
[b ǎ i f ē n b ǐ]
Mathematical terminology
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zero Useful+1
synonym percentage Percentage
Percentage refers to the percentage of one number that is another number, also called percentage or percentage. Percentages are not usually written as fractions, but are represented by the symbol "%" (percent sign). [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
percentage percentage

Concept and definition

Percentage is a special fraction whose denominator is 100, and its numerator may not be an integer. The percentage represents the percentage of one number that is another number, and represents a ratio. Percentage is an expression of proportion ratio Or score numerical value For example, 82% represents 82%, or 82/100, 0.82.
The percentage is also called percentage Or percentage, usually not written as a fraction Percent sign (%), such as 41%, 1%, etc. Since the denominator of the percentage is 100, that is, 1% is taken as the unit, so it is easy to compare. The percentage only represents the relationship between two numbers, so the unit cannot be added after the percentage sign. [2]
Percentage is an expression ratio, ratio Or score numerical value For example, 82% represents 82%, or 82/100, 0.82. become and fracture It means a few tenths. For example, "70%" and "30%" represent 70/100 or 70% or 0.7. Therefore, the percentage cannot be followed by a unit.
Professor Shi Ningzhong pointed out that the essence of mathematics is to understand the relationship between numbers (more and less) while recognizing numbers, and further abstract it is "number and the relationship between numbers (large and small)". In primary school, the relationship between two related numbers or quantities can be divided into two categories: the sum difference relationship of addition and subtraction, and the multiple ratio relationship of multiplication and division. The percentage belongs to the multiple ratio relationship. The fraction closely related to the percentage can exist as a separate quantity, and can also express the relationship between two numbers or quantities. [3]
In primary school textbooks, the definition of percentage is: it means that one number is the percentage of another number, which is called percentage.

Interchange of percentages

Interchange of percentage and decimal
(1) Percent Decimal: Remove Percent sign , decimal point Shift Left Two. For example, 75% can be changed to 0.75
(2) Decimal percentage: plus percentage sign, decimal point Shift Right Two. For example: 0.62 can be reduced to 62%
Interchange of percentage and fraction
(1) Percentage fraction: percentage Write a fraction whose denominator is 100, and then Approximation Simplification.
Note: When the numerator of the percentage is a decimal, first convert the numerator into an integer.
For example:
(2) Fractionation percentage:
① Divide the numerator by the denominator to form decimal Then, it turns into a percentage.
For example:
② Multiply the numerator and denominator by a number, make the denominator 100, and then change the denominator to Percent sign
For example:
Percentage in daily life
  • The weather forecast program on TV will report the weather conditions and precipitation of the night and the day tomorrow probability Etc. For example, the probability of precipitation tonight is 20%.
  • Macroscopic description of the subjects when publishing the survey results. For example, an experiment concluded that the IQ of people who often read short messages would drop by 10%.
  • It is used in calculating interest, tax and profit. For example, the Central Bank issued an announcement that since October 24, it has further lowered the interest rate of RMB loans and deposits of financial institutions by 0.25 Percentage point , of which, the benchmark interest rate of one-year loan was reduced by 0.25 percentage points to 4.35% Deposit interest rate Reduce 0.25 percentage points to 1.5%. [4]
  • It indicates the capacity or probability of a certain property of something, such as: oil yield=oil mass/total object mass × 100%, germination rate=germination number/total sowing amount × 100%
Set percentage in Excel
Percentage is very common in Microsoft Excel data processing. You can set decimal or fractional values to percentage number format to make data processing results more practical.
Take Excel 2010 software as an example to introduce the setting method.
Step 1: Open the Excel 2010 worksheet window, and select the cell to set the percentage number format. Right click the selected cell, and select shortcut menu Select the Format Cells command.
Step 2: Set the Excel 2010 " Cell Format dialog box, switch to the Number tab. Select the Percentage option in the Classification list, and click the“ decimal The number of decimal places reserved is set in the "Number of decimal places" spinner. Click OK after setting.


Percentage is widely used in industrial and agricultural production, science and technology, and various experiments. In particular, percentages are often used in survey statistics, analysis and comparison.

Common fallacy

1. Percentage often represents a proportional relationship, but The percentage can sometimes exceed 100%
For example, in 2013, WeChat The growth rate used reached 203%.
2. In the nutrition composition table on the food packaging box Nutrient reference value and It does not represent the percentage of this substance in this food It is the ratio of the amount of the substance in the food to the per capita normal daily intake, which also explains why the sum of the percentages in the nutrition composition table is often not equal to 100%.
For example, if a normal person should consume 60 grams of fat per day, a food containing 6 grams of fat per 100 grams should be marked with 10% instead of 6% in the corresponding position in the nutrition composition table.
3、 Survival rate germination percentage attendance Oil yield Score rate Equal represents the percentage of individuals in the total Not more than 100% (100% maximum)
4、 Percentage has different meanings in different situations For example, the sentence "the probability of precipitation tonight is 20%" means that the probability of rain (snow) tonight is 20%, but it does not mean that there is 20% rain (snow) tonight.