Information Center

JSP Master


Guardian · JSP Master One click installation of Tomcat+JSP+MySQL+FTP+SQL Front
It has its own host system and online website and database, which is applicable to all Windows systems

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Functional features Function & Features

Permanent free use JSP master is completely free, no cost, no functional restrictions, efficient and stable!

One click installation and configuration of Tomcat One click installation of Tomcat, automatic configuration of Tomcat, JSP+MySQL+FTP+SQL-Front。

Open multiple sites online Online opening of multiple hosts and FTP is simple and fast, completely replacing the trouble of manual step-by-step operation.

MySQL security reinforcement MySQL is secured during system installation; The root password of each user is randomly generated to prevent cracking.

Support for SSL certificates Import the SSL certificate online, manage the SSL certificate online, say goodbye to the complicated manual import configuration steps, and improve the security level of the website.

Server security detection Carry out security detection on the server for free to find out security vulnerabilities. The Guardian God has more than 10 years of safety protection experience to protect you.