What kind of person do you want to be

Many times, when I feel disappointed with myself, there must be someone watching me. Otherwise, you will never feel disappointed. The person who looks at you may be the person you want to be.

I have only a vague impression of him.

Many times, when a potential echo pulls you into the abyss, you are unable to resist, or you compromise and give up after many times of resistance. Now he and the person watching you are one in the abyss, one in the cloud.

And you, swing from side to side.

Sometimes, you swear to go to the cloud from tomorrow. But in the middle of the journey, the night came, and you fell back. When the sun rises, you still stand where you are. Many years have passed, and this has not changed at all.

Then, the huge and slow time ran over all living beings and you.

Once you find signs of aging, which may be loose skin or suddenly white hair, you begin to panic.

This fear may be some fragments at first, until it finally converges into a river.

Look around blankly: You are standing here now, your past is a ruin, and your future is going to sink.

The echo of the person who looks at you is getting bigger and bigger, so that you have to face him, pay attention to his existence, and listen to his ideas.

What kind of person do you want to be? Is this an original proposition from the beginning to the end, or is it an inverse proposition from the end to the beginning?

Or did your experience become your life, or was your life planned by you?

In the past, you said to take things as they are, just like a dandelion seed, it takes root and sprouts from where it falls. Half a lifetime has passed.

Later you heard that you should start with the end and die on the way to the end.

One is passive life, the other is active life.

Look around blankly: You are standing here, at the crossroads of destiny.

Let's think like this: I don't want to.

I don't want to die like a zombie and let down the thinking of primates.

I don't want no echo, just a statistic on the silent earth.

I don't want to build a body with hundreds of wounds and holes on abandoned organs.

I don't want to be dominated again. This freedom will take half of my time to steal.

The pursuit of wisdom, creation, health and freedom is Yuan, Tai Chi, Tao and Zen.

From this point of view, from one-dimensional to three-dimensional to multi-dimensional. Attach to the dimension of time and become the one who looks at you.

But will you agree with another more powerful person who often drags you into the abyss? In this battlefield, you are never the enemy.

Like a compressed spring, you have learned many times that the greater the pressure, the stronger the potential energy.

Some people say that your physical body is a dojo.

I have no answer, but I want to try. Now I am no longer that stupid young man. I have some strategies, I am aging, I am calm, and I hope.

Dharma has been facing the wall for nine years, and has subdued a demon every day.

Sun Gong died, and was later said to be the way of the traveler.