Always young, always in tears

This blog is based on your heart's desire, that is, where you want to write, and where you want to write, it will not be modified in the whole process. The current time is 16:57 p.m. on May 31, 2020.

The last sentence of the book "Dharma Wanderers" is "but Japhy you and me forever know, O ever your full, O ever weeping.". I suddenly heard Zhang Zhenyue's "Goodbye" on Netease Cloud Music. It is an old song. When I get old, I seldom listen to new songs, or pure music. It is said that this is also a sign of aging. Go to hell. In this afternoon, the air outside is getting hot, and the light is not as strong as noon. I wake up in suspension because I fell asleep too late last night. After falling asleep at three or four o'clock in the morning, I was awakened by the light at nine o'clock in the morning on time, and then began a day of sleepwalking, with my eyes on the computer. It was also fun to read. My mind was too confused to know what to do. I felt like dying. Then I spent half the afternoon in sleep with the music that was said to help me sleep. My mood improved. So I got up, so I opened my mobile phone, found a song that could make me feel happy, and heard the song "Goodbye" by Zhang Zhenyue. In order to gather energy, I started to sit in front of the computer and code words. I have many experiences. When you don't do anything, you just write there. After all, it can make your brain gather together. When you write, people can recover.

There are many comments on the song Goodbye, and then the popular comments are all farewell. It was their reunion and separation when they were studying. It was so good at that time. Everything was good. People recalled the past with beautiful scenes, but when they recalled it, they were no longer young. Bob Dylan sang: How many roads must a man walk to be a man? The answer is floating in the wind. Gone with his mother. People have spent their lives in this way. They are not afraid of the wind blowing away their enthusiasm.

I began to doubt the memory. I felt that those memories were unreliable. What people remember is the scene at that time. In fact, it was just like a bird at that time. In 2018, when I was in a small hotel in distress, the evening lights were on. On the night of September, there were people dancing in the square, and there were stalls of cooking smoke. I was at the window with a safety bar, and suddenly heard that the scenery of life was wandering. When I looked back on the loneliness, I suddenly couldn't resist it. I felt that someone from the previous era had accidentally clicked the random broadcast, I accidentally sent this song to me through sound waves. Then get up, leave, and continue to swim. Then when I recovered, I actually began to miss those days, when there was autumn rain, the leaves of Chinese parasol trees were yellow, and the cold air suddenly hit the streets in the morning.

How many things have been beautified under the iceberg, and how many modifications we can remember. I don't know the perspective transformation between the bystanders and the authorities. Past experiences have shaped you, just like the food you have eaten has become your meat. You are what you are now. We started to waver from side to side, be deceived, brainwashed, and systematize everything, creating a simple but complex self, like the guy in Truman World, who can't remember his name. Will he be all right after he goes out? Where did he go?

To be or not to be is a question, a question, a question.

Beidao doesn't believe it in Answer, I don't believe it, I don't believe it.

Nezha said that my life was up to me and not up to heaven.

A skeptic, a nihilist.

No, the world sometimes looks like a gear, which fits well. It looks like a pragmatic world. Everything can be designed.

Sometimes it is also a generation of confusion and loss, Hemingway's generation. Sometimes it is the world of hippie culture, indulging in wandering, utopia. Who finally got the upper hand?

Whether the current form is a mixture or a mainstream highlight, others are scattered.

The balderdash is in a mess, the brain starts to work unconsciously, and people are normal. All right, keep working!

17:41, May 31, 2020

Always young, always in tears 》Have an idea

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