Monthly filing: June 2020

History of hair film observation

At that time, movie websites were new and new. Every movie website paid a fee. Watching movies was a scarce resource. For our young people, what they like most is to download rmvb content from various servers, most of which are love action movies from island countries (indeed, there is no shortage of collectors at any time). One day, we saw a file named NARUTO-001.rmvb in a folder of a server. The 100M file has the same number. So we were excited to use the tortoise speed network to drag on for a day, As soon as the download is completed, the compatriots in our dormitory can't wait to watch the film indecently. Turn down the voice and open it with the player. Alas, I have a problem that I must finish reading at the beginning, which has killed my life, so I entered the Naruto chase group

In the evening, I saw a cyber security Daniel writing about his film watching experience, especially the sentence: "So we were excited to use the tortoise speed network to drag out the whole day", which resonated deeply and suddenly aroused my pedantry, so I wanted to write about the film watching history of our generation (people feel much better).

Access to the Internet probably began in 2003, when I was in high school, and the Internet cafes were still using Windows 98. The better Internet cafes should be 2000. The network fee is 1.5 yuan per hour, which is 1 yuan cheaper, but the machine slag is 5 yuan per night. Like buying a walkman, radio, or computer, they all rush to learn at first, and eventually become entertainment tools. At first, I also downloaded some jpg format pictures of Huanggang secret papers to print, but there was no color printing at that time. The pixels were too poor, and the printing effect was too poor. Who could sit in front of the computer in those days to read a set of test papers, do questions, and joke.

Later, we began to explore life and instinctively curious about the structure of the opposite sex. Like the blogger on Weibo, online movies in that era were all charged. I remember spending four hours watching Stephen Chow's Kung Fu in an Internet cafe at that time. The Internet speed card was deadly, which is different from today. In the era of universal cards, these can be tolerated. When the night came, like countless nights, we began to search. Of course, we didn't know the Maopian at that time, and we couldn't talk about the title. The key words we can think of are: nudity, college students, Europe, America and Japan. However, due to the lack of resources, we can only see the human body art in Baidu pictures, which unintentionally increases our artistic accomplishments and fascination with light and shadow.

I am very impressed with the name of Tang Jiali, who took a picture of human body art. The picture I can remember is a picture of her upper body naked under the background of lilies in the foreground. The picture is slowly loaded bit by bit. The window icon where the small funnel is waiting has a special feeling. Late at night, in a corner of the Internet cafes, we used to feel self-control, breathless, and hormonal overflow. Gradually, we began to be dissatisfied, and the progress of human technology will never stop.

So the news spread like wildfire, even in the foreseeable future. Soon, we learned about a software that we didn't know what the principle was: PP Diantong (or PP Diantong). In the present view, this software is so lame that people and gods share their anger. For example, it often causes the blue screen of Windows 98, or it is not available when half of the software is downloaded, or the goods are not the right way. After searching for college students, it is Huluwa. But it can still be used, and it also has some resources to watch. Usually, three or five friends are gathered together. Most of them are European and American films, or excerpts from a low-cost film. Countless hands are compressed, the picture is rough, and the grain is full. It is the kind that can completely break all your beautiful imagination of the opposite sex. But in that era, You have to swallow saliva and praise the differences of human race.

Time flew by, and we started to have MP3 players. After dog leftovers wanted to fall in love, we walked out of the book rental room. The time when a book deposit of ten yuan and rent of one yuan never returned to the library is gone forever. We began to pour novels onto MP3 players. In those days when 20 words or more can be associated with the figurative words steamed bun, our ultimate imagination of words was used here. Many years later, in the shitty "Golden Age", Wang Xiaobo wrote: "When I had sex with Chen Qingyang, a lizard crept in through the crack in the wall" and finally ruminated the dregs of youth. But when we were young, we thought that the pink, crimson, shy and tide described in sex was everything. On a high and clear summer night, the locust tree bloomed, and the middle page with black and white illustrations was a soul and flesh.

Then Xunlei and MP4 came on stage, and the god of the post bar chanted: "Beauty is only a thread of mortal dust, and nothing is empty without a code. It is like a dead Sun Tathagata, and the person who sucks essence is white stone". Mosaic and decoding rate are two major killers in the history of human progress. At this time, Dongre came into being. I know the so-called serial number also starts from Dongre. Like the text quoted at the beginning of the article, I found the IP address of a server on Baidu. I don't know which collector sent the first 200 serial numbers of Dongre to the server. Xunlei's strength lies in that once you download the file successfully at first, it can find the same source everywhere, whether the file is still on the server or not. The rmvb associated with that IP address can be automatically downloaded by changing the previous number. Then we searched everywhere for format conversion software, and converted rmvb and avi to MP4, realizing the great process of watching Mao movies in private for the first time.

Then electric donkey, then BT. From Caoli to Taohua, from S1 and Moodyz to Yibandao and the Caribbean, the speed and code rate are getting faster and higher, from MKV to ISO, from single to complete. Finally, the ultimate killer: the smart phone is coming.

I always think that smart phones have completely changed the fur film industry. It may not be accurate to say that the change should be subversive.

Before smart phones, you might have a slight preference for an actor. You could collect a complete collection of stories from all over the world, but you would never rush to the stewardess's microblog to express your gratitude; Before smart phones, the channels were all film makers. If we count the unknown third rate lifestyle publishers in Hong Kong who issued Sex Cattle, we will never be like this now, everyone is a director of life; Before smart phones, the legal and shooting costs were there. This is not an industry that everyone can play in, but it will never be like this now. The pheasants pull a group to open the live broadcast, open the live broadcast, give rewards and send red packets, and reap profits on the cloud. There is no middleman to make a difference, and vertical and accurate marketing.

Like words, without editing, proofreading and auditing, it is difficult to have fine works after everything overflows. Of course, in the wool film industry, it doesn't really matter whether you are good or not. Are you good when you take location shots in Okinawa and Hokkaido? Didn't you watch Man and Nature?

Well, time goes on, and VR may be subverted again in the foreseeable future.

As a middle-aged man, his hormones have gradually receded, and he has gone through the state of "the west wind withered the green trees last night, he went up to the tall buildings alone, and looked at the ends of the world". The next step is "people are haggard".

God created man and divided men and women, which is really original. I think Qi Baishi and Stanley Ho are still creating people in their eighties, and sometimes I can't help feeling sad.

People, after all, are slaves of dopamine. After all, I can't escape!

What kind of person do you want to be

Many times, when I feel disappointed with myself, there must be someone watching me. Otherwise, you will never feel disappointed. The person who looks at you may be the person you want to be.

I have only a vague impression of him.

Many times, when a potential echo pulls you into the abyss, you are unable to resist, or you compromise and give up after many times of resistance. Now he and the person watching you are one in the abyss, one in the cloud.

And you, swing from side to side.

Sometimes, you swear to go to the cloud from tomorrow. But in the middle of the journey, the night came, and you fell back. When the sun rises, you still stand where you are. Many years have passed, and this has not changed at all.

Then, the huge and slow time ran over all living beings and you.

Once you find signs of aging, which may be loose skin or suddenly white hair, you begin to panic.

This fear may be some debris at first, until it finally converges into a river.

Look around blankly: You are standing here now, your past is a ruin, and your future is going to sink.

The echo of the person who looks at you is getting bigger and bigger, so that you have to face him, pay attention to his existence, and listen to his ideas.

What kind of person do you want to be? Is this an original proposition from the beginning to the end, or is it an inverse proposition from the end to the beginning?

Or did your experience become your life, or was your life planned by you?

In the past, you said to take things as they are, just like a dandelion seed, it takes root and sprouts from where it falls. Half a lifetime has passed.

Later you heard that you should start with the end and die on the way to the end.

One is passive life, the other is active life.

Look around blankly: You are standing here, at the crossroads of destiny.

Let's think like this: I don't want to.

I don't want to die like a zombie and let down the thinking of primates.

I don't want no echo, just a statistic on the silent earth.

I don't want to build a body with hundreds of wounds and holes on abandoned organs.

I don't want to be dominated again. This freedom will take half of my time to steal.

The pursuit of wisdom, creation, health and freedom is Yuan, Tai Chi, Tao and Zen.

From this point of view, from one-dimensional to three-dimensional to multi-dimensional. Attach to the dimension of time and become the one who looks at you.

But will you agree with another more powerful person who often drags you into the abyss? In this battlefield, you are never the enemy.

Like a compressed spring, you have learned many times that the greater the pressure, the stronger the potential energy.

Some people say that your physical body is a dojo.

I have no answer, but I want to try. Now I am no longer that stupid young man. I have some strategies, I am aging, I am calm, and I hope.

Dharma has been facing the wall for nine years, and has subdued a demon every day.

Sun Gong died, and was later said to be the way of the traveler.

About this hobby of writing

It's another rainy Sunday night. In such a weather, you can always feel comfortable when drinking tea, blowing the wind, and writing. Sometimes I feel that I am an alternative. In most fields that men are interested in, such as football, basketball, gambling, racing, games, and online writing, I have almost no interest. Most of the time, I just want to stay in one place alone. I don't want to go anywhere, and I don't want to see anyone. This kind of solitude or residence always makes me feel very comfortable. As a post-80s generation, as a person with a QQ number of 4 to 9 digits, I have never had contact with any stranger in the virtual world, and finally become a friend. If you insist on talking about social phobia, it's not so bad. You can have several friends in real life and make several new friends at work, but you rarely take the initiative to contact.

Then I want to write about the hobby of writing. Today, I accidentally read that the blog has been established for seven or eight years, and it has been ten years since I saw it. To tell the truth, I'm not sure whether writing is a hobby, because according to my understanding, a hobby is at least full devotion. In this regard, I can't do it. It's OK to write, and it's OK not to write. The blog has not been updated for about half a year.

When I was 28 or 29 years old, I realized that I might not become a writer, or even a writer. The number of words I can operate is within 1000 words, but it is a little difficult to operate more than 2000 words. When I was young and ignorant, I also wrote the beginning of several novels, but later there was no following. He also swore never to touch novels and waste time, but after a period of time, he secretly wrote again, and then gave up again and again.

I haven't read any books. I've never read the complete works of a writer systematically. Even Jin Yong Gu Long has only read one or two books. Lack of spirit, lack of social contact, and not a natural talent, of course, even online writers can not do well. Just like playing chess, some people play chess all their lives, but they are still a lousy chess basket. But sometimes the stinky chess basket also has unique skills. I think I have been immersed in writing for so many years. The only thing I feel a little confident about is a book or a paragraph of text. I can read it and know whether it is bad or not. This is probably due to the improvement of language sense brought by long-term writing.

I once thought that I would improve my writing skills, probably to be able to write such sentences as "paper ash flying, new wind wild". For this reason, I also read the Records of the Historian and Zizhi Tongjian, but later I gave up. Accepting my own mediocrity is a remarkable feature of hormone withdrawal. I don't have that young skill, and I don't have that mental strength when I grow up, so that's it.

Later, when I wrote, I mostly regarded writing as a release of expression. For example, when I wrote this article, I began to be irritable. I wanted to end it as soon as possible. It felt like I was addicted to smoking. So I sometimes admire those Internet writers who have been writing for decades. Of course, they are profit driven, but they can make a habit of doing something, and do success lessons without stopping for days. I think this is probably the so-called Zen.

I may be too short-sighted, and want to see the results as soon as possible, and want to complete as soon as possible, but it seems that nothing can be easily completed, and the process of cultivation is always difficult. As for people, there is still a long way to go between knowing and doing.

Maybe in the future, I will write a long article. Of course, this is always hope, hope still has to be there.