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#Zblog description

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Zblog description
Zolog homepage/classification/content page title subtitle and other seo tags
 Zolog homepage/classification/content page title subtitle and other seo tags

The zblog templates produced by Tianxing Studio all come with basic seo configuration items, such as the most basic page customization TDK. But everyone has their own ideas about the order of these things or the calling content, so this article will explain in detail the role of each tag code in this part of the content. Users who need to modify it should check it. First of all, the code about TDK in the zblog template produced by Tianxing Studio is "zb_users/theme/you..."

course 2020-03-17 six thousand and nine 1 Comments

The Method of Adding Keyword Description to Zblogphp Article Content Page

This is a question raised by a template user of Tianxing Studio. Because one sentence and two sentences are unclear, I wrote this article. In advance, zblogphp now has a plug-in "title seo", which can easily set the descriptions and keywords of all zblogphp pages. However, the user said that the keywords and descriptions added after using this plug-in are not below the page title but go to<bod

course 2014-06-11 eleven thousand eight hundred and forty-nine 3 Comments

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