Xiongfeng Hotel

On the morning of the tenth day after Xu Wen was discharged from hospital, he had his first erection. His wife, Yin Hong, stroked his genitals. "Do you want to come here?" she asked. He rubbed her breasts, propped up in the middle of sleep, and began to remove her underpants. Then his hands began to embrace her neck, and his waist arched like a shrimp. At the moment when he was about to enter, he felt an electric current hit the spine, and the whole person immediately pulled down.

"Forget it, the blade hurts," he said

She was a little disappointed and reached out to touch his scar. "Now you have one," she said. "It will be fine. The doctor said it will not affect the future life."
Xu Wen reached for the smoke on the bedside table.

"In the morning, I will go to the provincial hospital to get the pathology report. When I finish the meeting, we..."

"No, help me clean up. I'll drive there myself"

Xu Wen came downstairs at ten o'clock in the morning, and walked down the stairs covered with small advertisements for unlocking and changing locks and the andrology hospital to the parking garage. The parking garage is on the first floor of the basement. The fountain in the middle patio is flowing with noisy music. The ground outside the flower bed is planted with sunflowers for viewing. At the southeast corner where he parked, two wild dogs that slipped in from nowhere were having sex. He stamped his feet, and the two dogs knowingly dragged their genitals forward and backward to avoid his vision.  

The car then went out of the garage. At the entrance of the community, he saw Su Qiyun, wearing an embroidered linen cotton short sleeved shirt, carrying a watermelon, also heading out. She was a single mother living opposite him, and he honked his horn.

"Where to? Give you a lift?"

She leaned forward and smiled. Xu smelled the fragrance of her hair. It was the older shampoo with shampoo smell. Crimson had used it long ago, but it was not easy to buy that brand, so it was useless for a long time.

"Health Park Community, on your way?" she asked

By the way

She then put the watermelon on the back seat floor and got on the bus. "Going to see the children?" he asked

"My child is in summer vacation, so I will go to have a look today. Are you better? I always said that I would go to have a look. You see, it's the right door, but I get off work too late every time." She works as a shopping guide at the cosmetics counter of the supermarket.

"It's no big problem. I went to the provincial hospital to get the report today. The municipal hospital is always too small, and some diseases are uncertain. Yin Hong asked me to go to the provincial hospital for peace of mind."

"What on earth is it?" she asked

"Swollen... tumor, a benign tumor"

The car crossed the Merlin River. In the rearview mirror, he saw her take out a lipstick from the makeup box and paint makeup in front of the small mirror embedded in the box. The community she said was in the municipal development zone. When they were about to divorce, he and Yin Hong went to see the house they had just bought. They also discussed the decoration with them.

"Did he look again now?" he asked

"I don't know. I heard about finding one some time ago."

"Now you are..." he asked

She responded and stopped her eyebrow pencil: "It's good now. Sometimes it's the same as before divorce. But I'm bored with the trivial things before divorce."

When she got off the bus, Xu Wen saw her back from the window. The white tight pencil pants she was wearing drew the curve of her hips. Her perfume still lingered in the car, and the taste was always easy to arouse sexual desire, so he had to restrain his erection impulse again.

Before going to the expressway, he called Chen Heling in the province and invited him to get together in the afternoon or evening. They were classmates in high school. He recently had a second child. He was in hospital when he had a full moon wine. They hadn't met for about three years.

After passing the inspection port, he put on sunglasses and drove the car onto the G3 National Highway. He is very familiar with this road. He doesn't drive very fast, but he has just finished the operation and his body can't adapt to driving for a long time. Two hours later, he drove into the service area.

When he released his hand, he felt the scar again, and when he looked down, he could see the red flesh protruding after the wound healed. He was a little depressed. When he left the toilet, he bought a bottle of water from the shop next to him. The air conditioner in the car was on and music was playing. People who get off the long-distance bus get off the bus one after another, and those who have leisure time smoke a cigarette. In the corridor in front of the store, people hold various objects that can shade the sun: sun umbrellas, plastic publicity fans, paper or towels. Couples get bored together, old people carry cheap travel bags, and occasionally several children get into the sun and run back quickly.

He then turned over the medical record again: as seen by ultrasound, the section size was normal, the outline was neat, and there was an oval hypoechoic mass with clear boundary, and there was a speckled high-density shadow inside. The rest of the density was slightly uneven, slightly enhanced, and there was no obvious abnormality. It was suggested that the superior hospital review. The doctor said it was unlikely that cancer would change, but now he was suddenly worried.

When getting off the expressway, Chen Heling called and said that he had booked a tea restaurant in Pearl Square, not far from the expressway exit, and then went directly after getting off the expressway.

The Pearl Square is located at the southeast corner of the expressway exit. It is a very busy commercial street. It is a rococo style building. The huge billboard of Haobo underwear can be seen far under the blue stone dome. He parked his car from the one-way road on the right side to the underground garage, and Chen Heling waved to him at the door not far away.

"It was supposed to be in the evening. You know, the baby is too noisy. We should take turns to get up and nurse the baby." Chen Heling opened the door of the tea restaurant and explained to him.

"Two cups of Zhengshan seed" he said to the waiter, "How are you? Are you better?" He asked

"The knife edge still hurts a little. The tissue section was sent to the provincial hospital, and today I will get the report" he said

"Now that..." he started

"It's normal. This morning..." he said. He felt embarrassed about the topic and asked, "Why did you want another one? It's almost forty..."

When the tea was served, the waiter asked them what to eat. He ordered a fruit plate, two special dishes, and half a dozen beers.

"I was talking about it the year before last. At the beginning of the second day of this year, I disagreed with Xiaobo and told her about the risks. I don't know why she was so determined. She went back to the child care center to take classes and learn yoga and forced me to quit smoking."

"One man and one woman, they are all now" Xu Wen said

"It's strange to say that when you watch her twirl unconsciously, you feel something has melted. It's worth the pain she suffered before and sleeping less than four hours every day. When she was born, she didn't feel this way. She is old and has some ideas..."

"Don't you plan to have another one?" Chen Heling asked, suddenly thinking of something, "Well, it doesn't matter, does it?"

Then he thought of the scar again. His hand reached that position unconsciously, but he heard the sound of the scalpel cutting the skin in his ear.

Xu Wen arrived at Xiongfeng Hotel at eleven o'clock at night, six hours after he got the pathological report. He drove on Ziyun Road, looking for accommodation at night. Four yellow LED characters of "Xiongfeng Hotel" attracted his attention on the red aluminum plastic panel facing door head. He parked his car at the door and went in alone.

"Accommodation" he said

A sleepy woman behind the bar got up and registered him. After receiving the deposit, she handed him the key, thermos and an unopened set of toiletries.

A room less than eight square meters is surrounded by walls and a small window. He put his bag on the bedside table and sat alone on the bed. The air conditioner wasn't on, and he didn't feel hot.

Someone knocked at his door. It was a girl in shining clothes.

"Want service?" she asked

"Come in"

"No air conditioning?" she asked. She sat beside him and reached for the remote control beside the pillow.

Xu Wen went to take a bath. After the bath, the scar was exposed naked in front of the girl, and looked scarlet under the fluorescent lamp.

"Don't worry, rectal surgery," he said

He threw himself at her, pressing himself against her, and burying his head on her shoulder, like a beast biting her collarbone.

"Don't worry," she gasped.

He didn't listen and took off all her clothes neatly.

Suddenly, she felt something flowing along her thigh.

"Blood" she said in horror.

Xiongfeng Hotel 》There are 2 ideas

  1. Stand out in a crowd

    Some comments:
    1. Unexpectedly, it is a novel. It shows sincerity;
    2. The plot statement is always implicit and restrained;
    3. The names of the characters are very sophisticated;
    4. In fact, the ending is not enough shock, although "speaking in horror" is not enough shock. I was expecting a happy ending, but the bleeding seems to be expected, because the beginning of the article has already paved the way for not sleeping together. But obviously, Xu Wen knew better than anyone that there might be bleeding, but the reason why he still let the waiter in must be related to the "pathological report". The results of the pathological report are not explained in the article, which is left to the readers for deliberation. Personally, the most valuable part of this article is the second point above. If the ending is more beautiful, it will really make readers scream in horror.

    1. smartsun Author

      The disease in the article is seminoma. Xu Wen went to the province to get the pathological report after the surgery to remove the tumor. He was not sure whether it would become cancerous. If it became cancerous, there would be a risk of removing the testis. This made him particularly sexually impulsive. At first, when he was working with his wife, his death instinct was greater than his sexual instinct.
      He met a divorced woman. Although she was divorced, she still went to see her ex husband in the name of baby sitting. She dressed herself up in Xu Wen's car. The survival of marriage cannot prevent sex.
      He saw the elderly, lovers and children in the service area, which made him worried about the result of his illness.
      He saw that his high school classmates still insisted on having a second child at the risk of old age, and felt the joy of life extension after birth, which made him sad.
      The pathological result was obviously not very good. Six hours later, he went aimlessly to find a hotel with sexual hints. He did not know whether he could have sex again in the future. This time, his sexual instinct defeated his death instinct.


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