Author archive: smartsun

Consistent values

There is often a saying in the retail investor group of stock investment: trust early, early can make money; If you don't believe it, you will never lose money. The evidence of this statement can be referred to the share price of Yiling Pharmaceutical: in 2022, after the liberalization of the epidemic, Yiling Pharmaceutical, the pharmaceutical enterprise behind Lianhua Qingwen Capsule, soared from 18 yuan to 54 yuan, and then fell back to the current 29 yuan. This shows the importance of consistent values.

You know I don't believe in traditional Chinese medicine, but can this value stand the test? Facts have proved that it can't. A little incident recently made me start to re-examine myself.

It happened last October or so. I stretched my right arm because I was carrying heavy things, and then I felt pain at the junction of pectoralis major muscle and deltoid muscle. The pain is not serious. I know it is neither dislocated nor fractured. I can move freely, but it will hurt when my arm is lifted to a fixed position. For example, when my arm is in the keyboard typing position, the pain is not unbearable. I checked some information, and there is no good way to solve this problem except self-healing. So I didn't care at the beginning, waiting for the body's self repair function to suddenly make a miracle one day.

However, I don't know whether it is because I am old and my self-healing ability is poor or what the reason is. In short, the pain has not disappeared. As you know, there is a kind of torture, which is to tie a person up and hang a bucket of water on the top of his head. There is a hole at the bottom of the bucket. It drips water continuously day and night. It is said that it is much more powerful than chili water and tiger stool. I have never experienced it, but I generally know the power of water dripping through stone. That is to say, my pain doesn't seem serious, but it keeps on day and night. Finally, I can't stand it.

First, I bought some NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium, celecoxib, and so on. They all worked well. Take one pill for a day. But once the effect passed, it was still painful. Looking at the instructions of these drugs, they should not be taken all the time. This method of treating the symptoms rather than the root causes is always not a solution.

So I went to the doctor in a hurry. With the recommendation of my friends, I bought Wantong Muscles and Bones Paste, Yunnan Baiyao, musk and bullshit, and some strange Tibetan medicine. The operation was as fierce as a tiger. Looking back at the pectoralis major muscle, I was allergic, black and scarred. Not only could I not achieve the effect of analgesia, but also could not bear the strange smell of flowers, If you have tried the so-called traditional Chinese medicine, you should be able to get a sour nose, look at the past, and shed tears.

So I sat under the lamp one night in the spring rain in March, and suddenly remembered that one should believe early or never, and one should stick to his consistent values. I can understand why my friends around me think these bullshit plasters are useful, because for some self-healing diseases, it has nothing to do with these plasters, that is, the fruit of self-healing, and it has nothing to do with the causes of these bullshit plasters; I also understand that knowing some truth can't help you avoid some pitfalls. There will always be some pitfalls that you can understand more after you practice them.

Back to the essence, you should establish a process: you have chosen a value after seeing and hearing. You should stick to this value, form a principle, and then use this principle to examine your own behavior and guide your own behavior. This is the way of smart people. Of course, there are good principles, bad principles, right principles and wrong principles, but they are more intelligent than your repeated horizontal jumps. Just like Lianhua Qingwen, you believe that he bought shares of Yiling Pharmaceutical for 18 yuan, and now he is also making money. If you don't believe that, you will never buy, and will not lose money. I'm afraid that you didn't believe that at the beginning, when he soared to 54 yuan, you believed that, and now he will lose money.

The sign of maturity is that we don't try to change anyone. We should choose to believe in each other. There is no truth in the world. We just stick together to keep warm. Li Xiaolai has an enlightening saying: "A fool's consensus is also a consensus". You look like a fool to me, and you look like a fool to me. When we meet and come together, just say "fool" to each other. Don't do it, you are not your own!

An Incident

On December 15 last year, City H promulgated the Regulations on the Administration of Electric Vehicles, which came into force on March 1 this year.

Article 22, paragraph 8 of the Regulations stipulates that drivers and passengers shall wear safety helmets in a standardized manner; In addition, those who violate the provisions of this article shall be given a warning or fined not less than five yuan but not more than fifty yuan by the traffic control department of the public security organ in Article 40.

It happened on the morning of March 7. I was fined 5 yuan for not wearing a safety helmet while riding my little electric donkey.

I have been too lazy to wear a helmet. Of course, I still have a scar on my face when I was drunk because I didn't wear a safety helmet. But I am still too lazy to wear a safety helmet. There are many reasons for not wearing safety helmets, but these are not important. The important thing is: now you will be fined for not wearing safety helmets! I can't understand this for the following reasons:

  1. The Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China does not stipulate that non motor vehicles are required to wear safety helmets
  2. Different from drunk driving, retrograde driving and non motor vehicle driving into the motorway, whether the helmet is worn or not does not pose a potential safety threat to others
  3. He/she is the first person in charge of his/her own safety. Whether or not to wear a helmet is a free choice for individuals. The government can only guide him/her, not punish him/her

Nowadays, there are propaganda broadcasts about wearing helmets everywhere at busy intersections in H city. The reason is nothing more than "for your safety", that is to say, it is for your own good. I am too familiar with this reason, such as the closure of epidemic situation. But I can't accept it.

Take a simple example: smoking and drinking are very harmful to my health. They are all strong carcinogens. Since you fined me for not wearing a helmet in the name of being good to me today, could you fine me for smoking and drinking for the same reason tomorrow? I know it's bad to smoke and drink. I know it's dangerous not to wear a helmet. But I just want to smoke and drink, but I don't want to wear a helmet. Do I have such freedom? Do you manage your public power too leniently? Speaking of drinking, there was a famous "Prohibition Act" in American history that ended with its repeal. Interested friends can also learn about it.

So of course, I didn't accept it. Of course, I didn't conflict with the traffic police. I honestly paid the fine and received a ticket. The ticket said that if I didn't accept this decision, I could apply for administrative reconsideration to the People's Government of H City within 60 days, or file an administrative lawsuit to the People's Court of the High tech Development Zone of H City within 6 months.

I am not very clear about the administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation. I searched the next process and felt it was troublesome. But my heart is full of fucking insubordination, and my mind keeps popping up: I deserve to die without wearing a helmet, but it's none of your business. What right do you have to punish me?

So I wrote a letter of complaint in the interactive communication column of the government website of H city, for the above reasons. Then I made the following preparations:

  1. I was not ready for the first fine in the morning, and there was no forceful confrontation. Now if I get a fine of 5 yuan, I will not wear it from tomorrow. It's 5 yuan a day, 150 yuan a month, and I can afford it
  2. When I pay the fine again, I ask him to turn on the law enforcement video recorder, explain the reasons above, and then pay the fine without noise, non violence and non cooperation
  3. Every day, I say that I want to talk about their annoyance, that the traffic police in this sentry box know me, that they will wave me away when they see me, similar to Andy's routine of applying for library funds in Shawshank Redemption
  4. In the worst case, when I met a traffic policeman who was more than me, I sold my small electric donkey and bought a carbon fiber mountain bike to exercise

Then in the afternoon, someone from the government called me and asked me if I had any problems with violent law enforcement or illegal law enforcement against my complaints. I learned that my appeal was that I had objections to the Regulations and had nothing to say about the law enforcement of the traffic police. I said to transfer the call to the National People's Congress. I guess the call should be made by the traffic management department.

In the afternoon of the next day, I received another call from a staff member of the National People's Congress. On the whole, the staff member's conversation was quite good:

He first explained that the Administrative Regulations are a local supplement to the Traffic Law, then affirmed my view that some people really don't like wearing helmets, sweating, stuffy, inconvenient, etc., and then said that the amendment, promulgation, and repeal of the Regulations need to be passed by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress, not to say that the repeal will be repealed if there are many opponents, It can also be abolished, but it takes time, and then he gave me a move, saying that he asked me to hang a helmet on the back of my battery car, which I don't need to wear at ordinary times. When I came to the intersection to check, I should wear it to cope with the situation.

I don't know what to say. Although it's the first iron, it's not the same as the first iron.

Now I have a helmet on the back of my electric car. It's a small thing, just to remember!

But time won't let you stay forever

When I was in Hangzhou in 1994, I had the concept of space, time, human relations and geography, and there were continuous memories from here.

After three years of epidemic, my travel is no longer blocked. After I have a good time in the sun, I want to go out for a walk. The first place I think of is Hangzhou, where I remember the beginning.

In the spring of 1994, I followed my mother to a silk reeling factory in Tangxi, Hangzhou. The silk reeling factory in my memory is very large, with boiler room, tea room, workshop, canteen, office area, water room, even rockery garden and cinema. But when I came to this place again thirty years later, I found everything was so cramped, and even made me wonder if I had come to the wrong place. But no, during the call with my father, I was confirmed again to connect the memory of the place I stayed in as a child. Some paths are gone, some buildings are dilapidated, and some spaces are totally unrecognizable. I knew it would change. After 30 years of vicissitudes, I just wasn't ready for it to become what it is today.

The space we stayed in was like a ship, but time will not let you stay forever.

Happy New Year!

I wish you would look forward and never look back