Monthly filing: April 2014

Hello, Professor Sijie


Hello, professor, like you from the stars, with a face full of meteorite craters, you used to have hair on your mouth, singing Daolang's "Impulsive Punishment", then your hair faded, a snowflake white under your nostrils, and singing "Wolf in Sheepskin". I always doubt your sexual orientation. In these years of trembling, I am afraid that you will suddenly announce your coming out one day. At that time, you listened to the FM FM105.5 "Tong Yao's Night Tales", and your eyes were shining blue in the middle of the night. You were very interested in one of the hotline inquiries about infertility, ectopic pregnancy, increased leucorrhea, breast swelling and pain. You were often among us like an elder guiding us. We honored you as a "professor". Many years have passed, and you are still single, I haven't even touched the girl's fingernails. In 2010, you thought you were miserable and really loved a girl. You often sent out some love maxims in the space. I really couldn't read them. I scolded you for dying. You said that I knew nothing about love and could not extricate myself from the flames of unrequited love. One night, you told me you were going to the south, At that time, you were winding coils in the motor factory, and I was very confused about your sudden decision. In my impression, you could live a lifetime with one or two rough printed yellow books and three or four low-quality 3gp hair pieces. Suddenly, you made such a shocking decision. I asked my brother tentatively what happened. You said I would go to pursue my love, I said my brother should not be impulsive. You said that my girl went to the south and I could not stay on this day. I said that the girl made you glow like a burning magnesium bar after so many years of silence. Give me a picture, and you sent me a picture. The girl in the picture is holding the steel tube beside the high and low beds of a collective dormitory. The beauty varies from person to person. I think that the girl can not get up or down, Just so so, but I never dare to offend the mindless master in love, so I asked you how far you have come. You said she refused me, but it doesn't matter. I still love her, and my heart is full of ten thousand grass and mud horses.
I remember you are not such a person. You used to be so coquettish. You drank royal jelly, ate high calcium milk powder, and handed you a cigarette of "good Huangshan, sky high and cloud light". You often waved and said shyly that you had bronchitis when you were young, and we didn't take you to play football. You also showed a sense of righteousness. You wore professional gloves and were willing to be a goalie, shouting and roaring, as powerful as a tiger, When you were in high spirits, you rushed to the middle road with the ball. At that time, we shared a room outside the school. You coined a word for the great Chinese called "Dehuo". In the middle of the night, with the sheets between your legs, you had no trace of spring dreams. At that time, you wore glasses and were the gathering place of pornographic novels. You always walked into a rental store at dusk at the beginning of the evening, and had the cheek to ask the boss if he had any books of that kind. He paid a deposit of ten yuan, hid the books in his chest and took them to the class for a full look, and then sold them to us. One yuan with illustrations every day, and fifty cents without illustrations, How pure I was at that time, and then I became a degenerate girl. Even the girl who has been popular since then didn't want to do it at the beginning. Later, I was the first to learn from my mouth. I believe that if we were to become middle-aged men with protruding bellies in another ten years, and get together in a restaurant of a certain level, you must be the one who vomits and holds food with chopsticks, The master who is full of dirty jokes, but we have not yet reached that stage. We are still good young people who are fighting for a foothold in the world.
In 2011, when you told me that you would take the civil service exam and become a gangster in the system, you resolutely quit your job, locked yourself in the room and chewed the Administrative Ability Test and Argument, and stayed at home for three months. I think you have great hope. I even imagined that my brother would go straight to the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee and become a candidate for the next leadership team when he entered the police system, As a former roommate, you promoted me a little and let me lead a fast life with my brother. When I took the exam, I said that my brother would cheer on and rely on you for the rest of my life. You said yes. When I got the grades, my mother was eliminated in the first round. I pretended to be indifferent and said that my brother should not be discouraged. Hundred and two Qin Pass belonged to Chu. Three thousand Yue Jia could swallow Wu. I would fight again next year. You said yes, In 2012, when the exam was coming, you locked yourself up again and continued to chew. This time, I felt there was absolutely no problem. When the exam was coming, I said that my brother would cheer on, you were the best. You said that I knew that when the score came down, Mom was still eliminated. I was a little disappointed. I tried to comfort you again with a smile on my face. Life was bound to be bumpy, depending on success or failure, Life is heroic, and it's a big deal to start again. You believe you on the other end of the phone, you must bite your lip and nod your head. When you were facing the exam in 2013, you locked yourself up for the third time. You said I felt dizzy, and even began to doubt life. I said it was right. It was a brief vertigo before success. Believe me, a good day is coming, When I was taking the exam, I called again. I said that the past is over, and don't let the past become a burden. I know that life is like chocolate, and the feeling of taking another bite is definitely different from that of taking the first bite. When I get the results, fuck, it's still a fucking ending. I'm angry, At the same time, I learned that a friend of my friend read a book for a week before the exam because he didn't want to go to work. It was only a book for a week, but he passed. I called him and comforted him: "Come on, it's not shameful to admit your brain capacity. It's shameful to insist on nothing." You listen to me and pack up your old luggage, In the cold wind, I found a motor factory again to continue winding.
I know that your present day is to wake up every morning with no hope for the future, put on the greasy work clothes you took off last night, throw the spotty underwear into the good lady's semi-automatic washing machine, light a cigarette in confusion, sigh through the blue fog, and refresh the space again and again when you are free, Occasionally flirt with other people's sister. It's windy. You take the clothes in the washing machine to the balcony and sing hysterically to the bustling city: I really love you, I'm willing to change myself, I'm willing to carry a sheepskin for you, just ask you to let me close, let me love you, and snuggle up with each other.

Hello, Four Heroes XH


Hello, XH, as the saying goes, "It's a treasure not to stay too big." I found from all sides that you have no symptoms of primary middle-aged dementia so far. When I read Haizi, you read Beidao; when I read Freud, you read Weininger; when I read Roman Roland, you read Zweig; when I read Luyao, Wang Xiaobo, Ye Saining and Hemingway, you read Feng Tang, Mo Yan, Salinger and Foucault. In short, we are not far or near on the road of literature and art, but as time goes by, I believe you will go farther than me, I am a person who has never made a definite decision. I have an axe of the devil of the world, which can only be played a few times. It is an impulsive personality. You are like water grinding stones. The terrible part of this personality is that although I don't know how short the time is, the end is doomed. There will always be a moment when water drips through the stone.
We met in 2003. In the age of extreme hormone secretion, we often saw SA, professor, you and me on the playground. At that time, you were 180+tall, with a little beauty on your eyebrows. Although you played the ball poorly, we pretended that you played well and let you play forward. I was short and shrewd, and had the courage to kill gods and Buddhas, Known as "Landmark Buddha" SM, he played as a guard. The professor often danced and yelled when the enemy rushed. He had the momentum of Zhang Feihou to break the enemy's courage. As a goalkeeper, he was a little shabby. So far, the scars after the spread of pimples have not disappeared, and he is sad to think about it. Therefore, character determines fate and appearance also determines a bit. Later, your football skills increased greatly. You did a good job of bouncing the ball, picking the ball, dribbling, crossing the crotch, and feinting, which gradually confirmed and consolidated your position as a striker. The number of goals gradually rose to the fourth place after LS, SA, and XJ, ranking fourth, and won the honor of "iron boots". Occasionally, you can attract one or two young girls to stop and watch. It is worth your hard work to practice secretly in the summer sun.
At that time, we had our own love. I fell in love with a girl and had letters. You know something, I turned my one shouldered backpack inside and out when I was unprepared, and finally found it in a sandwich with a zipper at the bottom of the second floor. I still remember your secret smile. I also like to inquire about privacy. I always believe that this is the driving force of progress, With my perseverance, I have mastered a large amount of first-hand information. Even the name of the professor's secret crush on a girl in junior high school was learned by me. But as a grouchy you, we can never know exactly which girl you like. So we guess that you have an affair with HP, and sometimes you have an unfair relationship with XX, But until the end of high school, we didn't get any news. Many years later, when I saw the sticker on BMW's buttocks on the road, "It's easy to hide, but it's difficult to prevent", I suddenly thought of you.
In Infernal Affairs, Han Chen firmly said, "I will pay you back sooner or later when I get out." In the summer of 2010, when we were sitting in a small restaurant, you revealed that you were chatting with a little girl. Brother Lu and I looked at you and ate a bottle of beer. We were moved. One night after the chat, you sent a picture to Brother Lu and me, which suddenly increased our minds, Like the river water, Brother Lu said, "What should I do?" I said, "Steal the QQ of Naya." At that time, I studied how to bypass the billing system in Internet cafes, After ASP injection, streamer and violent cracking, Brother Lu asked, "How can you steal?" At that moment, all the skills in his hands were useless. I said, "I tried the original password when I used to help this girl register QQ." Unexpectedly, in five or six years, you didn't change your password. When I went online, you were forced to go offline. When you went online, I was forced to go offline, In this up and down gap, we took a look at the QQ of several girls who were very likely to open their QQ space. We got what we wanted and were satisfied. When you called, you said solemnly, "I'm disappointed. I hate people prying into my privacy". I finally understood that in the long years, when gossip was put in front of you, You wish you were more eager than anyone to have a look. When others want to talk, you pretend not to be interested and have mixed feelings. This is actually a strategy. It's really different between scheming and not thinking.
In 2011, I was very poor and turned to you from ZJ. At that time, you hid in the mountains and forests to observe how granite turned into silicate. As you were near the boiler for a long time, the pimples became dark. The once shining beauty mole between the eyebrows also lost its luster. I spent a week in your presidential suite, drinking soda and eating compressed biscuits, When I'm in high spirits, I pick up someone else's meal card and go to a five-star hotel hidden in the jungle to have a full meal. Like a hibernating animal, night and day are reversed. I watch dozens of gigabytes of movies on your computer, ranging from "Gandhi", "Dancing with Wolves" to multiple identity killings. Later, I found a place that is one yuan away from you, Every day, I listen to music on the BMW X5, play chess, and occasionally get out of the car to measure the mud proportion of the cement mixing pile. On rainy and windy days, I hide in the reconstruction project department of an abandoned school to study the new works of the Caribbean and catwalk. It is estimated that this is also your current state of life. People want to change when they are idle. We say we want to do something big, and we will have enough food and clothing for the rest of our lives, Loser's ideal is to embrace girls from left to right. Luxury cars run from side to side. When entering, they take a bath and take a sauna. When leaving, they help saddle and mount a horse. However, we can still call ourselves literary youth. This is too vulgar. We say our ideal is freedom, which comes from two aspects, one is material freedom, the other is spiritual freedom. Material is the foundation of everything, so we should first pursue material freedom.
Later, we smelled the smoke curling in the night wind. An oven was set up under a tent, and snow ice beer was supplied. Roasted wings, corn, green peppers, leeks and dried chives were served. Before we set out, we ate two in laws' cakes and a bottle of beer. The night wind blew, and the dirt trucks came and went. The radio with a flash memory card on the Little Bee card was playing songs. There were rainy nights, We hummed "Sister Hiroshima, the Spanish pie you gave me melts me sweetly", rode the electric tricycle coquettishly in the yellow street light fog, returned to the dilapidated three storey attic to sleep in a whole sleep, and started again and again. Later, we began to get bored. On the way to pursue material freedom, we didn't take success as a must. Before we were ready to give up, you went to Shanyin Road alone. It was summer. The hot sun penetrated the house, tilted and depressed until the night came. You called me and were wandering on the Shanyin Road, sleepless tonight.
I remember the lyrics written by Li Zhi in Summer on Shanyin Road:
"I didn't say goodbye as I did last time when you left this time. Goodbye is just fucking goodbye."