Knowledge and skills

I realized that these are two different concepts. For example, I know the principle of bird flight, and I know aerodynamics, but I can't fly. Human beings also seem to have a kind of ability: even though I don't know this knowledge, I can use this skill, such as language. When we learn to speak and communicate with our parents, we simply do not know the so-called grammar rules, verb object structure, subject predicate structure, but we can speak this skill and communicate. For example, driving skills. Before and after learning to drive, we don't know the principles of the engine and gearbox, the clutch, and the knowledge structure of the power system, but we can drive a car. So I seem to realize that I can still be saved in middle age.

After high school, I seemed to fall into a bad cycle, namely the trap of pursuing knowledge. More often, I have to admit that my talent is limited and has been interrupted repeatedly. Most of the time, they are actually learning skills, but they fall into the ocean of learning knowledge. For example, I once learned Linux. According to the learning path of skills, I should be familiar with each command and service configuration, practice the skills of each command and service configuration thoroughly, and then take the road of O&M, which is in line with my IQ. However, after reading Linus's biography Just for fun and the inspiration of some free software and hacker spirit, I felt that the scenery was limitless. I went to read the source code of Linux, read the Complete Analysis of Linux Kernel by Mr. Zhao Jiong, read the beginning, found that I had assembly knowledge, and then turned around to read Wang Shuang's Assembly Language Luo Yunbin's Stone Carving: 32-bit Assembly Language Programming in Windows environment overestimated the ability and wasted half a lifetime. I didn't earn any money, and my knowledge was abandoned halfway, let alone my advanced skills.

Be clear about whether you need knowledge or skills. Knowledge is big and broad, skill is small and excellent. In addition, learning knowledge is different from learning skills. Although I can't make a complete summary yet, I try to make a small summary based on the existing experience.

Knowledge has no upper limit, skills have upper limit, knowledge is not measurable, skills can be measured and observed, relatively speaking, skill compatibility is strong, but knowledge compatibility is poor. I don't give any examples.

According to this clear concept, I think I should go on the road of skills according to the brain that God has given me. There are basic rules for skill training. For example, learning swimming requires basic skill training, including breathing, floating, upper limb movements and lower limb movements. Other skills are the same. They should follow the order from basic skills to simple actions and then to advanced actions. The most important thing is not to hold a copy of The Principle of Swimming to read it. It is useless for a brain like me. Maybe after reading too much, I think I feel good, superior and create a false sense of existence.

Knowledge and skills 》There are 2 ideas

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