Monthly filing: November 2014


Recently, I was busy. It was November. Recently, my blog mainly translated Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, which made me unable to write other articles in limited time. In the process of translating novels, the progress was slow, and there were hundreds of pages left. It was estimated that it was unlikely to be completed before the end of the year. So, in order to occasionally talk, Make a writing plan for November.

I have always wanted to write pornographic novels, but I felt sad. On the way home that day, I suddenly thought of several good names. I like to write series articles, such as "Hello, the world" before my blog ”Series, "You'll die if you don't brag" series. It's great to write such a series of articles. When I got the idea of writing pornographic novels, several good article titles suddenly appeared, including "Seeking Joy", "Making Fun", "Prodigal Son" and "The End of the World". Only looking at "Seeking Joy" or "Prodigal Son", the two names are very local, but it's still interesting to take apart.

Therefore, it is estimated that when translation is tired this month, I will write a novel to practice writing.

Share a piece of "November rain" that I particularly like

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