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Zblog adds the method of modifying website keywords (description, keywords) (I)

Tianxing Studio 2013-06-04 03:57 course eighteen thousand four hundred and fourteen 4 Comments

Recently, many friends asked me how to modify the keywords and descriptions of zblog. Although I personally think this is a useless thing, many SEO people think it is necessary. So I took some time to write this article to teach you how to modify the keywords and descriptions of zbog.

First, forward the official tutorial to teach you what the files in the zblog template do:

  1. Header.html header template

  2. Footer.html bottom template

  3. Default.html homepage main template file

  4. Catalog.html list page template file

  5. B_article-multi.html Summary Article Template

  6. B_article-istop.html Topping Article Template

  7. Page.html independent page template, which is used by default for tags and search

  8. Single.html log page main template file

  9. B_article-single.html Log Page Article Template

  10. B_article_mutuality.html Display template for each related article

  11. B_article_comment.html Display template of each comment content

  12. B_article_commentpost.html Comment Sending Form Template

  13. B_article_commentpost-verify.html Comment verification code display template

  14. B_article_tag.html Display style of each tag

As you know, descriptions and keywords are generally in the html file area, and zblog is generally in the header template file of header.html. Now let's modify this file (it is recommended to install the file management plug-in to modify it directly in the background)

After enabling the file management plug-in, click File Management in the background ------ Open the zb_users folder ------ Open the THEME folder ------ Open the theme folder you are using ------ Open the TEMPLATE folder ------ Find the header.html file and open it.

Find the title code, generally as follows:


Add keywords and descriptions at the bottom of this line. The specific code is as follows:

 <meta name="description" content="Tianxing Telecom will update the preferential activities of Wuhan Mobile Unicom for you at the first time, collect and introduce the most comprehensive package rates of Wuhan Mobile, Unicom and Telecom in detail."/> <meta name="keywords" content="Wuhan Mobile, Wuhan Unicom, Wuhan Telecom, mobile packages, mobile charges, preferential activities, Unicom packages, Unicom charges, telecom charges, telecom packages"/>

Explanation: meta name= "description" This line is a description, meta name= "keywords" This line is a keyword.

Then save and rebuild the file. The foreground can see the effect.

In the application center of zblog, there is also a plug-in called "NOBIRDArticleSEO" that specially sets keywords and descriptions, but it seems to have no effect. A novice can download the plug-in settings. In fact, as long as you follow the steps described in this article step by step, you will not make mistakes if you are careful.

This is the way to modify the keywords and descriptions on the home page and list page. The next article will teach you to modify the keywords and descriptions on the zblog article page.

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yes four Comments from netizens:

  •  princess

    princess Nine years ago (2015-09-05) reply

    The PHP version can also be changed like this?

    •  Tianxing Studio

      Tianxing Studio Nine years ago (2015-09-05) reply

      The PHP version has plug-ins that can be used, and the theme of the zblogphp version generally comes with this function. At least I pay attention to all of them. Manual modification is not required.

  •  Tianxing

    Tianxing 11 years ago (2013-06-04) reply

    Thanks for reminding and preparing to write the next article

  •  M sleeper

    M sleeper 11 years ago (2013-06-04) reply

    In this way, the description and keywords of all pages calling the header are the same.

    •  Tianxing

      Tianxing 11 years ago (2013-06-04) reply

      Thanks for reminding and preparing to write the next article

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