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What if the drop-down navigation menu is blocked?

Tianxing Studio 2013-12-13 04:16 course nine thousand eight hundred and sixteen 0 Comments

Recently, several customers have purchased“ Self use formwork of Tianxing formwork studio ”I found a problem when I modified it myself.

 select box

When you move the drop-down menu to the left or add a drop-down menu directly to the left, you find that the drop-down menu is covered by the scroll slide below.

This problem is caused by the positioning of divs. Slides use many absolute or relative positioning due to the use of js. The solution is as follows:

Add a code after the id attribute of the div that encapsulates the slide:

 style="z-index:-999; position:relative; "

This code defines the z axis and relative attributes of the div block, which can solve the problem that the drop-down menu is covered by slides.

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