Monthly filing: January 2024

Orphans of Asia, keep crying

To be honest, I really like Wang Zhi'an's interview program. The earliest one was "Situation" in China, as well as "Wang Jupai", which he founded overseas. Wang Jupai is also one of the channels I have subscribed to for a long time on YouTube. Unexpectedly, Wang Zhi'an was forced to apologize and even became homeless recently because of some remarks about the Taiwan election. To be honest, I sympathize.

The reason for this is that Wang Zhian participated in a local talk show "He Long Night Show" during his interview with Taiwan's general election, and was criticized by the Democratic Progressive Party for discriminating against the disabled, and then his visa was cancelled, and he was not allowed to visit Taiwan for five years.

I first saw this message on Weibo. To be honest, Wang Zhi'an discriminated against disabled people. Based on my observation of this person for many years, I don't believe it. Then I watched the whole issue of the "Helong Night Show". I didn't see Wang Zhi'an's comments about discrimination against disabled people in the interview of more than 20 minutes, I have some doubts: is it because of the pressure of the program group that I watched this episode and was forced to edit and retransmit it? No, then I saw the screenshot of the video saying that Wang Zhi'an discriminated against the disabled on Twitter. The video text is as follows:

Wang: The stage of the political election is like a concert scene. There are singers, then there are those who pave the way for the disabled, and those who push the disabled up to sensationalism. We used to have such programs in the mainland, which were called Art Life, and the Spring Festival Gala. They all said that music would come when the tears were coming. Then the disabled person said that he supported the Democratic Progressive Party.

Where does this sentence discriminate against the disabled? Anyone who has a little brain and has studied Chinese knows that Wang Zhian means that the DPP uses the disabled people's sympathy to win votes. Wang Zhian is not ashamed of the election methods adopted by the political parties that use the disabled.

But it didn't work. Those supporters of the Democratic Progressive Party seemed to have a collective climax in a flash, and they would not stop killing Wang Zhian: they announced the name, legal person, address, employee information of Wang Zhian's company in Japan, and even went to the bottom of Wang Zhian's company building. Wang Zhian counseled. Wang Zhian said in the video of apology that he had already been exiled overseas and could not go back, but his team, the people behind his production and his family and friends still needed to return home. He could not involve them.

Look at how familiar and despicable the means adopted by the so-called Democratic Progressive Party are. The party representing Taiwan's democracy is like the Communist Party of Afghanistan!

Speaking of discrimination, there is a dialogue in the "Helong Night Show":

Host: Now students begin to learn to speak branch language because they play dithering. Have you heard the word branch language?

Wang Zhian: Never heard of it

Host: What the Chinese say

Wang Zhian: Ah, what the Chinese say is called a branch language

Moderator: words

Wang Zhian: Which one is it?

F: Zhina's branch

Wang Zhian: Isn't China including Taiwan?

The host, women and audience laughed

Wang Zhian: In the eyes of Japanese, China includes Taiwan

Woman: Really?

Wang Zhian: Really

Hearing this paragraph, I got goose bumps all over. The woman with deep V chest covered her hands, covered her mouth, opened her teeth and looked puzzled: really da er! At the same time, I was shocked by the deep separation between China and Taiwan.

Anyone who has a little common sense knows that the word "China" is a discriminatory term used by Japan to address China in those days. As early as the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, even if you did not recognize China, your Taiwan would still have the flag of blue sky and white sun, and the Republic of China would not recognize it? Forget that Taiwan was called "South China" when it was colonized by Japan? Fortunately, Japan also blocked Wang Zhian. What's the difference between this and being a father?

I had a little expectation of Taiwan's democracy before, and I thought they might be the light of Chinese people, until I saw a bunch of laughing audience, ragtag crowd, go to his uncle's light of Chinese people!