Hello, T


T, Hello, when I looked through my diary, I found that I had not finished writing an article that I wrote to you ten years ago. Yes, who can really think of it ten years later? What we can think of is that there are too many variables in the future at this moment. Although for you, you have been controlling these variables, the so-called variable, uncertainty is its biggest feature.

In a twilight, you are controlled by many thoughts. Li Zhi sings in the song: Do you feel dangerous in the face of dusk? Those thoughts are generally divided into two schools, one is like stagnant water, which makes the body slowly aging, and the other is like a torrent, which billows along the tidal gravity of the moon. Most of the time, the school like a stagnant water always occupies the mainstream. You fight against it countless times, not against it. Then the school of torrents moves from rivers, lakes and seas to trickles and then curls like smoke. I don't know, I don't understand. Most of the time, you have almost succumbed, but a gust of wind, the curly green smoke flows into rivers, lakes and seas along the Juanjuan River. At night, in the night of insomnia or not, you feel that everything is still in time, far from the end, not over.

This struggle starts to magnify, and then you try to reconcile with it in a strange way, but it is like water in a well, and soon after it is drained, the spring will converge again. We have been trying to reconcile with ourselves all our lives. When you told me, I knew that you were not convinced, unwilling, still wanted to work hard, and survived. I don't know how to comfort you. Many years later, you know I started literature and art again. I once comforted myself that we cannot regard life as the end. Although it is the end of a one-way road in the dimension of time, we should decompose this one-way road all the way, and live each day well. The ups and downs, bumps, and thorns are the same, Looking back on this life, it is enough not to waste. As for success, if the probability is good, it is not negative, if the probability is poor, it is not contested. You said with a smile that people who fail are always easy to fall into inaction. This should not be the case in life. Only when you see a high mountain, go up and down, can you choose. People who stay at the foot of the mountain are not qualified. Don't you think the real problem is how to live each day well?

Indeed, this is a difficult problem. I have set countless goals myself, but there has never been a detailed road that can go on completely, so it is like a monkey going down the mountain, picking up watermelon, losing sesame, just picking up kiwi in my left hand, and losing dragon fruit in my right hand. It should not be too late to plant trees ten years ago or now. So I began to think about the details and the principles of implementing them.

1、 Objectives
The target must be set. The size is meaningless. It can be either career planning or mastering a skill. When setting goals, we should not take success or failure as the standard, but the degree of completion as the standard. We should always focus on the degree of completion rather than the results, that is, the goal is the direction, and its role is to let us know where to go.

2、 Don't judge
Remember, when you do anything, the thing itself is the most important, and judgment is not part of the work.

3、 Methodology
Do it first, observe while doing, and then correct it. Repeat.

4、 Process control
To sum up the past experience, of course, there are many cases of failure. We should be able to summarize a set of our own failure process. For me, it is generally ambitious in advance, then enthusiasm cools down, meets a little setback, gives up briefly, struggles to try again, then gives up for a long time, finally comforts myself, and so on.
So in process control, we know ourselves best. For example, I am prepared to plan ahead from time and then resolutely implement. When I do one thing at a time, I can skip it temporarily in case of setbacks, and stay for no more than three days until the degree of completion reaches 100%.

T, You see, I wanted to write some comforting nonsense for you, but it turned out to be nothing like this. I can already clearly feel that my words have gone backwards, so I have to say that I am trying to be rational. Good wishes!

Hello, T 》There are 3 ideas

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