Chu Liuxiang is not seen in the world

When I came back from drinking in the evening, it suddenly occurred to me that today is the anniversary of Gu Long. It has been 30 years. Suddenly, the artistic atmosphere came, and I felt sad for a while. To be honest, I don't read many of Gu Long's works, but I know a little about his deeds. I sometimes think that I often jump out of my head: why not be a fucking dissolute person, addicted to food and sex, and addicted to alcohol. Anyway, it is also death in the end. Instead of increasing the length of life, it is better to burn the width of life to the extreme. When thinking like this, another voice often comes out: you are not Gu Long, why don't you learn from Jin Yong? You are just a Loser who is still greedy for the world of mortals and wants to live a subconscious instinctive life. It can be seen that Gulong doesn't exist for a long time, or that everyone's life seems to be doomed. You can't make any choice except to take things as they are.
You can't choose to be ugly. I don't know how many women will have sexual desire when they see Gulong. Maybe they can be famous. This is also the root cause of Gulong's ability to sleep disorderly. It seems to follow such a logic: Ugliness has no sexual desire, talent has nothing to do with sexual desire, and can only be transformed into fame, which has something to do with sexual desire.
You can't choose talent. The same people who read Hemingway and Jack London can't guarantee that they can write the same beautiful works, which makes me fall into a fear theory from time to time: in many cases, talent is inborn, and you read more to stimulate your own inborn things. When thinking like this, the whole person would get upset. The other day, he saw a theory: "When it comes to intelligence, all kinds of bullshit come out. But when it comes to height, weight lifting, and running ten thousand meters, there is no bullshit. Because human differences in these areas are too intuitive, most people's self deception ability is not strong enough to be able to bullshit with these intuitive data. Some, though intuitive but inconvenient to view, are also hard to escape from the bullshit, such as sexual ability and genital size. " So my heart fell to the bottom.
Fame, like the wind at night, has no choice. It has nothing to do with talent, or it is not a necessary and sufficient condition, because there is only one ancient dragon, and there must be more than one person with the same talent as ancient dragon, but fame chooses you.
Friends, above. You never know who you will meet, or who you will lose in the past. You didn't know the truth before you died, and you didn't know who would put a bottle of XO in your grave after you died.
Love or a woman, when you first saw her, you thought that you would not be the second choice in your life. When you were 18 years old, when you were 28 years old, you were tired and just wanted to complete physical exercises, and did not report other fantasies. When you were 38 years old, you felt that you met the most beautiful woman in your best state. In a twinkling of an eye, you met her. Forty eight years old, you have returned to dust, Cannot select.
In this way, there is no choice and no way to go. But can be crazy, can be proud, can laugh.
Seeing another life in you, you are still you.
But Chu Liuxiang has disappeared from the world.

Chu Liuxiang is not seen in the world 》5 ideas

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