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#Zblog search

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Zblog search
Why is zblog search not accurate? The calling logic of zblog search
 Why is zblog search not accurate? The calling logic of zblog search

Recently, several users have been asking us why the search of zblog is not accurate, and what they find has nothing to do with the search term. Write a unified reply here. First of all, if you want something like Baidu Search, it is impossible. Zblog has its own search function, without the expression of page weight, keyword distribution, association

course 2020-04-30 two thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight 0 Comments

How to use the search in the background article management of zblog?
 How to use the search in the background article management of zblog?

Zblog background -- There is a search function in the article management, as shown in the following figure: This function allows administrators to easily search for specified articles in the background. This article mainly talks about the use method and logic of this search function. As shown in the figure above, this search can select the specified column to search, specify the article type, or search only the top articles. After the first three items are set, fill in the "Off"

course 2019-02-18 three thousand four hundred and eighty-nine 0 Comments

Zblogphp search optimization plug-in: Search Plus2 download

The search that comes with zblogphp Not to mention, if you are interested, you can look at this "Zblogphp Version Search Results Page Template Call". Of course, what this tutorial does is just to beautify the interface. The enhancement of functions depends on plug-ins. "SearchPlus2" is such a search function optimization plug-in, which has specific functions: search template customization; support for paging of search results; Support the selection of search scope (optional title, summary, full text, alias, etc.)

resources 2015-10-29 seven thousand seven hundred and four 1 Comments

The method of zblog using Baidu to search for code is illustrated in the whole process
  •  The whole process of zblog's method of using Baidu to search code [Figure 1]
  •  The whole process of zblog's method of using Baidu to search for code [Figure 2]
  •  The whole process of zblog's method of using Baidu to search code [Figure 3]
  •  The whole process of zblog's use of Baidu's search code method is illustrated in Figure 4

The Baidu search box is now fully open (previously, qualification was awarded in a lottery...). You just need to register an account on the Baidu webmaster platform, and then verify the website to use the Baidu search function. Tianxing Studio personally recommends that you use the Baidu search function. One is that the search provided by zblog is very weak The degree of customization is not high; The second use of Baidu site search function according to

course 2015-08-10 ten thousand two hundred and thirty-four 5 Comments

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