Running for a month

94.18km, 25 sports, from July 21, 2020 to August 20, 2020. I wanted to round up 100km tonight. It rained heavily, so I gave up. Imperfection is the norm, and occasional indulgence is also the norm. Accept yourself, nothing more than that. Daily record link: Detailed Running Record

On the whole, the running plan of this month was executed perfectly, but the running frequency seemed to be a little high. At the beginning of running, the number of times seems not good. In the future, try to control the number of times per month to 20, increase the number of kilometers per time, and then normalize, temporarily set the goal of the first three months at 100 kilometers per month, and then consider increasing the mileage according to the fitness of the body.

A short record: In the first few days, I didn't find a good running place, so I had to go out and run along the asphalt road from four directions, namely, southeast, northwest, and northwest. At night, the lights were dim, the traffic lights, and various cars parked at the roadside, all of which made the previous exploration path more inconvenient. Then, with the recommendation of a friend, I found that there was an artificial lake not far from my residence, which should be about 5 kilometers long. (The 5 kilometers should be more accurate data, because the indicator board of a summer national fitness activity held in a park once showed the kilometers.) The environment is beautiful, the air is quiet, and the walking exercise crowd is in twos and threes. The atmosphere is particularly good. At about 8:30 every night, I ride on my electric donkey, take my bracelet, wireless Bluetooth headset and MP3, and can't stop.

At first, I couldn't run the whole lake for several times, but I basically walked and ran around the lake, but the bracelet showed only about 2-3 kilometers. I thought the so-called millet bracelet could accurately distinguish the difference between walking and running. Later, more times, I found that the millet bracelet was so rotten that I would never buy any millet products again. Fortunately, there is also a function that can record the time synchronously with the mobile phone APP. I know that I can only record the time after running. The accuracy of the data is not so important, but the important thing is to run.

After about three or four days of acclimatization, you can run across the lake in one breath, and then become more relaxed, just sweating and breathing much more smoothly. Only after running for ten days in a row, the medial side of the shin and the Achilles tendon bone ache. I was conscious of the running injury. I took the initiative to take a break for two days to let my body adapt, and then went out to run on the third day when my body seemed to have not fully adapted. I knew that when I stopped doing something for a long time, I felt tired, and then I was not far away from giving up. This kind of tiredness was dangerous before a thing had formed a habit. Then I bought a fascia gun. It shocked me. After running, I stretched. It seemed that my body could adapt to it. One day, I was in a bad mood. I tried to run an extra kilometer. I found that after 5 kilometers, it was really easy. It was not impossible to run around the lake for two laps with my temper. Considering the consequences of blindly increasing the mileage, I also gave up on my own initiative, step by step, and take my time.

I didn't lose much weight. In fact, compared with running, dieting has a more significant effect on weight loss. I tried to cut off food once a day, and my weight was as light as 68KG. However, after running, people do not control their diet. People's attention and spirit are limited. For ordinary people like me, a high degree of self-discipline often leads to terrible consequences of sudden collapse. People's subconscious is nothing more than food and sex. If they don't always pacify them, they will suddenly collapse in a moment. They have to take care of their emotions like children.

There is no major change. The skin becomes slightly better, the abdomen is still in a lump, the sleep is slightly better, the mood is slightly stable, the pressure resistance is improved, and the attention is improved. I didn't expect big changes in the short term, which is unrealistic. Any razor has its own philosophy. The important thing is that I want to become healthy, stop being decadent, and do the right thing for a long time to fight or delay nihility.

This is my month of running. I hope to summarize every month in the future, and that's all for the long run.

Running for a month 》5 ideas

  1. wys

    After reading my favorite sentence: "A high degree of self-discipline often leads to terrible consequences of sudden collapse". I think deeply.


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