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#Wordpress database

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Wordpress database
The code and steps for creating a new data table in WordPress

Today, when customizing for a customer, we need to create a new data table in WordPress. We really don't want to look at the source code and go to a search engine to search "WordPress New Data Table". After excluding csdn and "it1352", such hot chicken websites, the results are almost the same. Most of them are copied from an article "I love boiled fish". Then I directly copied the code of boiled fish. After testing, I found that the new data table was not successful. Comprehensive

Wordpress Tutorial 2022-03-04 one thousand three hundred and twenty-six 0 Comments

Wordpress prompts "Error establishing a database connection"
 Wordpress prompts "Error establishing a database connection"

Today, a customer's WordPress website said "Error establishing a tabase connection", and all the pages could not be opened. The meaning of this prompt is translated as "Error in establishing database connection". According to the prompt, the database is not linked. At first, I thought it was caused by the user modifying the database information, and went to ""

Wordpress Tutorial 2020-11-10 three thousand five hundred and sixty-seven 0 Comments

The wordpress database configuration file wp-config.php explains how to solve the problem of slow local wordpress installation
 The wordpress database configuration file wp-config.php explains how to solve the problem of slow local wordpress installation

A wordpress program is installed on the local computer. The environment uses php studio, and the php version is 7.0. However, in the process of using, I found that the opening of the page was very slow. At first, I thought that some services were blocked, but when tested in the online server environment, I didn't find this problem. Later, I remembered that this problem also occurred when Zblogphp was installed locally. The solution was to modify the database address in the database configuration file. So I checked

Wordpress Tutorial 2019-12-27 four thousand and fifteen 0 Comments

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