example, when we built a website, even though the website may have been backed up before, the database keeps the latest backup, and the data can still be restored. Most of the content is written to the database, and the local CMS program will not increase incrementally.

 Use Alibaba Cloud RDS to configure WordPress to separate the local file management database - Page 5

In the AliCloud RDS database, you can set scheduled backups and restore backups. We can restore the database according to actual needs.

 View Alibaba Cloud database backup and recovery

At the same time, we can also manage on the DMS cloud database management platform, which looks a bit like the PHPMYADMIN we are familiar with, but has slightly more powerful functions.

 Alibaba Cloud RDS database management

In conclusion, Alibaba Cloud RDS management applications are not particularly complex. We just open the machine and choose to create a database type. In the previous documents, Lao Zuo has always used MYSQL. We can also open several other database versions. After creation, we need to set the white list, and then connect to the project for use according to the intranet or internet. Compared with ordinary self built databases, cloud databases are more secure and provide automatic backup settings. Of course, the performance should also be optimized.

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