Monthly filing: December 2019

2019 will pass

2019 will also pass, and I begin to forget it.

Life and time are always moving forward, and we inevitably forget. The so-called past is just the reconstruction of memory, which is inevitably condensed, beautified and modified beyond recognition.

I once dreamed of walking around the world with a sword. If I had another chance, I would still be trapped by food, clothing, housing and girls. That's all.

2019 will soon pass. The earth will circle the sun for 365 days, and the moon will circle the earth for 30 days. We have time, nodes, temperature changes, four seasons, stars in summer and snow in winter. The important thing should be here and now.

In 2019, nothing big happened. I changed my job from nine to five weekends, rented a house, had a desk, changed a computer, had Internet, and had a bathroom with 24-hour hot water and washing machines. I kept my food and clothing, and I was hopeful.

Of course, anxiety. For a period of time in summer, I lost my sleep and lost all hope. Fortunately, I tried to isolate my brain, started running, started smoking, and began to pay attention to my health. You see, people are so contradictory.

Realizing that you can't be the person you want to be, there's no other way to do it than to accept it. What you can do is to beat yourself occasionally, tell yourself, do what you can do, do things for a long time, and then try your best to live every day without indulgence or decadence.

Fortunately, I'm not old yet. I still have half my life to run.

Haruki Murakami said, "I was 33 years old, young enough, but not young enough. This is the age when Jesus died, the beginning of Scott Fitzgerald's withering. This may be a watershed in life."

Whenever the old and the new change at this moment, we can always find some comfort to start again, even if they soon disappear.

I often think of the passage in 2 Timothy of the New Testament:

 I have finished the beautiful battle I have done my best I have kept the faith evermore The crown of righteousness remains for me

I think

When looking forward to the future

Read this

Perhaps, not lost.

In this way, it is just to move on.

On the extension of Li Ziqi

In the evening, my friend suddenly talked about Li Ziqi, and told me that I didn't know until today. I was surprised. To be honest, I often use microblog, not only Li Ziqi, papi sauce, even Huanong Brothers, food writer Wang Gang, but also I have always hated the sissy type of Li Jiaqi. In this way, I don't want to show off the meaning of "knowing everything", but I'm just surprised at the lag of friends who also use microblog.

I discussed a question with my friend: "What can we learn from Li Ziqi's success?" My friend summarized two points:

1. Have a skill

2. Hold on

I denied it directly and asked him to think about whether our parents also met this point. My father is a carpenter. He studied craftsmanship at the age of 17. He is 57 years old this year and has worked in craftsmanship for 40 years. To objectively evaluate my father, he has only managed to maintain his family's food and clothing for most of his life and has given us basic education, which is far from "success" in the secular sense.

My friend soon understood my meaning and said that there was still a lack of communication.

Let's start with the conclusion: about Li Ziqi success There is nothing worth learning from. Because the most important point: communication is the most difficult. You can also use such words to understand communication: flow, influence, reputation, etc.

I thought about this problem intentionally or unintentionally long ago, but it was completely expressed that there were some twists and turns in the road, so I can only try to sort it out.

Let's start with my father.

My father is now working as a decoration carpenter in a small city. His job is as follows: if you want to decorate a house, do carpentry work, such as ceiling work and furniture work, you can find my father, and then you can negotiate the price. My father brings his own set of tools to work for you, and pays for the work when it is finished. Basically, my father is also a freelancer, but there is a problem with this profession: decoration is divided into off-season and peak season. Every year, the peak season for decoration is before May and October, and after November, it is basically off-season. In the peak season, you may have three or four businesses at the same time, while in the off-season, you may be idle at home for half a month and twenty days. So it often happens that you are tired to death in the peak season, and there are even various disputes about missed work. In the off-season, you are too busy to beg your grandpa to sue your grandma for help.

Essentially, any job that sells your skills is selling your time However, time is limited. You can't have 25 hours a day.

Let's take a look at the Internet celebrity: food writer Wang Gang.

Before he became famous, Wang Gang was probably the same as the chefs in most restaurants. No matter whether it was sunny or rainy, when it was time for dinner, he must be busy kicking his heels at some kitchen. He only had one spoon and two hands. Even if he was like a robot, there would be limits.

Is there a big gap between my father and Wang Gang in their professional skills in their respective fields? I don't think so. But let's compare it with the "money" which is the most common measure. Is there a big income gap between them now? There is no doubt that this should be very big.

What causes such problems?

I try to use the concept of dimension to explain: for example, in professional skills, the total score is 100 points, my father's carpentry skills score 80 points, and Wang Gang's cooking skills score 80 points. But Wang Gang's other skill is to shoot videos. Let's give him 50 points, regardless of whether he is professional or not. My father may only get 10 points in this item. In addition to his skills in playing social software, such as simple microblogging, watermelon videos, etc., Wang Gang gives another 50 points, and my father may get 1 point in this item. Finally, my father's total score is 800 and Wang Gang's is 200000, which is a simple quantitative gap.

Of course, I don't deny that you are good at one skill. If you can achieve the top level in this skill, such as Olympic champion and Go, you still have something to eat, but you can't do it to the extent of most people. What is needed at this time is to have a skill that is 80% long, and help N variables related to it or that can't be seen for the time being There must be qualitative change in the end.

Let's return to the problem of selling time: In fact, there are two ways to sell time, one is to sell one piece of time, and the other is to sell more than one piece of time. Because of the limited time, the best way to sell is to sell more.

This sounds like nonsense. Explain: you used your writing skills to get a job. The boss paid for a day of work. Today, you had a break, but no money. This is selling one book at a time. If you use your writing skills to write a book and publish it, the agreed royalty is 5%. For each book you sell, you will be charged 5% royalty. This is selling more than one copy. It is easy to see which way of selling is more advantageous. Of course, you may say that the first selling method is more stable, and the second method is more random. But if you add the dimension of time, you will find that the first time is limited, and the second time is infinite.

Back to Li Ziqi's question: at the beginning, some people said that her way of making profits was to bring goods with her. It was not until I suddenly found that his video on YouTube was divided into advertisements that I exclaimed, "What a gold mine!"! Her video production cycle may be very long, a few months or a year, but once it is completed, it is a work. When it is put on the media, it breaks through the limitations of time and region, so that it can sell more than one piece of time.

When I write here, my thoughts are a little confused, and the meaning I want to express is probably this. Talking about other things, my friend said that based on Li Ziqi's video

1. Insist on taking pictures of your expertise, and then send them online.

2. Don't pay attention to the external factors. It is still too narrow to spread widely. We can only learn from her path, not to become famous, but to create a better self.

I have some messy personal experience to say

  • About persistence

    Without persistence, your brain will unconsciously produce painful resistance when you think of persistence. Our own design is to relax rather than work. Let's take my running example as an example. Two or three years ago, I ran for three months to lose weight. It became more and more painful, and then I gave up unconsciously. After settling down this year, I wanted to run again. This time, I designed my brain in such a way that I didn't adhere to this concept and didn't give it room to live. I said to myself that I would run every day, because in the long run, long-term exercise must be beneficial to my body. There is no limit to the length of running. Every day after work, you can smoke a cigarette, drink water, change your running shoes and run directly. If it rains, you can't run. If you drink too much, you can't run. It's not a long or short distance. After running, you can stop and don't increase your weight. Don't take this matter too seriously. Don't give it too much meaning. It's just to form a habit, and then mechanical execution is over. At present, the effect is good.

  • It's not that it's all over when it's posted online

    How to put it? This problem is also a bit complicated. It is probably the relationship between internal drive and external drive. According to your own experience, of course, you may not be like this. Jin Yong wrote most frequently when he founded Ming Pao. In order to improve the sales of newspapers, the most frequent time for online writers to update is when they hit this list and that list. If you lie at home on Sunday and arrive at work, you will never jump up if you still want to sleep, and even if you are sleepy on Monday morning, you will not hesitate to get up. The internal drive is often unreliable, and it is still our design for leisure rather than hard work.

    I wanted to live in seclusion a long time ago, but now I understand that we are unlikely to live in this world alone. For example, I wrote about the preparation of salt at that time, and I can't solve it, let alone the higher level amoxicillin.

    We interact with the world I am very painful to accept this cognition. I have a strong social fear. But there is no way, the world will never revolve around you.

    For example, my brother wrote a blog a long time ago. At the beginning, he wrote casually, but some of them did not update two or three articles. Later, one article was written unintentionally with a high number of visitors, a lot of reader interaction, and then increased interest. Then he kept updating, and then he was able to apply for Google advertising. There was a little unexpected income, and he kept writing.

    Don't say that it is not for fame and gain, but to gain these things without losing the bottom line: why not?

    And this is a positive and timely feedback. You know what you did right and what helped others. On the contrary, if you rely on internal drive completely, first, it is hard, and second, it is unlikely to last long.

    Think about your QQ space update at that time, and think about your blog update now, and honestly ask yourself, maybe you can figure it out.

  • About building a better self

    Having said so much, can Li Ziqi's video be used for reference to make us better ourselves? I don't know the details very well, but I think Li Ziqi must have experienced such a period: no one paid attention to the disorderly things he shot at the beginning, and once he accidentally shot something similar to the current one, which was praised and received consistent positive feedback, and then he kept shooting in this direction, and then he gained the current popularity with the accumulation of time. The plot I'm sure is almost a copy of my brother's blog.

    Shooting and uploading expertise is not necessary, but the direction This direction be on the cards It will be uploaded from the photos and the positive feedback from readers and listeners, but it may not be.

    But to create a better self, I think it should be the two points I mentioned above: 1. Build your multi-dimensional skills; 2. Build your own complete works and sell them more. The former makes us not boring, and the latter makes us not embarrassed.