Monthly filing: January 2020

Don't think that human beings are the masters of the world

From the perspective of probability, if you are not in the epidemic area, the probability of infection is very low, but people are afraid of being infected. The superposition of emotions has led me to buy a pack of cigarettes without wearing a mask. Think for yourself. If you are not in the epidemic area, your probability of being infected is not much different from the probability of traffic accidents on the road.

Man is a convergent animal. Like sheep, the leader goes in front and the back becomes a line. I can also understand that in case, I mean in case, it is a fresh life. But the truth is: so far, there is nothing human can do about the virus, more you have to rely on your own immune system to fight.

It was in 1928 that Fleming discovered penicillin to defeat bacterial infection. In fact, he did not really understand the mechanism. Like radiotherapy and chemotherapy, it is good or bad, but only good or bad. The problem is that with the continuous evolution of bacteria, the continuous elimination of natural selection, the problem of drug resistance gradually becomes prominent, and then the continuous evolution of the high road, the high devil, followed by the discovery of sulfonamide, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline and the ultimate killer vancomycin. But just like the extremely deadly nuclear weapons, there are still survivors after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were razed to the ground.

Standing at the top of the ecological chain, human beings are extremely vulnerable. As for bacteria, humans have never defeated viruses. The most famous HIV virus has a history of 40 years since Gaetan Dugas was diagnosed in 1980, and the existence of HIV must go back to African chimpanzees.

In addition to delaying the life span of HIV infected people, human beings are still helpless.

We can't help but ask why HIV can be transmitted from chimpanzees to humans, just as the coronavirus was transmitted from bats to humans this time.

no zuo no die.

I have always been a staunch opponent of traditional Chinese medicine. Can you imagine the absurdity of "supplementing form with form"? The human pangolin just has one survival skill: making holes, Chinese medicine can associate it with aphrodisiac, and it is amazing that the species is going extinct. Chinese cookbooks are surprisingly broad. Some people conclude that there is nothing to eat in China, just the difference between being able to eat and having to spend some time eating.

And people always have no memory, and history repeats itself. Seventeen years from SARS to today, no matter whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, I think this kind of thing should happen or will happen, just as the process of history is war rather than peace, just because we have forgotten decades of stable life.

In the face of disaster, individuals can still do very little. The most important way to redeem is to exercise yourself and strengthen your immune system. One day, when we meet the virus in a narrow way, we will fight it while waiting for the vaccine.

Of course, there is still hope. Because of culture and history, the cohesion of the Chinese nation is still strong. We don't say victory, but that all this will pass.

1. The Spanish flu in 1918 caused 500 million infections and 50 million to 100 million deaths worldwide.

2. At least one million people died of the Asian influenza virus in 1957.

3. It is estimated that 750000 people died of the 1968 Hong Kong flu in the two years from 1968 to 1969, when the global virus was active.

  —— Data from Wikipedia

Don't think that humans are the masters of the world. Dinosaurs thought so 65 million years ago.

Takeshi Kitano's Bistro

I saw Kitano Takeshi's "Summer of Kijiro" when I was painting the top 250 douban a long time ago. The plot was flat, but I was deeply impressed by the photography and music. Later I learned that the leading actor of the film, the paralyzed actor, was also a director. It was a bit surprising: this is to control costs and cannot afford big brands!

Later, I heard that Beiye Wu sang "The Shallow Grass Kid" in a program. It was full of vicissitudes. At first sight, it was similar to Li Zongsheng's life full of stories. He brushed his book "Kitano Takeshi's Bistro" on WeChat reading, so he insisted on the Spring Festival in this house: "It's sunny to sun the quilt, and cloudy to read more".

Unexpectedly, it's really interesting. An impressive episode is: Takeshi Kitano liked sports cars when he was young. Later, he went to pick up a Porsche with cash when he was well developed. When he got on the bus, he found that he could not see a Porsche when he drove a Porsche. So he found a friend, gave him the Porsche key and asked his friend to drive his car around on the highway, while he took a taxi to follow him. The picture of the loser is really enough.

Although there are a lot of personal gossip, some of the thoughts in this book still resonated with me, so I wrote reading notes in this sleepy Spring Festival.

It's strange to say, but that's what life is all about. Everything that happens in this world originally has no emotion.

It is human behavior that adds the color of joy or sorrow.

I realized that this was a night last year when I was very anxious for a while, then suddenly I thought about it and found a way to deal with this emotion. This method also applies to other emotions. Later, I simply created a general method.

This method is: jump out and look at emotions from the perspective of a bystander. I know this emotion is anxiety, is it beneficial? Not good. Can it be solved? No, but I know it's anxiety. When I feel this way, I will recycle it directly, similar to the garbage collection mechanism in the computer.

Later, I also found that music can quickly mobilize emotions. I don't know the principle, but once I listened to a kind of music called Jodl singing method, I felt very happy when I heard the accompaniment "Inflation" in "The richest man in Xihong City". So I began to consciously create a song list named after various emotions in my Netease Cloud music, such as sadness, joy, quiet, shock, etc., and then I began to practice these emotions deliberately when I was bored. Maybe in the near future, I will be able to achieve the so-called "don't like things, don't grieve yourself".

This seems to be what Takeshi Kitano said: emotional color is just human behavior, and human behavior can be controlled.

1. The result is that there is no answer

2. This is always the case. When we find that something is wrong, it is basically too late.

Human life is full of many randomness and uncertainty. I used to think about what would happen if I were like this, and then I would fall into the past. In fact, there is no answer. Many times, it is still your wishful thinking.

In The Analects of Confucius, it is said that "the past cannot be remonstrated, and the future can still be pursued", which means that the past cannot be retrieved, and the future can still catch up, which is a very good word of encouragement. In fact, we can go a step further. On the premise of admitting that there is no answer, we should start with the end and improve the probability. For example, to put it simply: in the long run, exercise is better than no exercise. At this conclusion, start your own behavior: regular exercise. But you can't expect certainty: Bruce Lee died when he was over thirty, and Zhang Xueliang lived more than a hundred years by eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

There is no answer, only probability. List some good qualities and improve their probability.

A fast runner is a fast runner, and a slow runner is a slow runner. What is not good in mind is not good, and what is ugly is ugly. There is no equality or inequality, and the children are clear about it.

This is the truth of the world, and so is the pyramid. Shaolin Football says: Why is my father not Li Ka shing? No or no, there is no reason why we can only grow up by recognizing the cruel truth of the world, doing what you can do, doing what you can do well, and then calmly waiting for the results. A lifetime is not long, and it will soon pass.

1. Freedom can only be established within a certain framework. Doing what you want is a concept without a framework. In this concept, there is no freedom, but chaos.

2. Just like light and shadow, it is precisely because they are fighting in the framework of non freedom that the light of freedom shines. It is because gravity pulls people to the ground that human beings have the eternal dream of flying to heaven.

3. Therefore, it is easy for you to misunderstand that it can freely represent any scene, but the fact is that without constraints, your imagination space becomes narrow.

Freedom is relative. I summarized myself a long time ago that life is just a matter of jumping from one cage to another. That is the summary of the results I have observed. I think that changing a job and having a new relationship can solve the current problem, and then fall into the next cycle.

What you need to do is to solve the problem, not start from scratch, even if you are bald.

Tang poetry has rhymes and Song poetry has ci cards. If you write it blindly, it is not freedom, it is called "pear flower style".

Taizu said to learn war in war.

So in the future, we should learn to solve problems by doing.

Enclosed in a world lacking competitors and immersed in a sense of self satisfaction, such people are called curtilages. As for the normal world and normal competition, they will use the word "stupid" to deny it. But in fact, I just hate losing, just can't stand the pain after losing.

Valuable things must win through cruel competition. In such competition, human wisdom and imagination will be brought into full play

They are unwilling to compete because they want to lose. But at the same time, I want to be the first and wait for others to admire me. Isn't this immature mind, like the idea of spoiled children, the essence of being a curmudgeon?

Most of the time, they shrink away without even making a second attempt. They are afraid of competition. They are satisfied with their efforts that are actually ineffective and slightly satisfying. They are sensitive, "Forget it, you win". They are extremely sensitive to negation. They have a flattering personality. They are most afraid of sales. They are most afraid of facing rejection. They are weak in energy and rarely maintain long-term relationships.

It's time to face up to yourself and make changes.

I can be happy for the success of other artists, but also because I don't have to worry about being eaten by other artists.

If you have a hundred, you don't care about one piece. If you have ten thousand, you don't care about a hundred. This is similar to the essence of competition. Only when you reach a certain level through competition can you avoid negative emotions such as inferiority and jealousy. Although I have learned how to control these emotions, I must reach a certain level to eliminate them.

Before education with reason, let the body be familiar with its basic practices. This method was used more or less in the past when tools were used. Only by using tools with the same proficiency as using your own hands and feet can tools be truly used by people. Tools are the extension of human hands and feet, and there was such a clear idea before.

This is the methodology of learning skills. I began to use this method in the process of learning English, and made obvious progress.

The above is all nonsense, and the following are the key points:

When I was in middle school, a beautiful girl moved to my next door. Beauty has a small shepherd dog. In order to get close to her, I also have a dog. I can figure out when she will lead the dog from which road, and then she will lead the dog to walk on the same road at the same time. I think a good tactic is to let our dog make friends first, and then take the opportunity to chat up with her.

However, my dog jumped at him and rode behind the shepherd dog. In that way, my intention will be clear. Before I could praise how beautiful her sheepdog was, my dog had already stood up there. It turns out that my dog and I have the same mind. Without saying a word, the beautiful girl picked up her shepherd dog and ran away.

Next to a man who is desperately courting a woman, you can't say that kind of explicit words that will reveal his intention. How to say, this is not a rule, but my personal opinion.

What makes me more unbearable is that once when I was drinking with a woman, that woman said to me, "Mr. Kitano is really a good man."
I don't want to be a good person. I want to be a bad person. I just want to have sex with her But when she said so, what else could I do to sing. I can only pretend to be a good person.

When I broke up, that woman had to stimulate me for the last time.

"If you have something to discuss with me in the future."

You bastard, who wants to discuss something with you? I just want to sleep with you.

Such words are unspeakable. So, she continued to pretend, said "I know, be careful on the way", and waved goodbye. How could she know how pitiful we men are?

No, she should know. It is because she knows that she will say "you are a good person". This is the cunning of women.

Back garden

The truth of the world is the pyramid, the law of the jungle

Tigers eat grass and sheep eat meat, which is unrealistic

Even letting the fox eat grass is an extravagant hope

Red bricks and grey tiles, carved beams and painted buildings

It's just where tigers shit and pee

Dragon slayer is dragon, inheritance is uterus

The mice after Yao and Shun only deserve to make holes

A penis goes through three thousand years

The stories are always the same