
There was a prostitute living in the room on the north of the 13th floor opposite. The night came down like a black spider web. My eyes moved away from my binoculars. Tonight, she had not met her guests. I was disappointed. I sat down in the curtain, lit a cigarette, and the smoke was like a devil. I thought of her naked body and provocative posture, stroking Mauser M1896 beside me, The texture of metal came from the palm of my hand. I held it against my nose, and the smell of smoke and engine oil passed through my mind. I was too familiar with this smell. The bullet shot from the gun barrel, passed through the muscle fibers, bones, and blood vessels in the chest, and reached the heart, like thunder in thick clouds. The surrounding was still and hairy. The shape of the smell was like a smoke ring that gradually dissipated from the barrel.

I walked into the bathroom without taking off my clothes. I plunged into the bathtub filled with cold water and held my breath. It seemed that after a long time, I heard my heart beating faster and faster, and I was going to kill them. I said to myself again with certainty that I lifted my wet hand to grab a shuttle of bullets from the corner of the bathtub, loaded it, pulled the bolt, lifted my head from the water, and walked out of the door with wet feet.
The night wind whipped up the clouds in the sky and on the road, and the moonlight was hidden in the depths of the clouds. I followed the stone steps, passed through the glass door, and waited behind the wooden door of the safety passage on the twelfth floor. The pointer pointed to twelve o'clock. I heard footsteps coming from upstairs, "Sure enough, this bitch, how could she let go of every wandering night?" I cursed secretly, holding the gun, Follow the stairs and approach the 13th floor quietly.
"Let me touch it," he said. "I've paid for it."
"When you get to the door, you can't wait any longer"
"It's exciting outside. No one is there anyway"
"Don't do that." She lowered her voice. "I always feel that someone is peeping at us."
As if I had been suddenly discovered, I quickly inserted the pistol back into my pants pocket. Then I heard the sound of the key turning the lock cylinder. After a short hesitation, the door was locked from the inside with a "bang". I was a little annoyed and walked to the door against the wall, with my ears against the door.
"Here you are," she said. "I hear a voice. Why are you standing at the door? Come in."
"What about others?" I asked, "I clearly heard someone with you."
"Who is it?" She was puzzled. "I'm waiting for you, dear."
"Stop knitting. He's wearing brown jeans, a black T-shirt, and long hair. I saw her coming in with you."
"Who is there?" She came over as usual, put her arms around my neck, and put her lips to my ears: "Don't be paranoid. I've been waiting for you at home for a long time. How can you come?"
"You bitch" I pushed her away and walked straight to the bedroom: "I'm going to kill him"
I went into the bedroom, opened the wardrobe, lifted the sheets and searched every corner of the open balcony. She stood behind me without saying a word.
"Where the hell did you hide him?"
She didn't answer me. She sat down on the sofa and stared at the TV
I strode to the sofa and said, "Where are the people?"
She still ignored me and raised her eyes coldly
"Do you want to tell me?" I took out a pistol and pointed it at her
She stood up quickly, slapped my gun and said, "If you still want to taste the benefits of skin and flesh here, you should put away your suspicious personality."
"Don't do that." I put my head in my hands and sat down on the coffee table. "You know, I love you."
The air was still like holding my breath. After a long time, I looked up like a wronged child, and put one hand on her shoulder: "Forgive me, don't be angry." I stood up, put her head in my arms, and kissed her from forehead to lips. She was a little breathless, and gradually smiled, I began to take off her ribbon blouse and all the way down her long stockings.
"Pull up the curtains," she said to me vaguely lying on the sofa, "I always feel that someone is spying on us from the opposite side."
"Leave him alone." My hand is on her smooth belly, and I stick down along the smooth curve
"Please, pull up the curtains." She twisted her body
"Wait a minute, someone knocks at the door." She hurries to get dressed
"No, it's a killer" I said

Voyeur 》11 ideas

        1. smartsun Author

          I just read the translation in Douban, and the similarity of writing techniques is not high, only the creativity of the novel is a little similar.

    1. smartsun Author

      This is just my daily writing exercise. The writing exercise of three key words is about naked people who feel that they can get their hands on it sometimes, or to insist on updating their blog. I write long articles. How can I write short articles.


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