Oxford General Reader Sexual Existence

Friendly Reminder

Individual reading notes, excerpts, random thoughts, scattered and unsystematic, super long, careful reading



I have a high interest in this topic. I picked it out in advance when I saw it in the general knowledge book. It has been half a lifetime since I started to have sexual awareness. Although I have a high degree of interest, I have never really understood it in depth. On the one hand, East Asian countries seem to be very secretive about the topic of sex. On the other hand, there is really no good popular reading material. When I studied, I imagined the structure from the rough biology textbook picture. Later, I ran to the sensory stimulation of "Jin Ping Mei", "Rou Pu Tuan", "Deng Cao Monk" and adult movies.

As we grow older and the threshold is higher, these sensory stimuli gradually fade away. On the contrary, we really want to understand understanding carefully, a topic that almost everyone can't avoid. When I read Freud before, I felt Niubi, and then I doubted his theory of universality. Later, when I read Weininger's Sex and Character, I seemed to find the wrong direction. This genius went after his name, and was really unfriendly to ordinary readers like us.

However, I seemed disappointed. I had a rough look at the outline of the general knowledge book Sex Existence. It seemed that there was little introduction to the knowledge I wanted to know. It was in the direction of sexual culture. Fortunately, I also mentioned many other books in the introduction. So I'm going to read this book of Sex Existence from top to bottom, and then make a summary along with the other books it introduces, so as to solve the half life puzzle.

Preface (written by Li Yinhe)

  1. Three major changes have taken place in the field of sex in the modern West: the first is the secularization of sex, which separates sex from religious values. The second is the liberalization of sex. People have a higher acceptance of family planning, abortion, divorce, premarital sex, cohabitation and homosexuality. The third is that the change of interpersonal relationship model has led to family crisis. Since the world entered the era of AIDS, there has been a fourth trend in the field of sex, that is, the loss of sexual desire. Loss of desire is called the disease of the 1990s. so to speak, Generally speaking, the development trend of sexual norms is more and more diversified, and the constraints of sexual morality are more and more relaxed
  2. The monism of sex is still not divorced from the only legitimate function of the Christian sex culture of taking reproduction as sex, while the pluralism of sex expresses people's rich and colorful needs for sexual activities, refuses to be classified and stereotyped, and constantly separates from all special cognition and fixed facts.


  1. Sex role labels (unknown, there are so many labels and hobbies)

    Gay, lesbian, heterosexual, bisexual, bisexual curious( Those who are interested in bisexuality or suspect that they are bisexual, but do not declare themselves bisexual ), nudists, sexual submissives, female sadists, swing people (people who exchange sexual partners), shift people (people who change from homosexuality to heterosexuality or from heterosexuality to homosexuality), traders (gay men who have sex with heterosexual men), virginity regenerators (people who have actually lost their virginity but have vowed to abstain from all sexual acts before marriage) Disabled fetishists (people who are sexually attracted to amputees), animal dress fetishists (also called fur fetishists, referring to those who like to wear animal skin clothes and get sexual pleasure from them) or feeding fetishists (people who overfeed their obese sexual partners)

  2. The concept of sexual existence: the way people experience their own body, happiness and desire, and connect it with sexual identity [sexual existence is a way, and connected with sexual identity]

Bibliography mentioned in the book

  • My Private Life
  • Lonely Sex: A History of Masturbation Culture
  • Foucault's History of Sex
  • Karaft Ebin, Sexual Abnormality
  • Masters, Johnson, Lack of Human Nature
  • Randy Thornhill and Craig Palmer, A Natural History of Rape: The Biological Basis of Sexual Stress (2000)
  • Michel Gilleri's The Dark Side of Men (1999)
  • Helen Fisher's Anatomy of Love: The Natural History of Mating and Why We Have an affair
  • The History of Sex in the World War, written by Gnus Hershefeld
  • Alex Conford's Sexual Joy (1972), More Sexual Joy
  • Heidi Sexology Report: Women (1976) and Heidi Sexology Report: Men
  • Everything you want to know about sex but are ashamed to say it
  • Sex Practice, Book for You to Enjoy Sex, Stupid Sex

Chapter 1: Before Sex Exists

  1. What is the pre existence of sex?

    • Ancient times were not the age of sexual liberalism. At that time, sexual morality was strictly restricted by morality and legal norms. But, The focus on morality is limited to sexual behavior, not the object of sexual desire (That is to say, even if I am a homosexual, my sexual behavior is aimed at the opposite sex, which is moral)
    • The ancient people did not Physical sexual identity To understand themselves, but Maintain gender identity But it is very important for them
    • The central basis for modern people to understand and determine their own gender is such concepts as heterosexuality and homosexuality.
    • Based on this difference, historians such as Michel Foucault, Paul Bennet, David Harbolin or John Winkler all positioned the ancient world as "the world before the existence of sex"
  2. What were the characteristics before the existence of sex or what are the similarities and differences between them?
    • The sex culture in the ancient world was not single, and there were great differences in different regions and different historical periods

    • Take the ancient Greeks and Romans for example, Sex culture is closely related to its political and historical background

      • The backbone of Greek society is a small number of male elite citizens. Female citizens and children are subordinate in society and have no political rights;
      • Migrants and slaves did not even have citizenship. More precisely, the status of female citizens is similar to that of minors, who are always under the legal custody of male relatives.
      • The sex culture at that time reflected the social power of male citizens, and its core was male enjoyment. The ancient Greeks' understanding of sex was phallic centralism, and the only definition of sex was the invasion of the penis. In addition, people believe that kissing, caressing and other forms of physical contact are expressions of love, but they do not belong to sexual behavior. Therefore, in the ancient Greek concept, Sex is not a mutual relationship, not a common expression of intimate feelings , but a unilateral act - invasion of others.
      • The physical pleasure or cooperation of sexual partners is generally regarded as insignificant Men are encouraged to use the penis for invasive sexual intercourse to gain a sense of conquest and control the dominant sexual partner. Such sexual relations reflect the power relations in social politics, because men have their social status as citizens in the battlefield, politics and sex.
    • This period Sexual culture and People's views on sex and gender interwovenness
      • People define sex itself as a process related to the body's acquisition of heat. People's gender is fluid, so if men lose heat in their bodies, there is a risk of feminization; Women will become masculine if their body heat increases
      • At that time, people believed that women were inferior creatures to men, and that women did not have the male self-control for sexual desire. Therefore, women's sexual existence is considered dangerous, because their hunger for sex will drain men, and the worse result is to turn them into women
      • At that time, people usually believed that the expression of masculinity focused on showing aggression and dominance in public speeches and other aspects of life, including sexual behavior. Masculinity is equal to active and aggressive sexual roles in sexual behavior
      • The intruder is considered to be in the active position, while the intruder is considered to be in the passive position. The "appropriate" intruded objects are women, minor men, foreigners and slaves, who do not have the same political and civil rights as the male citizens of Athens. At that time, Social status is determined according to such active/passive roles , rather than the classification of heterosexuality/homosexuality [so, it's really different to accept this status]
  3. Appreciate a good poem, appreciate the symbolic decoration and symbols of "penis" before the existence of appreciation【 Fucking creative

    Among the most famous chapters in classical literature that reflect the male sex tragedy, there is such a passage: In the novel Satilicon by ancient Roman Petronius, the hero Enkobius wants to have sex with the beautiful Kaerke, but Kaerke tells him that he can only do so if he is willing to give up his 16-year-old boyfriend Gito for his own sake, when disaster comes:

    I pulled out this awesome weapon three times,

    Three times, it is softer than vegetable leaves,

    In front of this terrible gully, I stood back and lost the will of men,

    No longer expect what I once thought.

  4. Ancient Greek concept of sex
    1. In the hierarchy of sexual behavior, the most demeaning behavior is accused of oral sex for women, followed by oral sex for men, because both men and women lose their identity when their mouth is invaded by penis
    2. The love between men was widely accepted by the society at that time and was extremely common, and was widely seen in literature, art and philosophy works at that time
    3. The role of intruders is of great significance to men's social and political status Based on this, the sexual relationship between adult men will make people feel very uneasy, because one of them must play the role of submissive. But having sex with a minor man can partially avoid this problem , because men must be adults to have citizenship. Athenians believe that love between adult men and young men is natural and noble I'm really convinced of this idea. There is an invasion of men of the same sex. There must be an invasion. In addition, the invasion of this role is related to social and political status. Then we should look for underage men, because according to the explanation, citizenship is not available until adulthood. This logic and idea is really convincing
    4. Greek love relationship is often regarded as a routine education for young men and has become an institutionalized relationship. For young men, they should not experience sexual desire in Greek love relationships. If they are willing to sacrifice their bodies for the older men, it should be out of "friendship" ——Friendship, respect and love for pursuers. [The moral concept is that we should not only get cheap, but also make people willing to contribute. We should catch up with this.]
    5. Most of the illegitimate sexual relations will get unwritten acquiescence, but adultery will be condemned by the public and rejected by the society, causing complex legal consequences. It is believed that seducing an Athenian female free citizen is more heinous than rape, because secret adultery will make men unable to determine their children's bloodline, unlike children born to women who have been raped, who will be killed directly after confirming their identity. Therefore, It is believed that rape is not a crime committed against the raped woman, but a crime committed against her husband, father or male guardian, as well as a threat to public order
    6. The sex trade is ubiquitous and readily available. Prostitutes can be not only women, but also young men. The sex trade seems to be conducted in an open way, The location is not limited to brothels, but also public places such as parks and cemeteries [Fentou disco has a long history indeed]
    7. Solon, the founder of democracy in ancient Athens, controlled the price of whoring (which was affordable to any citizen) by establishing a public brothel The right to use sex slaves has been democratized, For this reason, he was highly praised by the ancient Greeks
    8. In the ancient world, sex was not only related to citizenship, but also inseparable from religious activities. People will celebrate some public festivals through sexual intercourse, dancing, singing and other ceremonies
  5. If you think that extravagance and contempt for morality are just the sins of our times - people always blame our times for this, then you are wrong. These are the inherent defects of human beings and have nothing to do with the times. No era can escape this disaster

  6. The Greeks... felt that it was the responsibility of citizens to control all their desires. Although they did not have to go all out to completely conquer these desires, they had to train themselves to fight against them. By the 5th century, the culture of self-control had been established among the social elites. This culture pays attention to the abstinence of sexual behavior, and is influenced by early Christianity, advocating various forms of abstinence. [It seems that fighting against desire has existed since ancient times. There is no doubt that it will go to two extremes, one is indulgence and the other is abstinence. The seemingly formal moral sense brought by abstinence seems to have prevailed for a long time]

  7. Renewed concept: Platonic love

    Plato's love, which I first thought, refers to spiritual love, spiritual love rather than physical love. The original origin is from Plato's "Drinks". The original meaning is the love between the wonderful adult men and young men I mentioned above.

    "People often regard this as the relationship between adult men (" lovers ") providing theoretical and sensual guidance to young, passive" boys "(" loved ones ") - generally at least 12 years old and at most 17-20 years old."

    It's so fucking interesting, Provide guidance between theory and sensuality The broad spirit of words!

  8. In the 5th century AD, when Christianity began to promote the concept of chastity and abstinence, abstinence targeted both men and women. At that time, secular political power began to transfer to the church In this context, sexual desire has been criticized for allowing people to indulge in the mundane business of getting married and having children. Sexual desire makes people unable to concentrate and prepare for entering the kingdom of heaven and life after death. Christianity's hostility to sex reflected a more common religious task at that time, that is, to liberate people from secular constraints and desires. Celibacy and chastity are regarded as norms of conduct, while sex and desire are regulated

  9. Augustine (354-430) was one of the founders of Western Christianity, which had a crucial impact on the development of this situation. Some of his unformed theories were developed into an important dogma later -“ original sin ”。 The view of "original sin" regards the reason why God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden described in Genesis as sex. Augustine claimed that if Adam and Eve had not lost their lust for flesh, then the form of sex in the kingdom of heaven was just "sleeping gently in the arms of their partners". He also believed that "sex full of flesh desire is the enemy of God". Different from people in the classical period, Augustine believed that sex was not caused by body heat, but by "lust" - evil desire. People's disregard for dignity leads to degradation, which shows that "the degradation of the body" has defeated the power of moral will, and the process of sexual intercourse is also stained with the color of original sin. Therefore, Augustine advocated abstinence. However, as can be seen from his autobiography "Confessions", he himself felt that the process of fighting against "the filthy lust" was not easy. In this book, his self-image is very famous. He describes himself as a young man praying to God, asking God to "grant me some chastity and moderation, but not now".

    This example is very interesting. As the founder of Christianity, Augustine advocated abstinence, and used the big stick of "original sin" to block the killing, and the Buddha to block the killing. Then I can't carry it myself. I feel deep emptiness, deep loneliness, and deep cold. So, a lot of so-called moral dogmas, just look at them. Don't take them seriously. Morality is used to restrain yourself. As a weapon, as a big hat, it is unnecessary to occupy the highland, command the square, and point out the country.

  10. The History of Sexual Change in Christianity (The description of this paragraph is also very interesting, even if it is a religious confrontation with "sex", there must be a compromise)

    • In Augustine's eyes, Erect penis It symbolizes that lust enslaves people. The women described by Olikin, a Greek theologian in the 3rd century AD, are more "slaves of desire... than beasts"
    • In essence, early Christians regarded the family as an obstacle to religious piety. They are more suspicious of marriage, because the temptation of the body is manipulated by the devil, which will put people in danger
    • Martin Luther, a Protestant theologian, expressed disgust at the sexual behavior in marriage and declared: "If God wants to ask me for my opinion on this matter, I will suggest him to continue to make human beings continue to have offspring by kneading mud."
    • The theologian represented by the apostle Paul Regard marriage as a reasonable compromise with the material world And praised marriage as the cornerstone of society. They claimed that as long as the main purpose of the couple's marriage is to reproduce, follow the monogamy and be faithful to each other, they should fulfill the "marriage obligation" to each other, that is, sexual intercourse. In the Christian world, it is very important to have sex in marriage. Gramsci's teaching material of ecclesiastical law (1140) recorded that asexual marriage can be the legal basis for divorce
    • To go to extremes, one is: "Origen, in order to fight lust and prevent it from harming his own belief, has taken the extreme act of self castration" [later it was considered heretical, and if I were the Pope, I would certainly do the same, if all believers in Christianity were self castrated, then the religion would sooner or later perish], Another is: "Anthony and Jerome chose to retreat in the desert of Egypt. This isolation from the material world was inherited and developed into a system by later monasteries."
  11. Based on“ Asexual marriage can be the legal basis for divorce ”For this reason, many regions, including England, have introduced The system of testing the sexual ability of the husband by "honest women" Historian Angus McClaren recorded such a test in the Church Court of York and Canterbury in the 15th century in "Sexual impotence: a cultural history" [It's too fucking interesting. It's too damn hard to prove your sexual impotence when you divorce]

    The same witness exposed her chest, warmed her hands by the above fire, grasped and rubbed the above John's penis and testicles. Then, she hugged and frequently kissed John, trying her best to tease him, so that he could show his masculinity and sexual ability; Advise him to prove that he is a man at that time and place in order to save face. According to her description, during the above period of time, under her examination and unremitting questioning, the man's penis was still less than three inches long... neither increased nor decreased by one point.

  12. Definition of sodomy: Until the 18th century, "sodomy" was a word with a wide range of meanings, including all kinds of "unnatural" sexual behaviors of men and women (as long as the sexual behaviors can not produce offspring), including bestiality, masturbation, anal sex, oral sex, sexual behaviors between men and women, as well as sexual behaviors between men and women taking contraceptive measures.

  13. In Christianity, there has been a very influential mode of sexual standards, which vigorously promotes chastity and celibacy as the highest realm of spiritual ideals and a way to liberate people from worldly things. This is very different from many other religions. For example, Judaism does not approve of abstinence, and believes that it is obviously against God's doctrine of "more birth and more production". Christianity idealizes the concepts of abstinence, abandoning the secular world, sexual intercourse only for the purpose of reproduction, and faithfulness to marriage, which endow sex with new cultural meanings: it is the main field of Satan's evil, so we should fear and avoid it. Most classical medical knowledge believes that lack of sex is harmful to health. On the contrary, Christianity glorifies a sexual order for the beautification of chastity and abstinence, that is, asexuality is the highest spiritual ideal.

Chapter 2: The emergence of the concept of sexual existence

The science of sex

  1. In fact, Christianity has created a system that constantly reflects on sex and encourages people to "confess" their own sex "truth". In Foucault's words, "We have become a strange society in repentance".

  2. The advancement of industrial modernization has brought about dramatic social and political changes. Under the combined effect of industrialization (the development of modern and mechanized production methods), urbanization (the increase in the proportion of urban central population brought about by industrialization) and secularization (the weakening of the importance of religious beliefs in modern society), a large number of urban people have emerged. Under such circumstances, there was a combination of two phenomena in the 19th century: on the one hand, especially in urban areas, underground prostitution and ballroom industry were very developed, and the number of pornographic publications surged and became available everywhere - this was partly due to the development of the printing industry; On the other hand, people must pretend to be serious in public and be in a state of sexual repression. [This reminds me of Freud's "civilization is acquired at the expense of personal freedom"]

  3. Sin of Onan

    Onan (Hebrew:.

    Er, the elder brother of Onan, died from the scourge of heaven. According to the Hebrew custom, Judah asked Onan to sleep with his brother and sister-in-law Tamar and have sons to carry on the family line for his brother and continue the incense. Onan knew that after giving birth to a child, he had to adopt it to his brother, so when he had sex with Tama, he deliberately interrupted sexual intercourse and ejaculated outside the body.

    Onan possessed Tamar's body and enjoyed sexual pleasure, but he selfishly did not fulfill his obligations and deliberately prevented Tamar from becoming pregnant. The LORD considered this evil and let Onan die from the scourge of heaven. Later, English "onanism" became the pronoun of masturbation and sexual intercourse interruption, and Japanese also introduced "Onani" as the meaning of masturbation.

  4. Thomas Laker mentioned in his book Loneliness: A Cultural History of Masturbation (2003) that it changed the previous religious understanding of masturbation, believing that it was not a moral defect, but a medical problem caused by ignoring the terrible consequences of "self abuse" on personal health. [Religion regards sex as the original sin, and masturbation as "self redemption" behavior as dirty and unclean. This is a struggle against humanity. Fortunately, humanity is the largest, and religion has compromised and kicked the pot to medical problems.]

  5. Eye opening masturbation prevention device

  1. The modern interpretation of sex can be traced back to the birth of the science of sex ("sexology") at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Sex has become the object of scientific research, especially medical and sociological research. Darwinism has exerted a decisive influence on the new social science discipline. Darwin believed that "sexual selection" was the key to evolution, which became the main driving force for the development of modern sex science

  2. The new concept of sexual existence (the possession state of sexual energy, or the ability to feel sex) strictly limits sex to the natural and biological categories, and believes that it is not only a scientific research field, but also a subjective experience. Sexology includes sex in the medical classification of physical and mental diseases and degeneration, replacing the past practice of religion to classify sex as evil without distinction

summary At first, sex was considered as original sin, a moral and religious issue, until it finally developed into a natural and biological category, which benefited from both industrial development and the struggle of enlightenment and religion, so that people can correctly understand sex from a scientific perspective. It is really not a simple problem!

Sexual presence and gender differences

  1. One of the important characteristics of the biological model of sexual existence is that gender differences are included in the biological category

    From the traditional view that women's bodies were inferior to men's, to the 18th century, it was believed that the biological attributes of women's bodies were essentially different from men's, rather than the low-level form of men's bodies. However, the concept of gender superiority continues.

  2. In the 19th century, the mainstream concept was that "most women would not be bothered by any form of sexual desire", and women's "excessive" sexual needs were regarded as abnormal. This concept led to a sharp increase in the number of people diagnosed as "female hysteria" throughout the 19th century. [This is also the reason why I began to suspect Freud. In Freud's description, most of the female patients who found him were hysterical, because of insanity caused by sexual dissatisfaction. It is very likely that this is not hysterical at all. Unexpectedly, doctors at that time also advocated "clitorictomy", and ignorance is terrible.]

Heterosexuality and "sexual abnormality"

  1. In addition to understanding gender differences in a biological way, sex has another central feature of the biological model, It means that "natural" sexual behavior only includes sexual behavior and sexual desire for the opposite sex Therefore, people regard heterosexuality as the standard paradigm by default, while other behaviors, especially homosexuality, are seen as a deviation from the standard paradigm

  2. The redefinition of sodomites in the 19th century (which was considered a different personality) meant the birth of the concept of homosexuality. The concept of "heterosexuality" was born with Kobeni's advocacy of gay rights, but later the meaning of this concept turned to flaunt the biological naturalness and moral nobility of heterosexuality, so it was "one of the greatest ironies in the history of sex".

  3. The concept of sexual perversion was particularly prevalent in the 19th century. This concept describes a widespread understanding of people at that time: people who have sexual desire for the same sex are troubled by a gender inversion problem. They are women in men's bodies, or men in women's bodies (although the concept of gender inversion also covers many deviant gender behaviors, such as men wearing women's clothes), or even people of the third gender.

  4. Under the biological model of sexual existence, homosexuals are no longer regarded as criminals or criminals, but as abnormal people who need treatment

    Psychotherapy, chemical means, castration, injection of apomorphine, electric shock

Sexual revolution

  1. Freud clearly pointed out in Civilization and Its Imperfections (1915) that individuals can obtain "normal" adult identity by transferring libido (sexual energy) to other aspects of life. In Freud's view, it is precisely because nature has been suppressed that culture will develop; Reich believes that culture and nature, although in the modern society they are antagonistic, should achieve compromise and harmony. Reich proposed to "revise the unconscious theory of Freud's theory" by completely changing Freud's theory of sexual existence, and proposed his own "phytotherapy" and later "sexual economy". [I have read the book "Civilization and its Disadvantages" before. I didn't know much about it before. I think Freud is a fucking bully. I agree with his psychoanalysis and believe it. I often analyze myself. Alas, I still read less books.]

  2. After reading what Reich has done, it obviously seems that he is a master of selling health care products, aphrodisiac drugs and energy-efficient pills! It seems that there are a lot of cultural scholars who are not good at thinking. It seems that this profession is not only available in China, but also in foreign countries. It is not only easy to believe without culture, but also fucking easy to believe with culture.

    Reich's early concept of sex economy was mainly about sex science and psychology. Later, he revised it to "Ogen Energetics", that is, the study of "life energy". After Reich moved to the United States in 1939, he set up a research institution called "Oganen" in the suburbs of Maine. He has always insisted that "the sexual function of the genitals" is the central source of life energy. At this time, he announced that he had discovered the source of all life through observation: the root energy of the universe.

Challenges to the biological model of sexual existence

  1. In the 19th century, sexologists noticed that the so-called "natural" sexual instinct was actually very different. The category of normality reflects the definition of society rather than natural instinct There may be a continuous middle zone between normal and abnormal sexual behaviors, rather than being simply divided into two. [Reading this sentence in this book is a book that has not read in vain: "The category of normality reflects the definition of society rather than the instinct of nature". Who determines normality? Do most people agree that normality is normality?]

  2. The most famous examples are Kinsey's research on the sexual behavior of 12000 Americans in the 1950s, and Heidi's series of reports on the investigation of sexual experience of 15000 American men and women since the 1970s. The results of these naturalistic quantitative surveys of sexual attitudes and behaviors once again show that: The distinction between "normal" and "abnormal" sexual existence is not as black and white as people once thought. In particular, Kinsey's research created a well-known scandal in the early 1950s, because the research disclosed that 37% of male respondents had had sexual relations with other men and reached climax, most of whom believed they were heterosexuals - such a result is not uncommon in contemporary surveys of sexual behavior. This means that homosexual sexual behavior can no longer be regarded as the abnormal behavior of a few sick people. [When I read this paragraph, I was also shocked, and the proportion was so high. This nature study report must be found out]

  3. Freud developed a set of unconscious impulse/libido theory, believing that sexual desire can not be controlled and overcome, but always exists in men and women. Within this theoretical framework, he described female hysteria as a symptom of unhealthy suppression of female sexual instinct. His article "Three Essays on Sexual Desire" (1905) is very influential. It believes that sex is not a pre owned, formed natural instinct (the subject can later deviate from it), but an impulse gradually established in the process of children's psychological development. Freud proposed that making children's vague sexual desire accepted by society is the core step in the process of growing up into adults.

  4. The last and perhaps the biggest challenge to the biological model of sex comes from the theoretical perspective of anti essentialism in a series of social and humanities fields since the 1970s. To understand sexual existence as an item, we need to combine the experience of its historical and cultural background, which is determined by social power relations After the emergence of the social model of sexual existence, Sexual identity is no longer just the expression of natural instinct, but the product of society and politics

  5. Western cultural understanding of sex is determined by three models: moral/religious model, biological model and social model. Although these three models have appeared in different times in history, we still need to emphasize that these three models still coexist in today's society. The understanding of morality, biology and sociology of sex still plays a decisive role in the interpretation of the meaning of sex in society, politics and our daily life. These three models are of great significance to how we understand our own sexual behavior and identity, and also have an important impact on the possibility of individual change and political change. [Read here, feel big head]

Chapter Three: A Virgin or a Slut? Feminist Criticism of Sexual Existence

Double moral standards

  1. Jilted pan method

    As people in various countries have been infected with syphilis, everyone wants to blame their neighbors for this new and terrible disease. Italians call it Spanish disease. The French first contracted the disease in 1495, and they called it the Italian disease or the Naples disease... In 1497, syphilis was introduced into Britain, and the British called it the French disease... In 1505, syphilis was introduced into China, and a year later, it was transmitted to Japan, where it was called the "Chinese disease" or the "Portuguese disease".

  2. Should whoring be illegal?

    My previous point of view on this issue was that whoring is a kind of monetary based transaction, which is not harmful to anyone, but a win-win situation. But the following paragraphs in this book provide another perspective:

    In the 19th century, there was a popular superstition among European people that sexual intercourse with virgins could cure sexually transmitted diseases. Child prostitution is more common in Europe and other places. Of course, the virgin identity of a girl is often forged in order to repeatedly sell her at a higher price. Reporter W T. In 1885, Stuart published a series of reports on the Palmer Street Evening News, describing the lives of girls imprisoned and sold in London brothels in an extremely vivid way, which became an international scandal at that time. This series of articles, entitled "Modern Babylonian Girls' Sacrifice", exposed a world of underground sex trade, where the gentry of the middle and upper classes were having fun "in the cry of victims tortured by lust and brutality". This series of reports prompted the UK to issue an amendment to the Criminal Law in 1885, making prostitution illegal and raising the minimum legal age for girls to have sex from 13 to 16.

    So the problem is not as simple as I thought: if prostitution is legal, it will inevitably lead to sexual exploitation of vulnerable groups, especially vulnerable women. Even if restrictions are made on the basis of legalization of prostitution: for example, restrictions on the legal age of female sexual behavior and increased sentencing of trafficking in women and children cannot be stopped. But whoring is illegal, can it be stopped? It seems that I can't, so I still have doubts about this problem. I will continue to observe more evidence, or it is actually a "choice" problem of myself in the end.

Free love

  1. William Acton, a Victorian doctor, could not help complaining about this. In 1871, he wrote: In the past few years, because of the excessive emphasis on women's rights and interests... Countless husbands came to me to complain: when they asked their wives to perform their obligations, their wives assumed the attitude of a martyr. This unyielding attitude is unbearable.

  2. Alexandra Kolentai was the most famous female communist revolutionary in the early Soviet Union. She founded the Women's Department (the Women's Department of the Bolshevik Party Central Committee) in 1919. She once proposed that the family, like the country, was a capitalist system, which would eventually die with the development of socialism, the "paradise on the earth". In 1920, she wrote the following words: "The family is losing the necessity of existence for its members and the whole country." In the article "Communism and the Family" written in 1920, she explained as follows: different from the marriage slavery relationship in the past, The communist society provides a free combination for men and women, an unbreakable combination inspired by the spirit of comrades. [We are comrades! Ha ha, this wonderful conclusion]

Sexual liberation

  1. In the 1960s and 1970s, as a large number of women began to work after the war, the traditional gender relationship was fundamentally changed. The second wave of women's movement was born in this social background. As women began to engage in paid work and obtain economic assistance in the form of government benefits, Women have achieved greater economic independence In this context, the trend of abandoning tradition has emerged in a broader scope, fundamentally changing the inherent system of marriage, family and gender. In fact, the emancipation of the mind is often the emancipation of the economy
  2. The separation of sexual intercourse and reproduction has led to a fundamental change in the external environment of female sexual existence , which also brings a huge impact on male sexual existence. To what extent did the popularization of contraception promote the trend of sexual liberation in the 1960s and 1970s? There have been many controversies on this issue, but it is undoubtedly an important prerequisite.
  3. The sexual revolution is nothing like what the liberal feminists once imagined, which is "love and sex with equal partners and full of satisfaction". The cultural change in the sexual revolution was mainly led by men, which to a large extent reshaped the unequal relationship between the sexes, and also promoted a new lust paradigm, which feminists believe is more conducive to men. Some works, such as Sheila Jeffries's Anti climax: Feminist View of Sexual Revolution published in 1990, put forward that reviewing the sexual revolution would not only bring more sexual freedom to women, but also satisfy men's illusion of openness to women's bodies. The authors of these works believe that the discourse mode of sexual revolution has legalized men's control over women's sexual existence, and made women unable to "say no" to men's sexual aggression. As the feminist writer Beatrix Campbell wrote in 1980: The era of sexual liberation has brought some benefits to women. It has broadened politics, sex and space, so that women can also have sexual freedom. However, because the consequences of male and female sexual indulgence are different, sexual liberation still cannot protect women from the harm caused by the different consequences... Sexual liberation only affirms the sexual existence and promiscuity of young men. (...) The affirmation of sexual existence only publicizes the sexual existence of masculinity. [Many seemingly reasonable gimmicks have completely changed in their implementation, and it is also after the sexual liberation that AIDS began to spread and people began to be conservative about sex. It is better not to taste the medicine that has no consequences. Its consequences are only in the dark, and it is more worthwhile to live a life of indulgence and self-discipline. All good things need a process of hard pursuit, light and easy to get and light and easy to lose.]

Politics of orgasm

  1. The new women's movement has adopted“ Personal is political ”This slogan is to let women further understand the institutional basis behind women's individual experience. "Private life" has been endowed with political significance.

  2. Masters and Johnson made experimental observations on orgasm for more than 10000 men and women in the 1960s, The results show that women have an almost inexhaustible capacity for orgasm , two sexologists The importance of clitoris in women's sexual pleasure However, many previous sexual sciences have emphasized that vaginal orgasm is more "natural" (some psychoanalytic schools also claim that vaginal orgasm reflects a higher degree of sexual maturity) [I was curious about how to observe the orgasm of these 10000 men and women, and then I went to Wikipedia to search for a master or a master! But I am still curious how he persuaded these 10000 men and women to agree with his research, even though he has the following research methods.]

    Masters began studying sexual physiology when he was a gynecologist at Washington University in St. Louis in 1954. He hired Virginia E. Johnson as his research assistant, and later they got married.

    Masters and Johnson formed a sex research team to observe human sexual behavior in the laboratory. They first used a false penis equipped with an endoscope to enter a woman's vagina and observe her physiological condition during orgasm with a camera

  3. Koid refutes that women who claim to have vaginal orgasm are either pretending or "not knowing why". Therefore, the consistent emphasis of psychoanalytic school and sexual science on vaginal orgasm represents the oppression of men on women's sexual existence, And it has become an important issue in the politicization of sex [I personally agree with Koyd's view that sex apathy is not defined by others, nor by sexual intercourse, but whether you have pleasure in sexual activities, such as masturbation you participate in all the time. If there is, it cannot be said that it is sex apathy.]

    If a woman's husband has sufficient sexual capacity, but she cannot reach orgasm through sexual intercourse, and she likes to be stimulated clitoris most in all sexual activities, then it can be determined that she has frigidity and needs psychotherapy—— Sexologist Frank Caprio published "Women with Adequate Sexual Capacity" in 1963

    This view is based on whether women can please men to define their sexual ability. It does not analyze our own biological characteristics, but just throws us a mystery about free women and their vaginal orgasms - which actually do not exist—— Enigma of Vaginal Orgasm by Anne Koyd

  4. In her report, Heidi described female sexual existence as follows: Lack of sexual pleasure is another sign of female oppression Heidi's report is based on a large-scale survey of men and women. The result of this investigation has aroused heated controversy. One of the findings of a survey on women“ Only about 30% of women in this study can often orgasm from sexual intercourse ”This result is not new in itself. In the past, sexual science has always insisted that many women seem to lack enthusiasm for sexual intercourse. Kinsey, Masters, Johnson and other people have also done research before this, It has been found that most women cannot orgasm by sexual intercourse alone

  5. Heidi's findings questioned the mainstream view of sexology on sexual existence: sexual existence is equal to sexual intercourse between men and women. [That is, Heidi's negative existence is equal to sexual intercourse between men and women], Heidi pointed out that, Most women are fully capable of experiencing orgasm But this orgasm is not achieved through sexual intercourse. She claims that most of the women in her survey can really get sexual pleasure by stimulating their bodies. Heidi also wrote: "82% of women said they would masturbate, and 95% of these women said they could easily and frequently climax whenever they wanted." Therefore, women do not have the problem of "lack of orgasm" defined by Masters and Johnson, The real problem lies in the way society defines the sexual standard paradigm

    Masters and Johnson Reaffirmed the value of clitoral orgasm However, they still regard "normal" sexual existence as obtaining orgasm from sexual intercourse. [If you have a chance, you must read the works of this couple. These two people are talented!]

    Masters and Johnson took the lead in creating some new sexual therapy programs, aiming to teach their research subjects to overcome "dysfunction" through "the regressive natural environment", that is, to train them to achieve orgasm through sexual intercourse.

    According to Masters' own estimation, in the five years after the publication of Human Sexual Deficiency, 3500 to 5000 clinics providing treatment programs for sexual problems have been established in the United States. Masters and Johnson have revolutionized the way sex is treated in these clinics.

    They provide alternative female sexual partners for so-called "extremely vulnerable, unmarried" men To treat their male "sexual deficiency". However, they did not provide alternative male sexual partners for unmarried women with sexual deficiency, because this would be incompatible with the "sexual value system" at that time. Later, a woman who was a wife volunteered to be another person's alternative sexual partner Her husband angrily sued Masters and others for this, and they completely stopped using alternative sexual partners after that.

Feminist sex war

  1. Pornographic publications are considered to once again highlight the violence of men against women, whether it is the production process of pornographic publications or its consequences. [Perhaps these feminism movements brought about innovation, but now it must be that the previous pornographic publications were not rich enough and the content was monotonous] Andrea Dworkin believed that the plot of sexual dominance played a central role in pornographic publications, and such dominance was also the basic feature of male and female sexual intercourse in the male dominated society.

    Through sexual intercourse, a man shows his dominant field: her sexual life and her inner world are the fields he can dominate as a man. He can occupy her as a ruler and dominator, thus declaring a right to private ownership (which is given by his gender); Or, he can occupy her by having sex with her without feeling, so as to express a kind of common possession right of men to women without concealment and politeness—— Andrea Dworkin

    Only under the oppression system dominated by men can the oppressor really invade and dominate the internal body of the oppressed. (……) The penetration of the penis is an act of great symbolic significance , symbolizing that the oppressor invades the body of the oppressed—— Leeds Revolutionary Feminist Group

    [Sometimes it is unimaginable to see these feminist theories. How can the invasion of penis be of great symbolic significance? Animal penis invasion is nothing more than animal instinct, which is over interpreted.]

  2. The feminist anti censorship action force (FACT) and other organizations oppose the activities led by Dworkin and McKinnon who advocate the legislative prohibition of pornographic publications. [At last, women's rights began to struggle with each other internally. I think the proposition put forward by FACT and other organizations is reasonable. The prohibition of sex trade has never been completely prohibited since the beginning of the history of sex trade. Fighting with the sky, the ground, and the human instinct is ultimately defeated. A good proposition should focus on the legalization of the sex industry and improving the working conditions of sex workers. But this seems to contradict the "whether prostitution should be legal" I mentioned above]

    The organization of sex workers has adopted the label of "sex work", And advocates that their political demands should focus on legalizing the sex industry and improving the working conditions of sex workers Rather than banning sex trade fundamentally. The feminism of "pro sexual behavior" has also created a series of business opportunities around the world, especially in the United States, especially the sale of sex toys and audiovisual products for women. Such products include "Magic Vibrator", "Baby Paradise" sex toys, "There" series of books and lesbian magazine "On Our Back".

Should prostitution be legal?

I added a title, and suddenly I had a desire to explore this problem. My mind was not clear, so I listed reasons through writing.

  1. If prostitution is legal, it will inevitably lead to sexual exploitation of vulnerable groups, especially vulnerable women. Even if restrictions are made on the basis of legalization of prostitution, such as limiting the legal age of women's sexual behavior, and aggravating the sentencing of the crime of trafficking in women and children, it cannot be stopped.

    There is still a problem in this discussion. The legality of whoring does not necessarily lead to sexual exploitation of vulnerable groups, especially vulnerable groups. If you have sex with a young girl, it is still illegal. If you abduct women and children to engage in prostitution, even if prostitution is legalized, it is illegal to abduct women and children.

  2. If prostitution is illegal, does sexual exploitation of vulnerable groups or vulnerable women no longer exist?

    It seems that it cannot be eliminated. Is it possible to say that there is no direct and inevitable relationship between legal or illegal prostitution and sexual exploitation

  3. The biggest disadvantage of legal prostitution is probably the moral risk of the whole people. Compared with its benefits, the loss is greater than the gain. For small governments, the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages, while for large governments, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. In the end, it became a political choice. [The discussion here is still unclear, and I can only consider this degree for my brain for the time being.]

  1. For many men, it is in their sexual life that they experience the greatest uncertainty, dependence and compliance in the relationship between men and women. This is very different from their authority and independence in public life—— Siegel

  2. Paradoxically, it is in the context of sexual politics that radical feminists most frequently and successfully question the actions of the state, although their questioning methods are often conflicting. Feminists call for legislation in the fields of rape, sexual harassment, pornography and other fields, and push these issues from the private life field to the public field. However, they also oppose the state's intervention in abortion and other acts, and believe that women have the "private" right to decide on this.

Chapter Four The Country in the Bedroom

AIDS crisis [including other directories]

  1. Since the early 1980s, the emergence of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) marked that people began to gradually move away from the tendency of sexual existence as a way of entertainment. People had previously linked sex with danger. Now people are again worried about sexually transmitted diseases, as well as the sexual dangers of prostitutes and ethnic and racial "others". This is also Once again, religious models play a major role in sexual politics

  2. Although the impact of the AIDS crisis has brought about a threat to the survival of homosexuals, it is this threat to the survival that has made homosexuals form groups and become more closely linked—— Wicks

  3. The initial government propaganda mainly focused on providing citizens with information on how to prevent HIV infection, which in fact acquiesced citizens as rational individuals, believing that they would abandon risky behavior as long as they were aware of the danger. However, the increasing number of new cases soon showed that the provision of information, although crucial, was far from enough. Indeed, in most people's lives, sex is not the area where they are best at using reason

  4. The eugenics thought in the first half of the 20th century clearly contains three central elements: the method of choice for reproduction, the concern about the decline of the physical and mental conditions of the population, and the view that mental disease, physical disease and moral abnormality are hereditary

  5. The modern medical policy and social policy that emerged at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century provided institutional conditions for transforming eugenics into a social project. Nowadays people tend to associate eugenics with Nazi Germany. At that time, Germany carried out large-scale social planning experiments, including forced sterilization and euthanasia for "degenerate" people. In 1933, the Law on Prevention of Hereditary Diseases of Future Generations issued required doctors to record patients' genetic diseases. The Nazi Party set up more than 200 "genetic health courts" and performed more than 400000 sterilization operations during its rule.

    Eugenics brings hope to eliminate various social diseases and chaotic behaviors in a scientific way by formulating various policies that can strictly control the reproductive function of the people's neutral existence. Other eugenics policies also include educational programs, the system of compulsory detention of mental patients, the system of transferring children from their parents, the provisions of prohibiting some people from getting married, and some provisions for homeless people, "gypsies" and more social deviant groups (such as unmarried mothers, "sexual perverts" and physically or mentally disabled people).

    This case looks terrible. No matter how beautiful a theory or ideal looks at first, its cost is always hidden in the deep. Sometimes we find out quickly, sometimes it takes a long time, such as "family planning". We must be alert to those crazy people who are "for all mankind". Maybe you are the next victim in some way.

  6. In 1912, Switzerland began to prohibit the marriage of "mentally disabled" and "persons without legal capacity". As a result, Switzerland became the first European country to implement restrictive marriage laws based on eugenics to prohibit the continuation of "mental illness". Around the world, in 1907, Indiana, the United States, issued the first sterilization law based on eugenics. By the 1930s, two thirds of the states in the United States had issued similar laws, especially for those who were imprisoned, such as criminals or people marked as "mentally abnormal.".

    In 1927, the Supreme Court of the United States had a notorious judgment in Buck v. Bell, allowing Virginia to forcibly sterilize a young single mother who was diagnosed as "mentally retarded". The single mother was pregnant due to incest rape, and she was imprisoned to cover up this fact. The reason given by the Supreme Court for this decision is that instead of letting inferior offspring be executed for crimes or starve to death for mental retardation, society can prevent those who are obviously unqualified from breeding offspring, which is good for the whole world... The situation of three generations of idiots in a row is unbearable.

  7. Under the influence of Freire's view, in 1928, Voss, Switzerland, took the lead in implementing the eugenic sterilization law in Europe. Next, such laws were implemented in Denmark in 1929, Germany in 1933, Switzerland and Norway in 1934, and Finland in 1935. In Switzerland, various social groups considered to pose a genetic "threat" to the Swiss nation include criminals, prostitutes, alcoholics, "immoral" citizens (especially unmarried mothers), people with mental disorders, the disabled, hemophiliacs, drug addicts, Jews, "gypsies" and vagrants, which caused widespread panic.

    It should be noted that the distinction between such things as debauchery, alcoholism, madness, debauchery and spendthrift (a tendency to spend money without restraint) is often blurred. For example, "mentally abnormal person" is a particularly broad concept They can include vagrants, "morally corrupt" people, criminals and unmarried mothers (they are considered to have moral defects because they obviously have sexual behaviors outside marriage).

    In the context of eugenics, the boundary between medical diagnosis and moral concepts is at least ambiguous, while the concept of "low moral level" completely confuses the two. Forel and other eugenics have constantly called for the state to carry out "artificial sterilization" for the above "degenerate" population and reasonably stop their reproduction. Freire believes that this task is imminent, because he believes that sexy "others" and sexual "perverts" - including women as a whole - are "more sexually attractive", thus posing a special threat to national reproduction. There is also the crime of hooliganism in China. Those very broad concepts will become a net once they are on the top, and they can install you freely. This is also a problem I realized: the concept is refined, narrowed and accurate, only in this way can I have a useful brain, otherwise, it is just a half jar of vinegar to load a lot of great truths]

  8. For example, in Zurich in the 1920s, prostitutes could be legally sent to receive psychiatric treatment after being arrested. In the social environment at that time, people believed that "low energy" was more easily inherited in women than in men, and that prostitutes were more likely to contract diseases, so they were sometimes forced to sterilize.

  9. The notorious Swiss "Children in the Countryside" project, which was established by the federal children's agency "For Children" and was approved by the government to eradicate vagrancy, has been running from 1926 to 1973. In the words of Alfred Sigfried, the founder of the organization, its clear goal is to prevent the Yenice people (the main "gypsies" in Switzerland) from "giving birth without restraint, bringing a new generation of degenerated and abnormal children to the world". Therefore, the organization seeks an effective way to root out the Yenice civilization. In pursuit of its goal of eugenics, the organization "For Children" transferred more than 600 Yennese children from their parents to orphanages, foster homes and mental hospitals. Later Swiss President Ruth Dreyfus described this action as "one of the darkest chapters in Swiss history" in 1988.

  10. The emergence of modern welfare policies and a more favorable political environment has provided an institutional framework for realizing the dream of eugenics. Eugenics such as forced sterilization and marriage prohibition began to be combined with eugenics education, sex education and marriage counseling. Social and political experiments on eugenics in a wide range clearly reflect the country's concern about the reproductive function of citizenship. [Seeing these cases, the state's reproductive management of citizens is really not unique in your country, and all countries have it]

Chapter V The Future of Sex

  1. "What do lesbians do with each other" is answered in "Everything you want to know about sex but are ashamed to tell"

    Like gay men, lesbians face the obstacle that they only have half of the pieces in the biological puzzle. Just as a penis plus another penis equals zero, the sum of one vagina and another is zero. [I wipe it. It's really...]

  2. Chai Staff: Disdain for gay men (this word is too vivid)

  3. With the normal continent as the center, there are various abnormal islands around it, which no longer exists. On the contrary, we can now see a variety of large and small islands intertwined... New classifications and sexual orientation of minorities continue to emerge. The old group has also experienced a process of differentiation, and various sexual identities are increasing due to different tastes, abilities and needs.

  4. Since the 1970s, a large number of paedophile rights groups have emerged in many countries, including the Netherlands, the United States and the United Kingdom, which may also be the most controversial phenomenon. Paedophilia radicalism has a particular impact in the Netherlands, which has established a powerful "Dutch Sex Reform Organization" (NVSH). With the support of the organization, the book "Sexual Relations with Children" was published in 1972, which summarized the international research on "cross generational sexual relations" and was widely used in the political activism activities of paedophiles in Western Europe.

    In 1979, a petition was launched against the Dutch Parliament to legalize consensual sex between children and adults This action was supported by the "Dutch Sex Reform Organization", feminist groups and the world's oldest existing gay rights group, the "Culture and Leisure Center" (COC). At about the same time (1979-1981), the Protestant Sex Education Foundation (PSVG) distributed tens of thousands of pamphlets called Paedophilia to primary schools in the Netherlands. [I finally realized what is called the diversity of human race. It's incredible that there is such an organization.]

  5. Especially in 1977, the famous public intellectuals Jean Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Michele Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes and France's most famous child psychoanalyst Francois Dordo jointly signed a petition, Require the legalization of voluntary sexual relations between all adults and minors I wipe it. Did Sartre and Foucault do this

  6. LGBT: lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups

  7. In the early 1970s, the Dutch lesbian extremist organizations dreamed of establishing an independent lesbian community in a "daughter island". Coincidentally, Australian activists also have a similar utopian vision. In 2004, they announced that the island of Kato had become a new micro country - the Kingdom of Gays and Lesbians in the Coral Sea, and issued their first stamp in 2006. The United States, Canada and Australia have opened up women's exclusive space or women's exclusive festivals, with the names of "her land", "women's territory", "women's festival", etc.

  8. Since the 1980s, the rise of Christianity and other religions in the whole western world has made the traditional moral condemnation of sexual abnormality rise again. In political circles, Christian right-wing radicalism is basically the most fierce opponent of the gay rights movement, especially in the United States. As a social movement The religious supervision right is mainly based on the opinion of evangelical Protestant groups, that is, the rising trend of sexual indulgence has brought about a situation of "moral decay", while feminism and homosexual movements have posed a threat to families based on patriarchy and heterosexuality In order to resist such situations and threats, it is necessary to guard and restore "traditional values".

  9. For example, Herman Muller, a genetic scientist, once established a "sperm bank" in the United States, which ran until 1999, and intended to improve the "quality" of genes in the United States by providing sperm from Nobel laureates. However, this plan suffered a disastrous defeat because the winners were unwilling to participate in the donation. Even if a few (elderly) scientists were willing to donate, their sperm quality was also very low.?

  10. In the United States in the early 1970s, about 100000 to 150000 low-income women received sterilization surgery paid by the federal government every year. The reason why they did so was often because the government threatened to withdraw their welfare subsidies. The United States Commission against Abuse of Sterilization brought a lawsuit against this, and the federal judge declared this kind of behavior illegal in a ruling in 1974, but it is generally believed that this ruling did not stop the momentum of compulsory sterilization.

    By the early 1980s, it was estimated that about 24% of African American women, 35% of Puerto Rican women, and 42% of American Indian women (compared with only 15% of white women) had undergone sterilization. Many of these operations were performed without the consent of the parties or without full understanding of the consequences.

  11. The popularity of "pure" relationships is a positive phenomenon. The "pure" relationship in his words refers to such a relationship: Women's social environment has reduced their economic dependence on men, so some withdrawal options are becoming feasible , such as asking for divorce. Although pure relationship is more fragile than traditional marriage, traditional marriage is supported by a broader social system behind it. Comparatively speaking, pure relationship implies changes in intimate relationships, which are beneficial to both private life and democratization in the public sphere.

Personal summary:

As I expected at the beginning, this book is based on the concept of "sexual existence" from the perspective of the catalog, combing the outline of broad themes such as sexual culture, orgasm, sexual morality, sexual revolution, sex and power. When I read it later, it was completely beyond my understanding, just reading it. It should be said that Heidi Sexology Report: Women's Part, Heidi Sexology Report: Men's Part, or Kinsey Sexology Report and other books are similar to my original intention of reading.

Fortunately, in the process of mechanical reading, we saw what is extremely absurd in today's view around the theme of "sex", and what countries have done, as well as a deep understanding of the complexity of human beings (for example, in 1979, a petition against the Dutch Parliament called for the legalization of voluntary sexual behavior between children and adults, and even Sartre and Foucault, the two great philosophers, also petitioned Require the legalization of voluntary sexual relations between all adults and minors For example, in eugenics, those groups sacrificed under a broad concept (lewdness, alcoholism, madness, debauchery and profligacy under the concept of "mental abnormality"), some of my own new cognition, and some of them exceeded the bottom line of my simplicity.


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