Wishing chicken installs AMH panel to create website

January 16, 2017 1945 point heat 0 likes 1 comment

The figure is convenient. Please refer to the modified installation script of Rainbow for details: https://blog.cccyun.cc/post-233.html

PHP5.6&PHP7.0 (select a suitable one by yourself)

 wget  http://api.cccyun.cc/amh.sh  && chmod 775 amh.sh && ./ amh.sh 2>&1 | tee amh.log
 wget  http://api.cccyun.cc/amh2.sh  && chmod 775 amh2.sh && ./ amh2.sh 2>&1 | tee amh.log

After installation, SSH executes the following command to modify the AMH management port

 amh SetParam amh amh_Listen 666666

Since there is no IPV4 address, we have to make do with it~


If you want to build a website, please refer to the official website description


Submit the work order, and then point your domain name to your computer through reverse generation


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