
[mù xīng]
One of the eight planets in the solar system
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Jupiter is solar system The fifth closest to the sun planet And the largest planet in the solar system.
The ancients had known this planet for a long time, and the Romans Main God Jupiter Name this planet. Ancient China Jupiter is called Nian Star, and its orbit around the celestial sphere [19] One week is about 12 years, which is the same reason as the local branch. In the Western Han Dynasty, "Records of the Historian" Heavenly Official Letter 》Author Sima Qian It is found from actual observation that the old star is cyan, which is associated with the theory of "five elements" and is officially named "Jupiter"
Looking at Jupiter from the Earth, Apparent magnitude It can reach up to -2.94, and can already cast shadows on the ground. Jupiter is the successor Moon After Venus, it is the third object in the average brightness of the night sky (Mars can temporarily surpass Jupiter's brightness when it is at a specific point in its orbit).
Jupiter is a Giant planet The mass is one thousandth of that of the sun, but it is 2.5 times of the total mass of other planets in the solar system. Jupiter's main component is hydrogen, but helium, which only accounts for one tenth of the molecular weight, accounts for one fourth of the total mass; It may have a rock core and Heavy element However, there is no solid surface that can be clearly defined. Due to its rapid rotation, Jupiter's appearance appears Oblate sphere atmosphere They form different regional zones according to latitude, and turbulence and storms act at the junction of each other. The most obvious example is Great erythema This is a huge storm that has never stopped since it was first seen by telescopes in the 17th century. Around Jupiter, there are faint Planetary ring And powerful Magnetosphere , including four discovered in 1610 Galileo satellite As of February 2023, Jupiter has 92 known satellites [22-23] Ganymede Is the largest one, whose diameter is larger than that of Mercury
Early flybys of Jupiter include Pioneer and Voyager 2 for each, and later surrounded Jupiter exploration Of Galileo Juno And borrowing Jupiter gravity Accelerate to fly Pluto Of New Horizon No In the future, there will still be many Space missions
Chinese name
Foreign name
Old Star
1.8982✕10 twenty-seven kg (317.8 M⊕)
Average density
1.326 g/cm³
139822 km (Average diameter)
surface temperature
-108 ℃ (165 K, 1 bar atmospheric cloud top)
Escape speed
59.5 km/s
zero point five zero three (spherical, 0.538 geometry)
Apparent magnitude
-2.94 to -1.66, etc [1]
Rotation period
9 hours, 55 minutes and 30 seconds [1] (The equator is slightly shorter and the poles are slightly longer)
Semimajor axis
5.2044 AU
zero point zero four eight nine
Revolution period
11.862 years
Angle of plane approach
20.020 degrees
Rail inclination
1.303 degrees
Ascending intersection longitude
100.464 degrees
5.4588 AU
4.9501 AU
Average revolution speed
47051 km/h
Convergence period
398.88 days
Polar radius
66854 km
Surface area
6.1419 × 10 ^ 10km ² (122 times of the earth)
1.4313 × 10 ^ 15km ³ (1316 times of the earth)
Surface gravity
24.79 m/s two (2.528 g)
Surface air pressure
20 – 200 kPa
Number of satellites
Known ninety-five Pieces [2] [22]
Atmospheric composition
hydrogen helium methane ammonia Deuterium ethane , Water
Satellite discoverer
Galileo Gander etc. [3]
axial tilt
Equatorial radius
Autorotation speed
12.66km/s [29]

Humanistic history



Jupiter, woodcut collection edited by Gude Bonati in 1550
Jupiter, because it is easy to see with the naked eye at night, when Sun position It can be seen occasionally in the daytime when it is very low, so it has been known since ancient times. stay Babylon This celestial body represents their god Marduk (Marduk)。 They used Jupiter's orbit around the ecliptic for about 12 years to define their zodiac house. The Romans named it Jupiter according to myth( Latin : Iuppiter, I lupiter, also known as Jove), is Roman myth The main god in the Middle Kingdom, whose name comes from the primitive Indo European Of vocative Synthesis * Dy e u-p ə ter( nominative : * Dy e us p ə t e r, which means "O God's Father" or "O God's Father"). In contrast, Jupiter corresponds to MYTHOS yes Zeus (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Greek Medium. In English, Thursday( Thursday )It comes from "Thor Day"( Thor 's day) Germanic myth. Compared with Roman mythology Jupiter Jovis in Rome on Thursday was also renamed "Thursday".
In the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages, based on the five elements of China, this planet is called Jupiter. Li Shangyin On《 Mawei 》"Ji" in the sentence "How can Si Ji be the Son of Heaven? He is not as good as the Lu family." Revolution period Chinese Taoism personifies it as Fuxing In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is called Sacrifice the Master Immortal (Brihaspati), a religious teacher who inspires spirituality, is usually called Guru, which literally means "valuing people". stay Turkic In myth, Jupiter is called "Erendiz/Erent ü z".


Life Possibility
In 1953, Miller -Yuri experiment proves that lightning and Earth's atmosphere The combination of compounds in can form organic matter (including amino acid ), which can be used as life footstone This simulated Atmospheric composition Are water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen molecules; All of these substances are found in the atmosphere of Jupiter today. Jupiter's atmosphere has a strong vertical air flow, carrying these compounds into lower regions. But the higher temperature inside Jupiter will decompose these chemicals, which will hinder the formation of life similar to Earth. [16]

Astronomical data



Revolution and rotation
Animation taken when Voyager 1 approached Jupiter
The common center of mass of Jupiter and the sun is actually located 1.07 times the sun's radius away from the sun's center - or 7% of the sun's radius away from the sun's surface. The average distance from Jupiter to the sun is 778 million kilometers (about 5.2 times the distance from Earth to the sun, or 5.2 Astronomical unit )It takes 11.8 Earth years to orbit the sun. This is two fifths of Saturn's revolution period, which means that 5:2 resonance is formed between the two largest planets in the solar system Orbital period Jupiter Elliptical orbit be relative to Earth orbit Tilt 1.31 ° because Eccentricity 0.048, so perihelion and Apohelion The distance difference is 75 million kilometers. Jupiter axial tilt Compared with Earth and Mars, it is very small, only 3.13 °, so there is no obvious seasonal change. Jupiter's rotation is the fastest of all planets in the solar system, and it takes less than 10 hours to complete a rotation on its axis; This caused Equatorial uplift It can be easily seen from the earth with a small amateur telescope. This planet is Oblate sphere , which means its equator Diameter ratio The diameter between the two poles is long. Jupiter's equatorial diameter is 9275 kilometers longer than the diameter through the poles. [4] Because Jupiter has no solid surface, the upper atmosphere has Poor autorotation Rotation of Jupiter's polar atmosphere Cycle ratio The equator is about 5 minutes long, and there are three systems as reference frames, especially in the description of Atmospheric motion Characteristics of. System I is applicable to the latitude range from 10 ° N to 10 ° S, which is the shortest 9 hours, 50 minutes and 30.0 seconds. System II is applicable to all latitudes from south to north, and its cycle is 9 hours, 55 minutes and 40.6 seconds. System III was first defined by radio astronomy, corresponding to Planetary magnetosphere And its period is the rotation of Jupiter Rotation period


Io Europa Ganymede Ganymede In 1610, it was Galileo Discovered by telescope, called Galileo satellite In 1892 Barnard discovered Europa Other satellites were discovered successively by photographic method after 1904. Voyager The spaceship was discovered in 1979 Ganymede XIV In 1980 Ganymede 15 and Ganymede 16 Except for four Galileo satellites, most of the other satellites have a radius of several kilometers to 20 kilometers. Ganymede, with a radius of 2631 kilometers, is the largest satellite with a diameter greater than Mercury Europa may have a liquid ocean. The orbits of Jupiter's four Galilean moons and Ganymede are almost on the equatorial plane of Jupiter. [5]
Galileo satellites, from left to right, are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Ganymede
Jupiter is moving gradually Geostrophic change Slow. Same Tidal force It also changed the orbit of the satellites, making them gradually move away from Jupiter. Io, Europa, and Ganymede are affected by the tide generating force Track resonance Fixed at 1:2:4 and changed together. Ganymede is also a part of this. In the next few hundred million years, Ganymede will also be locked, running at twice the revolution cycle of Ganymede and eight times that of Io.
Jupiter has many moons, 79 of which have been found in 2018. The moons of Jupiter are named after the people Zeus has touched in his life (mostly his lovers). They are roughly divided into three groups: first, the anterograde Regular satellite , the closest to Jupiter, Ganymede 16, Ganymede 14, Ganymede 5, Ganymede 15 and four Galilean satellites in orbit Eccentricity Both are less than 0.01. Second, the smooth Irregular satellite , a group slightly away from Jupiter, including Ganymede XIII Ganymede Europa and Europa The eccentricity is 0.11~0.21. Third, retrograde irregular satellites, the farthest group from Jupiter, include Ganymede 12 Ganymede 11 Europa and Europa The eccentricity is 0.17~0.38.
On February 3, 2023, the media reported that astronomers found 12 new satellites around Jupiter, bringing the total number to a record 92. [23]
Jupiter's satellite group
Regular satellite
Medial group
The four small satellites on the inner side have a diameter of less than 200 kilometers, an orbit radius of less than 200000 kilometers, and an orbit inclination of less than 0.5 degrees.
from Galileo and Simon Marius The four satellites discovered at the same time have orbits ranging from 400000 km to 2000000 km, some of which are larger satellites in the solar system.
Irregular satellite
Samis group
This is a group of single satellites, whose orbit lies in the middle of the way between Galileo satellite and Himalia group.
Himalian group
A compact ethnic group with an orbital distance of 11 million to 12 million kilometers.
Kapp group
Another group of single satellites, on the inner edge of the Yanangke group, revolves around the wood in a forward direction.
Ananke group
The retrograde satellite group has a rather fuzzy boundary, with an average distance of 21276000 kilometers from Jupiter and an average orbital inclination of 149 degrees.
Garni Group
A rather obvious retrograde satellite group, with an average distance of 23404000 kilometers from Jupiter and an average orbital inclination of 165 degrees.
Parsifar Group
Decentralized retrograde satellite clusters with ambiguous characteristics cover all outermost satellites.

Planetary ring

Schematic diagram of Jupiter ring composition
Jupiter has a ring like Saturn, but it is small and weak. As early as 1974 Pioneer 11 When the probe visited Jupiter, it observed high energy at about 130000 kilometers away from Jupiter charged particle Absorption characteristics. Two years later, it was suggested that this phenomenon could be explained by the existence of dust rings in Jupiter. Unfortunately, no one made further efforts at that time quantitative study To infer the physical property The discovery of Jupiter's rings was completely unexpected, only because two Voyager 1 scientists insisted that they should go to see if there were rings. Others think that the possibility of discovering the halo is zero, but in fact Jupiter Ring It exists. In March 1979, Voyager 1 When the probe crossed the equatorial plane of Jupiter, the narrow angle camera it carried took a picture of the very dim Jupiter ring 1.2 million kilometers away from Jupiter. Arrived in July of the same year Voyager 2 More information about Jupiter's rings was obtained, which confirmed this conclusion.
Jupiter Ring Its shape is like a thin disk, its thickness is about 30 kilometers, its width is about 9400 kilometers, and it is 128300 kilometers away from Jupiter. The ring is divided into an inner ring and an outer ring. The outer ring is bright, and the inner ring is dark, almost connecting with Jupiter's atmosphere. Haloid Spectral type Type G, the ring also revolves around Jupiter, turning once every 7 hours. According to the study of the pictures taken by the spacecraft, it is now known that Jupiter's ring system is mainly composed of Bright ring Dark ring And halo. The bright ring has an extremely thin halo outside the dark ring Dust cloud The thickness of the bright ring and the dark ring is no more than 30 kilometers. The bright ring is about 130000 kilometers away from the center of Jupiter and 600 kilometers wide. The dark ring is on the inner side of the bright ring, with a width of up to 50000 kilometers, and its inner edge is almost connected with Jupiter's atmosphere. Bright ringed Opacity It is very low, and its annuli can only intercept about one tenth of the sunlight. Near the outer edge of the bright ring, there is a bright band about 700 kilometers wide, which is about 10% brighter than the rest of the ring. The brightness of the dark ring is only a fraction of that of the bright ring. The extension range of halo can reach torus 10000 kilometers up and down, which extends to the extreme on both sides of the dark ring Far point The outer boundary is slightly farther than the bright ring. It is estimated that the size of annular particles is about 2 microns, which can really be regarded as particles. Because of the radiation pressure Micrometeorite The life span of impact and other causes is much shorter than that of the solar system. In order to prove that the Jupiter ring is a relatively stable structure, several possible complementary sources of ring particles have been proposed to maintain the dynamic stability of the number of small dust particles.
If the halos are to remain in shape, they need to be constantly replenished. The two stars revolve in the halo Small satellite Ganymede 16 and Ganymede XVII Is the best candidate for the source of halo material. The poles of Jupiter have auroras, which seem to come from Io Volcano eruption The material coming out along Jupiter Gravitational line Formed by entering Jupiter's atmosphere. Jupiter has rings, and the ring system is the solar system Giant planet They are mainly composed of black crushed stones and snow masses. Jupiter's halo is hard to observe Saturn It's so spectacular, but it can also be divided into four circles. Jupiter Ring It is about 9400 kilometers wide, but less than 30 kilometers thick. It takes about 7 hours for the ring to rotate around Jupiter. Galileo The spacecraft's exploration of Jupiter's atmosphere found that there was another strong radiation belt between Jupiter's halo and the outermost atmosphere, roughly equivalent to the ionosphere The radiation belt is ten times stronger.
 Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image
Jupiter image


Infrared photos of Jupiter taken by the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory
In 1610, Galileo Galilei (Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaulti de Galilei) and Simon Marius (Simon Marius) independently discovered four large satellites (Galileo satellite) of Jupiter, which was the first time to discover a satellite that did not belong to the Earth, and also the first time to discover a celestial body that apparently did not move around the Earth. That's right Nicolaus Copernicus (Mikołaj Kopernik) Heliocentric theory The main support was Galileo's outspoken support for Copernicus, which made him under the threat of the church. In the 1660s, Giovanni Domenico Cassini (Giovanni Domenico Cassini) used a new telescope to discover Jupiter's spots and colored zones, and observed that the planet appeared flat; It is flat at the two poles. He also estimated the rotation period of the planet. In 1690, Cassini found that the atmosphere experienced a poor rotation. The Great Red Spot is a remarkable goose egg shaped feature in Jupiter's southern hemisphere, which may have been Robert Hooke (Robert Hook) and Cassini observed it in 1665; Although this is still controversial. The earliest known drawing comes from the pharmacist Samuel Heinrich Schwabe, who showed the detailed information of erythema macroderma in 1831. It is said that the Great Red Spot became very prominent in 1878 and disappeared from sight on many occasions from 1665 to 1708. In 1883 and the early 20th century, it was once again recorded as declining. Giovanni Alfondo· Borelli (Giovanni Alfonso Borelli) and Cassini carefully made the motion table of Jupiter's satellites, which can predict the time when these satellites pass in front of or behind Jupiter. In the 1670s, it was observed that when Jupiter and the Earth were on both sides relative to the sun, the satellite motion events would occur 17 minutes slower than predicted. Denmark astronomer Ole Rmer (Ole R ø mer) infers that what he sees is not something that happens immediately (Cassini had previously rejected such a conclusion), and this time difference can be used to estimate the speed of light. In 1892, Edward Emerson Barnard (Edward Emerson Barnard) California use Lick Observatory 36- inch (910 mm) Refracting telescope The fifth moon of Jupiter was observed. The discovery of this relatively small satellite proved his keen eyesight and made him famous quickly. This satellite was later named Europa (Amalthea)。 This is the last planetary satellite discovered by human vision, and all subsequent satellites were found from the photos.
In 1932, Rupert Walter based Jupiter's absorption spectrum It was determined that Jupiter's atmosphere contained methane and ammonia. In 1938, three long-lived white goose egg shaped anticyclones were observed. For decades, they have been the characteristics of Jupiter's atmosphere independently, sometimes close to each other, but never merged. Finally, the two were merged in 1998, and the third was absorbed in 2000, known as the oblong BA. In 1955, Barnabock and Kenneth Franklin detected 22.2MHz wireless from Jupiter electrical signal Burst. These bursts match the rotation period of Jupiter and can also be used to improve the rotation rate. It is found that there are two forms of radio bursts from Jupiter: a long burst (L burst) lasting several seconds and a short burst (S burst) lasting less than one hundredth of a second.
Scientists found that the radio signals from Jupiter have three forms of transmission: first, 10 meter radio bursts (10 meter wavelength radio waves )And is subject to Io and Jupiter's magnetic field Interaction Impact. The second, centimeter radio radiation (radio waves with a wavelength of centimeter) was first Frank Drake (Fank Drake) and Hein Hvatum. This signal originates from the circular band near the equator of Jupiter, which is the cyclotron radiation caused by accelerated electrons in Jupiter's magnetic field. Third Radiant heat It is produced by heat in the atmosphere.
Pioneer probe
Pioneer 10
NASA launched the Pioneer 10 Detector, this is the first emissary to detect Jupiter, which passes through dangerous Asteroid belt And the strength around Jupiter Radiation zone After one year and nine months, with a journey of 1 billion kilometers, it first flew to Jupiter in October 1973, detected Jupiter's massive magnetosphere, studied Jupiter's atmosphere and sent back more than 300 Jupiter images. In April 1973, the United States launched Pioneer 11 The probe, which arrived at Jupiter on December 5, 1974, is only 46000 kilometers away from the surface of Jupiter, which is closer than Pioneer 10. Sent back information about Jupiter's magnetic field, radiation belt, neutral, temperature Atmospheric structure And observed the south pole of Jupiter.
Voyager probe
Voyager 1
On August 20 and September 5, 1977, the United States launched Voyager 2 and Voyager 1 Detectors These two sister detectors follow two different Orbital flight One hundred days after launch, Voyager 1 overtook Voyager 2 and arrived early Jupiter exploration On March 5, 1979, Voyager 1 met Jupiter at 275000 kilometers away from Jupiter, took thousands of pictures of Jupiter and its satellites and sent them back to Earth. Through these photos, we can find that there is also a ring around Jupiter, and we can also detect volcanic eruptions on Jupiter's satellite. Voyager 2 arrived near Jupiter on July 9, 1979, passed between Jupiter and its moons, and took thousands of photos at 720000 kilometers away from Jupiter. [10]
Galileo probe
Galileo The probe was launched in 1989 and reached the orbit around Jupiter in December 1995. It traveled 2.8 billion miles and its end date was six years later than originally expected. Galileo orbited Jupiter 34 times, obtained first-hand detection data about Jupiter's atmosphere, and put a probe on Jupiter in 1995. It found Jupiter's moons Europa Ganymede Ganymede There is a salt water ocean under the surface of Jupiter satellite There is a violent volcanic eruption.
 Galileo Jupiter probe Galileo Jupiter probe
Galileo Jupiter probe
The first task of Galileo is to study the Jupiter system for two years. In fact, Galileo entered the orbit of Jupiter in 1995 and crashed in 2003. It has worked in Jupiter for eight years. It orbits Jupiter, making one revolution in about two months. At different positions of Jupiter, the data of its magnetosphere are obtained. In addition, its orbit is also reserved for close range Observation satellite On December 7, 1997, it began to carry out its additional mission, passing Io and Europa at close range for many times. The most recent one was on December 15, 2001, only 180 kilometers from the surface of the satellite.
In order to save fuel, Galileo was not sterilized. In order to avoid its contact with Europa, which may have life, the Galileo probe crashed into Jupiter on September 21, 2003, ending its nearly 14 years of space exploration Career. This will be the first time since 1999 that NASA has controlled the probe to crash on a celestial body outside the Earth. [11] Galileo has made great contributions to the study of Jupiter's satellites. Before Galileo arrived at Jupiter, only 16 of Jupiter's moons were found. After Galileo arrived, it found many more satellites, making the number rise to 63.
Juno probe
Juno yes NASA Xinjiang Boundary Plan A spacecraft bound for Jupiter. From Cape Canaveral Air Base The launch is scheduled to arrive in July 2016. The detector will be placed around Polar orbit , study the composition of Jupiter field of gravity , magnetic field and magnetosphere and magnetic pole. Juno will also search for clues about how the planet was formed, including whether there is a rock core, the amount of water in the deep atmosphere, the distribution of mass, and the wind speed can reach 618 Kilometers per hour (384 Miles per hour )Depth of.
 Juno detector Juno detector
Juno detector
Juno detector Launched on August 5, 2011, accelerated to Jupiter on October 9, 2013 by using the gravitational slingshot, and reached the orbit of Jupiter on July 5, 2016 to carry out in-depth exploration of Jupiter. Since then, Juno has circled Jupiter about 32 times a year, [12] Detect the internal structure of Jupiter; Determining the atmospheric composition of Jupiter; Study Jupiter Atmospheric convection And discuss the origin of Jupiter's magnetic field and magnetosphere. Through its exploration, scientists hope to understand the formation, evolution and internal structure of Jupiter, a giant planet, as well as Jupiter's moons. [13]
James Weber Space Telescope Observations
Pictures of Jupiter captured by James Webb Space Telescope
August 22, 2022 local time, in the United States Aerospace The official website of the bureau released the latest pictures of Jupiter captured by the James Webb Space Telescope. [20]

Impact event

Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 impacts Jupiter
On March 24, 1993, American astronomers Eugene Merle Shoemaker, Carolyn Shoemaker and Astronomer David H. Levy, using the 46cm Astronomical telescope Found a comet and named it after them Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 This one comet More than one year and two months after it was found, it broke into 21 pieces from July 16 to 22, 1994, the largest of which was about 4 kilometers wide at a speed of 60 kilometers per second Continuous fire It usually collides with Jupiter. [14]
The impact of Jupiter in 2009, photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope, is about 8000 kilometers long
On July 21, 2009, Australia An amateur Astronomer Anthony Wesley, using 14.5 inches in his backyard at 1:00 a.m Reflecting telescope Found that Jupiter was comet perhaps asteroid The impact left Earth sized impact marks on the surface of Jupiter. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory At 9:00 p.m. on the 20th, Wesley's discovery was confirmed, and on the 21st, it was confirmed that Jupiter had encountered another impact from other stars in the past quite a short period of time, which made the south pole of Jupiter fall black Scar spot A hole the size of Earth appears in Jupiter's atmosphere above the impact site. [15] On June 3, 2010, Australia Of Amateur astronomer Astronomer Observed One The impact of comets caused less events than previously observed. Another the Philippines Amateur astronomers also videotaped the event.

Geographical characteristics



Jupiter is a giant Liquid hydrogen Stars. As the depth increases, at a depth of at least 5000 km from the surface, Liquid hydrogen At high voltage and High temperature environment Lower formation. It is speculated that the center of Jupiter is a silicate In the nuclear region composed of iron and other materials, the material composition and density are in continuous transition. Jupiter is Gaseous planet (also known as Jupiter like planet ), that is, a planet mainly composed of non solid matter, which is solar system The largest planet in the world, with an equatorial diameter of 142984 kilometers. The density of Jupiter is 1.326g/cm ³, ranking the second among gas planets, but far lower than the four in the solar system terrestrial planet

Mass size

The mass of Jupiter is 2.5 times that of other planets in the solar system. Because its mass is so huge centroid It falls outside the surface of the sun, 1.068 away from the sun center Solar radius Although Jupiter is 11 times the diameter of the Earth and 1321 times the volume of the Earth, it is very huge, but its density is very low, so the mass of Jupiter is only 318 times that of the Earth. The radius of Jupiter is Solar radius One tenth of, the quality is only Solar mass So the density of the two is similar. Jupiter Mass (M J Or M Jup )Usually Be treated as Describe other celestial bodies (especially exoplanets and Brown dwarf )The mass unit of. So, for example, exoplanets HD 209458 b The mass of is 0.69M Jup , and andromeda The mass of κ b is 12.8M Jup
theoretical model It shows that if Jupiter's mass is larger than today's, instead of 318 Earth masses, it will continue to shrink. A little change in mass will not make the radius of Jupiter change significantly, about 500 Earth mass (1.6M Jup )There will be obvious changes. Although with the increase of mass, the internal volume will shrink due to the increase of pressure. As a result, Jupiter is considered to be a star that has almost reached the maximum radius that can be determined by the planetary structure and evolution history. As the mass increases, the shrinkage process will continue until it reaches a perceptible level Star formation Quality, about 50M Jup High quality Brown dwarf
However, it takes 75 times the mass of Jupiter for hydrogen to fuse stably into a star. least Red dwarf The radius is only about 30% of that of Jupiter. Even so, Jupiter still emits more energy. It receives energy from the sun, and the energy generated inside is almost equal to the total energy received from the sun. This extra heat is caused by Kelvin Helmholtz principle Produced by shrinking. This process causes Jupiter to shrink by about 2 cm each year. When Jupiter formed, it was slightly larger than the current observation. [5]
 Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image Jupiter image
Jupiter image


Jupiter Upper atmosphere Is determined by volume or gas molecule percentage About 88%~92% hydrogen And about 7%~11% helium, and the remaining 1% is other gases. because Helium atom The quality of hydrogen atom The proportion will change when discussing the mass composition of Jupiter: atmosphere in hydrogen And helium respectively Total mass 75% and 24%, and the remaining 1% are other gaseous substances, including trace methane steam , ammonia and silicon compounds. In addition, Jupiter also contains trace amounts of carbon ethane hydrogen sulfide , neon, oxygen phosphine , sulfur, etc. Having frozen ammonia in the outermost layer of the atmosphere crystal Jupiter also passes through infrared and ultraviolet rays Trace benzene and hydrocarbon were found during measurement.
Jupiter atmosphere The ratio of hydrogen and helium is very close to the original Solar nebula The theoretical composition of the inert gas It is two to three times that of the sun. The neon in the upper atmosphere only accounts for 20 parts per million of the total mass, about one tenth of the proportion of the sun. The helium is almost exhausted, but there are still In the sun 80% of helium. This difference may be caused by the precipitation of elements into the interior of the planet.
from spectroscopy In terms of analysis, Saturn It is considered to be the most similar to Jupiter in composition, but other gas planets Uranus And Neptune Compared with hydrogen And helium, because there is no spacecraft According to the analysis of actually penetrating into the atmosphere, there are still no planets except Jupiter Heavy element Quantitative Accurate data [5]
a bank of clouds
Jupiter has the largest planetary atmosphere in the solar system, spanning a height of more than 5000 kilometers. Since Jupiter has no solid surface, its atmospheric base is usually considered as atmospheric pressure It is equal to 1MPa (10bar), or ten times the earth surface pressure. Jupiter's atmosphere is divided into four levels: troposphere stratosphere Warming layer and Exosphere Unlike Earth's atmosphere, Jupiter does not Mesosphere Without a solid surface, the troposphere at the bottom of the atmosphere smoothly converts into the fluid inside the planet. This is the temperature and pressure of hydrogen and helium critical point The result above means that there is no clear boundary between the phases of gas and liquid. [8]
Jupiter Atmospheric composition According to the number of molecules, 81% are hydrogen 18% is helium, and 75% and 24% by mass respectively. Only about 1% of other gases, including methane steam ammonia Etc. This is similar to the composition of the primordial solar nebula, the predecessor of the solar system, but the proportion of heavier elements in Jupiter is many times higher than that of the primordial solar nebula. Gas planetary Saturn Similar composition, but Uranus and Neptune There is much less hydrogen and helium in. Because Jupiter has strong internal energy, the temperature difference between its equator and poles is not much more than 3 ℃, so the north-south wind on Jupiter is very small, mainly east-west wind, Maximum wind speed 130~150 m/s. Jupiter's atmosphere is full of dense and active Cloud system Clouds of various colors were billowing violently like waves. Lightning and thunderstorm Because of Jupiter's rapid rotation, it can be observed in its atmosphere parallel to the equator, alternating light and dark Banded pattern Of which Bright band It is an upward moving area, and dark lines are lower and darker clouds. [9]
Simulated circular animation showing Jupiter's cloud belt motion with reverse rotation
There are red, brown, white and other colorful stripe patterns on the surface of Jupiter. It can be inferred that the wind direction in Jupiter's atmosphere is parallel to the equator, and the west wind and east wind are blowing alternately due to different regions, which is an obvious feature of Jupiter's atmosphere. The atmosphere contains methane acetylene Organic components, and there are Thunder Phenomenon generation organic compound The probability of is quite high.
The shrinking Jupiter's Great Red Spot (1995/2009/2014)
Jupiter Great erythema be located South Latitude At 23 °, it is 20000 km long and 11000 km wide. The detector found that the Great Erythema was a mass of intense upward airflow, which was dark brown. This colorful cyclone counter-clockwise direction Rotate. There is a small particle in the center of the large erythema, which is the nucleus of the large erythema, and its size is about several hundred kilometers. This core remains stationary in the surrounding counterclockwise vortex movement. Great erythema Its life span is very long, and it can last for hundreds of years or more. As early as 1665, Italy Astronomer Cassini discovered it. The bright red of the great erythema is impressive, and the color seems to come from phosphorus [9] The rotation of erythema magna is counterclockwise, and the cycle is about six days. The length of the Great Red Spot is 24000 to 40000 kilometers, and the width is 12000 to 14000 kilometers. Its diameter is large enough to accommodate two to three Earths. This storm Maximum height About 8 kilometers higher than the surrounding clouds. Storms usually occur in Giant planet atmosphere Jupiter also has white and brown Goose egg shape Storms, but the smaller ones are usually not named. White goose eggs tend to contain relatively cold clouds in the upper atmosphere. The brown goose egg shape is warmer and located in ordinary clouds. Such storms can last for hours or centuries.

Surface geography

magnetic field
Jupiter's magnetic field is 14 times stronger than the Earth's, ranging from 4.2 at the equator Gaussian (0.42mT) to polar region 10 to 14 gauss (1.0 to 1.4 mT), which is solar system The strongest magnetic field (except Sunspot )。 Surrounding the planet is weak Planetary ring Systematic and powerful Magnetosphere (Jupiter's magnetic field is very strong, and its magnetic field on the side away from the sun even extends to the orbit of Saturn). This field is considered to be generated by eddy current - swirling motion Conductive material ——Core Liquid metal hydrogen The volcanoes in Eo'o satellite release a large amount of sulfur dioxide , forming along Satellite orbit Of Gas ring These gases are ionized in the magnetosphere to generate sulfur and oxygen ions. They are associated with Hydrogen ion , in Jupiter's Equatorial plane formation Plasma sheet These flaky plasma Rotate together with the planet, causing deformation into the magnetic field plane Dipole magnetic field The current in the plasma plate generates a strong radio signal, resulting in a range of 0.6 to 30 MHz The explosion of.
Jupiter magnetosphere It has a large range and complex structure. The huge space between 1.4 million and 7 million kilometers away from Jupiter is Jupiter's magnetosphere; The magnetosphere of the earth is only within the range of 50000 to 70000 kilometers from the earth's core. Five of Jupiter Large satellite Io to Europa [1] Are covered by Jupiter's magnetosphere solar wind Attacks. There is a belt called Van Allen Belt around the earth radiation zone There are also such radiation belts around Jupiter. Voyager 1 It is also found that the side of Jupiter facing away from the sun is 30000 kilometers long The aurora borealis In early 1981, when Voyager 2 Already left Jupiter and flew Saturn On the way, he was once again affected by Jupiter's magnetic field. From this point of view, Jupiter Magnetotail At least 60 million kilometers away.
Jupiter Magnetosphere The distribution range is larger than that of the earth Magnetosphere Is more than 100 times larger than that in the solar system Magnetosphere because solar wind and Magnetosphere Like the Earth, Jupiter also has auroras in the polar region, with an intensity about 100 times that of the Earth. [5]
Jupiter is moving toward Cosmic space Release huge energy. It emits twice as much energy as it receives from the sun. That means Jupiter Release energy Half of it comes from inside. There is a heat source inside Jupiter. Some people think that its thermal energy may be formed by Gravitational potential energy It is transformed into liquid hydrogen and convection to the surface on a large scale. [1] The reason why the sun continuously emits a lot of light and heat is that Inside the Sun All the time nuclear fusion Reaction, which releases a lot of energy in the process of nuclear fusion. Jupiter is a huge liquid hydrogen planet, which has incomparable natural nuclear fuel , plus Jupiter's Center temperature It has reached 280000 K and is ready to carry out Thermonuclear reaction High temperature conditions required. As for the high pressure conditions required for thermonuclear reaction, according to the contraction speed of Jupiter and the accretion characteristics of energy released to the sun and energy carrying particles, after several billion years of evolution, Jupiter's central pressure can reach the initial nuclear pressure Reaction time Required pressure level. Jupiter is very similar to the sun in composition, but it doesn't burn like the sun because its mass is too small. To become a star like the sun, Jupiter needs to increase its mass by 80 times. According to astronomers' calculations, only if its mass is greater than Solar mass Only 7% can carry out deuterium fusion reaction and emit light and heat. [7]

internal structure

Jupiter has a stone core iron and silicon form. [1] The rock and hydrogen Blending of particulate matter The composition has no clear boundary, and is surrounded by a layer of liquid metal hydrogen containing a small amount of helium, mainly hydrogen. The inner core is the gathering place of most planetary materials Liquid hydrogen Exists in the form of. The most common form basis on Jupiter may only exist under the pressure of 4 billion Pa, which is the environment inside Jupiter( Saturn Also) Liquid metal hydrogen It consists of ionized protons and electrons. Under the temperature and pressure inside Jupiter, hydrogen is liquid rather than gaseous, which makes it the electronic conductor and source of Jupiter's magnetic field. Jupiter's magnetic field intensity is about 10 Gaussian , 10 times larger than the earth. It may also contain some helium and trace ice in this layer. Jupiter is also one of the strongest radio sources known in the sky. [6]
Schematic diagram of Jupiter's internal structure, pink area is metallic hydrogen
The temperature and pressure inside Jupiter steadily increase towards the core due to the Kelvin Helmholtz mechanism. At the "surface" with a pressure of 10 Pa, the temperature is about 340K (67 ℃; 152 ℉). In the region of hydrogen phase transition - the temperature reaches the critical point - hydrogen becomes a metal, Phase transition temperature It is 10000K (9700 ℃; 17500 ℉), and the pressure is 200GPa. The temperature at the core boundary is estimated to be 36000K (35700 ℃; 64300 ℉), and the internal pressure is about 3000~4500GPa.


The relationship between the vertical temperature change of Jupiter's atmosphere and Earth's atmosphere Similarly, the temperature of the troposphere decreases with the increase of altitude, reaching Tropopause The tropopause is the junction of the troposphere and the stratosphere. In Jupiter, the tropopause is about 50 kilometers above the visible cloud layer, where the pressure is 0.1 bar and the temperature is 110K; In the stratosphere, when turning to the warm layer, the temperature has risen to about 200K, the height is about 320km, and the pressure is 1 microbar; In the warming layer, the temperature continues to rise, reaching 1000K at about 1000km, where the pressure is about 1 naba.
Since the bottom boundary of the atmosphere cannot be determined, the place where the pressure is 10 bar is generally regarded as the lowest place in the troposphere, about pressure It is about 90km below 1 bar, and the temperature is about 340K. stay scientific literature In, the place where the atmospheric pressure is 1 bar is regarded as the "surface" of Jupiter with height 0. Like the earth, at the top of the atmosphere, Exosphere There is no clear boundary at the top of, density gradient Gradually decrease until it turns smoothly Interstellar matter This is about 5000 km above the "surface".
Jupiter Thermogenic layer Located at a pressure lower than 1 microbar, it can display Airglow Phenomenon, aurora in polar region and X-ray Radiation. In its interior, there are several layers of electrons and ions the ionosphere Thermosphere was first discovered outside the earth Hydrogen positive ion This ion is in the strong Infrared radiation And it is the main mechanism of thermosphere cooling. [18]

Meet the Earth

Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, will run to this round on September 26, 2022 Convergence period The nearest position to the earth. The "meeting" between Jupiter and Earth is about 3.95 Astronomical unit About 591 million kilometers. Zijinshan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences According to popular science experts, the conjunction cycle of Jupiter and the Earth is 399 days, or about 13 months. In each cycle, Jupiter and the Earth will meet once. [21]



world record

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, the shortest planet in a day spacecraft Visited outer planet , has the most Trojan asteroids Of the planets, the most active volcanoes in the solar system, and the most dense satellites in the solar system. Jupiter has the most Meteorite crater , the strongest magnetic field, the most powerful aurora in the solar system, the largest Anticyclone storm. [17] Guinness World Records
Jupiter's equator has a diameter of 143884 kilometers, and its volume is more than 1000 times that of the Earth. (Guinness World Record for the Largest Planet Volume) [25]

Astronomical observation

On February 6, 2023, astronomers reported 12 Jupiter satellite , increasing the number of known satellites of this gas planet to 92. Jupiter therefore has the most moons in the solar system. [24]
After dark on February 15, 2024 (Beijing time), people can see the astronomical landscape accompanied by the moon and Jupiter with the naked eye in the southwest sky, that is, the Jupiter moon associated celestial phenomenon. At that time, Jupiter will be at the lower left of the moon, and its brightness will reach - 2.3. [26]
From March 13 to March 15, 2024, after sunset, a crescent crescent moon is located in the western low altitude, passing Jupiter Uranus and Pleiades Nearby. [27]
After the night of March, Mercury will be seen in the low sky near the west in the second half of the month, and Mercury will be far from the east on the 25th
In March 2024, Mercury will have three large distances to the east. March 25 is the first time and the best condition. At sunset, Mercury is in the northwest sky, the horizon height is close to 18 °, the brightness is about - 0.2, etc. At this time, the western sky is very busy, Jupiter, Uranus and the brightening Comet Ponce Brooks are also nearby. [28]
On May 23, 2024, Venus and Jupiter will appear in the sky. The coincidence took place at about 17:00 on the 23rd, and the angular distance between the two was only 11:00 when they were closest. [30]