
"I'm the detective here. How can I help you?"
"Here is a deposit of one million yuan." An old man with silver hair pushed the safe in front of me and took out a picture trembling from his coat:
In the simple detective office, the old man sat in front of me, his eyes tired, and the wrinkles were stacked one by one along the corner of his eyes. He was a little nervous. He took out his cigarette and lit the fire with trembling hands.
"Is it that simple?" I asked, "What other requirements?"
The old man cleared his throat and said, "Of course, it's better..." The old man hesitated
"The most important thing is not to disturb her present life," the old man finally added
"Please rest assured." I got up and took the old man to the door
This is a Kodak print photo that has slightly yellowed in the last century. The girl in the photo is about 18 or 19 years old. One hand is crossed at the waist, the other hand is raised above the head, and the brown sunglasses are pinned to the forehead. Her face is smiling. Obviously, this is a modified art photo. Her name is written on the back of the photo.
"Check this person for me." I handed the photo to the assistant's desk. "Call me back in half an hour."
I sat back in my office, took out an anti eavesdropping detector, a wireless high-resolution camera, and a Google glass III portable device from under my desk, packed this outfit in a shoulder bag that was hanging on the wall obliquely. When everything was ready, I sat down, made a cup of instant coffee, lit a cigarette, and sat in this dimly lit room.
Half a cigarette later, someone knocked on my door. The assistant came in and handed me a piece of A4 paper with five point font: "Inspector, here is the information you need"
I opened my eyes, glanced at the woman's information in the photo by mistake, looked at the address in detail, and looked up: "Come here early tomorrow morning, and go to the fence street with me" I said to my assistant
It was sunny in the morning in Liuluo Street. It was the largest clothing wholesale and retail market in the city. At seven or eight o'clock in the morning, it was already crowded. We walked through the bustling crowd, stood in front of the stone statue in the center of the street, and pointed to the office building on the 30th floor behind Liuluo Street: "On the 17th floor" I said: "Last night, I intruded into the security system of this office building through a computer. Our goal is a cashier and accounting supervisor of a pharmaceutical company. This is her only way to work every day."
"Can you imagine her now?" asked the assistant
"Not sure, but we need to trust intuition"
At 9:03, I felt that the woman was approaching us. The crowd was wearing gray office uniforms, high-heeled shoes, black sunglasses, and carrying bags.
"That's her," I said. "Get the equipment ready
The assistant quickly took out the equipment and pretended to stand up. When the woman walked past us, I immediately followed them. I also stood up and followed the two of them. The distance between us was not far, not close, and kept just right. I believe that the assistant has taken the most precious first picture, which is less than 100 meters away. We walked slowly at the end of the turn of the fence street, The woman suddenly stopped without warning, and then turned back. It seemed that she had forgotten something. I was a little nervous. I saw the assistant pretending not to go to the nearest store. The woman didn't notice my assistant. I was relieved and didn't turn my head. The woman's footsteps were in a hurry. She passed me again and suddenly stopped
"This is the photo he needs." The woman stood behind me and handed me an envelope: "Tell him that I have loved him in the same way for so many years."

lover 》There are 2 ideas

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