Wushu and Traditional Chinese Medicine

After seeing the challenge arena match of ID "Lei Gong Tai Chi" and "MMA Xu Xiaodong" on microblog, the two people quarreled about the traditional martial arts and modern fighting on microblog and scheduled a live match. The result was that within seconds, "Lei Gong Tai Chi" was beaten to blood, which was inexplicable.

So by the way, I saw the micro blog signature of "Lei Gong Tai Chi": "Manjusri Master Li Bodhisattva asked the Buddha. What is the meaning of nirvana without surplus? Buddha's words. It is also true to be still and unmoved. Three generations of Buddhas have come together. Back to their hearts without movement. Let's enjoy the happiness without happiness. There is no happiness. It is more than this happiness. So it is called nirvana without surplus."

It's disgusting (please allow me to say a dirty word). I always have two conclusions: 1. Chinese traditional martial arts is more like a huge propaganda hoax, but more people believe in it, it seems true. 2. I always doubt that the actual combat level of kungfu superstar Bruce Lee may also be inferior, but the publicity of the film has magnified his level.

We watched TV plays and mythical Chinese martial arts since childhood. Then there are some people like Huo Yuanjia and Chen Zhen who "ideologize" martial arts and "resist the brainwashing of foreign powers and Japanese invaders and unite the people" politically. In the end, we don't know the real martial arts and the real role of martial arts. What is the actual combat level of Chinese martial arts What is the level of MMA and WWE players? We seldom see the actual competition between traditional Wushu players and other players. More is the mouth gun, and then is the profound and mysterious philosophy of "Chinese Wushu", what is the "unity of heaven and man", what is the "Tao", what is the "white crane shining its wings" in Taijiquan, and what is the "inch boxing" in Yongchun. You just can't see them playing, What's more, seeing them perform on various occasions, do you think you can get away from gravity by "turning somersaults" all day long?

As a result, he fell down and looked at the "Lei Gong Tai Chi" (said to be an expert in traditional Tai Chi) a few seconds later, wiping his blood with paper. Alas... it's really cruel!

I also think it can be extended to the so-called "traditional Chinese medicine". With the development of human science, a large number of people do not believe in the reasonable training of physical strength, strength, punching speed, etc., and try to go out to fight with people by relying on the enlightenment and natural objects all day long. It's a joke.  

The cells, genes and scientific tests of the human body do not believe this, but believe in acupuncture, cupping, blood letting and acupoints. "Staggered and diverse patterns are really the root of human happiness". Just be happy.

Some people say that I once had a certain disease, which was cured by Chinese medicine. Well, a broken clock is accurate twice a day.

So I always brainwash the old man. I said that when you get old, if you suddenly get an incurable disease, Western medicine has no way out. At this time, if there is a "savior" like Chinese medicine that tells you there is a secret recipe, I will never try it. You can eat and drink well. Don't blame me for my heartlessness. I will brainwash you in advance to prevent trouble.

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