Peter Chen's Way

As time goes by, we will keep recalling the past, which is probably a journey of forgetting. By chance, many sentimental stories have sprung up in Peter Chen's "A Road", and we will eventually find that all the techniques are not worth mentioning. Those faint melodies and ethereal harmonies make you look back briefly as if you were standing at the crossroads where the seasons change and continue on the road. I didn't find the audio of this song on the Internet, so I had to switch to an MP3 player and put it on my blog, listen to it occasionally, and stay in some clips of time.

One way
Lyricist, composer and singer: Peter Chen
No trace of fallen leaves along the road
Walk past me Walk past you
I want to ask your footprints
The mountain is silent, the water is silent
Walk through spring and four seasons
Walk through spring, walk through myself

Quietly I went from the past
Come here
I carry the wind and rain on my shoulders
Want to know my purpose
Walk through spring and four seasons
Through the spring, through myself

Song audition

Peter Chen's Way 》7 ideas

  1. Ken

    Nice song. You put your website on an American server, and then put MP3 on your website, not afraid of copyright risk. I heard that the West is very strict.

      1. smartsun Author

        Don't be too nervous about my little blog. If I delete it myself on that day, I can. In addition, Peter Chen is not a pop singer now, even though he was very popular in those days.

    1. smartsun Author

      Unless it is checked manually, it can't be distinguished. The original version of this song can't be found on the Internet. This is a video in Youku's flv format. I downloaded it and converted it into mp3. The file verification of the machine should not be recognized.


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