Impermanence is constancy

In your country, you never know how to die?

It is toxic milk powder or fire hydrant without water.

I can't say absolutely, but about 70% of the acceptance data of large and small projects in your country: housing, roads, bridges and tunnels are compiled. We saw Made in China during the Wenchuan earthquake, and then the man who volunteered to investigate was stabilized. If anything is normal in your country, stability maintenance is definitely one.

I used to naively think that a few million people like me, who have no pursuit of life, would be enough to spend the rest of my life safely. However, in your country, the word "Enron" can be regarded as the pursuit of the highest standard and extravagant hope.

When the nanny arson case happened in Hangzhou, I smiled bitterly: in your country, at least one thing is "absolutely fair". Whether you live in a shantytown, apartment or villa, when a fire comes, the fire hydrant will never have water. Of course, the inspection record of fire-fighting facilities is always: qualified.

If there is any feature of your government and enterprises from top to bottom, there is no doubt that concealment and cover up at all costs can be regarded as one of them. Why do they never learn to face and solve problems openly, fairly and impartially? I don't know.

Three children so young left the world.

Things hurt their kind, and autumn songs are also sad.

It's even sadder to see so many netizens organize memorial ceremonies spontaneously.

I can only comfort myself with "impermanence is constancy". If there is a heaven, if there is no heaven, where will they go?

Impermanence is constancy 》Have an idea

  1. Stand out in a crowd

    1. I was suddenly moved that even now, you still have emotional fluctuations because of the dirty things that happened in China; 2. If nothing else, what about the big tiger behind the Tianjin explosion? 3. There is no free country for the news, and the truth of the news is really unknown. In fact, I am curious about why the fire was set?


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